November 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Oct 31 16:07:54 PDT 2006
Ending: Thu Nov 30 23:44:03 PDT 2006
Messages: 2084
- ['BHCC Watchdog': Virus detected]
'Tenacity_-_'Watchdog'_Demon' at
- FreeBSD 6.1 Japanese ISO9660/Joliet and locale ja_JP.UTF8 problems
- apache problems
Forró A Hunor
- problems with serverraid 8i on an ibm x260
Joshua Frugé
- Portupgrade - missing packages
Jürgen Strass
- How 2 Configure Makefile before "make install clean" from the
Kövesdán Gábor
- Driver for Agere 131x ?
Karl-Petter Åkesson
- NFS export - how no_root_squash with -maproot=
Klaus Friis Østergaard
- Gnome install - error (using portupgrade)
Nagy László Zsolt
- simple to show packages which depend upon
Nagy László Zsolt
- Japanese ISO9660/Joliet and locale = ja_JP.UTF8 problems
- dvd extractor
- desktop for bsd
- zoneli
Рихад Гаджиев
- The Israel Defense, Aerospace & Security Industries
Director – Aerospace, Defense & HLS
- The Israel Defense, Aerospace & Security Industries
Director – Aerospace, Defense & HLS
- choosing the cputype for core 2 duo?
Oliver Aruväli
Toomas Aas
- snd_hda driver for 6.1 now working
Ariff Abdullah
- sound/ irq
Ariff Abdullah
- portsdb -Uu hung
David Abrahams
- portsdb -Uu hung
David Abrahams
- FreeBSD 6.1 PAM Configuration Problem
Michael K. Smith - Adhost
- access-lists and QoS implementation
Michael K. Smith - Adhost
- ftp over ssh
Aggelis Aggelis
Theresa Agripina
- Changing cd durin install....
- Find how much disk is in use..
- Maia Mailguard
Abdullah Al-Marrie
- Associated but doesn't connect
Abdullah Al-Marrie
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Abdullah Al-Marrie
- Best laptop for Freebsd
George Allan
- Tracking for Multiple Machines
George Allan
- FreeBSD 64-bit(EM64T) and Hyperthreading support
Mark Jayson Alvarez
- Nvidia has drivers for FreeBSD (but my xorg is already working)
Mark Jayson Alvarez
- Anyone here who also has a WinTuner?
Mark Jayson Alvarez
- How does sounds?
Mark Jayson Alvarez
- How does sounds?
Mark Jayson Alvarez
- Knowing if someone really stole someone else's code
Mark Jayson Alvarez
- FreeBSD VPS providers
Mark Jayson Alvarez
- NTPD not keeping time
Kris Anderson
- NTPD not keeping time
Kris Anderson
- NTPD not keeping time
Kris Anderson
- NTPD not keeping time
Kris Anderson
- booting from second drive/"operating system not found"
Eric Andrews
- DVB card suggestion
Alin-Adrian Anton
- DVB card suggestion
Alin-Adrian Anton
- Screenshots during installation?
Matthias Apitz
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Matthias Apitz
- Restarting DSL connection without reboot?
Rafael Aquino
- State of gvinum RAID-5
Jorn Argelo
- FreeBSD-6, kldload: No such file...
Armin Arh
- Opera-9.02 crash, 6.2-PRERELEASE
Armin Arh
- image based stock spam
Armin Arh
- License issue
Armin Arh
- xfce4 repair, how to recompile everything?
Armin Arh
- xfce4 repair, how to recompile everything?
Armin Arh
- solutions for web hosting server
Armin Arh
- Help: Suitable Version for Web Server?
Armin Arh
- Fresh System: Kernel should be Rebuilded FIRST or cvsup should
be Run FIRST?
Armin Arh
- packages failing to load
Armin Arh
- packages failing to load
Armin Arh
- cleaning out log files?
Armin Arh
- Spam prevention
Armin Arh
- 6.1 package add from disk 2
Jonathan Arnold
Antonio Arredondo
- dump/restore question
Kimberly B
- Issue with fonts in firefox following gnome upgrade...
- firefox2 - core dump
Andriy Babiy
- firefox2
Andriy Babiy
- freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 154, Issue 17
Andriy Babiy
- firefox2
Andriy Babiy
- AudioCD file tags
Andriy Babiy
- AudioCD file tags
Andriy Babiy
- using ipfw for NAT mapping in a 1:1 fake:real IPs for VPN
James Bakner
- raid advice
Petre Bandac
- Confirm Your Online Banking
Lloyds TSB Bank
- Confirm Your Online Banking
Lloyds TSB Bank
- compiling php5 with fastcgi
David Banning
- question on virtusertable - sendmail
David Banning
- question on virtusertable - sendmail
David Banning
- secondary ide drive setup
David Banning
- question on batch email sending
David Banning
- Problems opening, viewing, and manipulating PRs
Nick Barkas
- nfsiod
Barker, Chuck (dNovus RDI)
- libpangocairo
Wayne M Barnes
- pkgdb -F
Wayne M Barnes
- Huawei UMTS Wireless Modem
Joao Barros
- access-lists and QoS implementation
Joao Barros
- Huawei UMTS Wireless Modem
Joao Barros
- rc.subr modification: testing and feedback are welcome!
Doug Barton
- sysv semaphores
Robin Becker
- sysv semaphores
Robin Becker
- sysv semaphores
Robin Becker
- shell test for stdout=stderr
Robin Becker
- shell test for stdout=stderr
Robin Becker
- Freebsd 6-Stable lockups
Paul Beckers
- firefix 2.0 interface font size
Marco Beishuizen
- Sendmail and network aliases
Evgeniy Belomestnov
- Sendmail and network aliases
Evgeniy Belomestnov
- sysutils/coreutils upgrade error
- error in portupgrading audio/amarok
- error in portupgrading audio/amarok
- Opera > Cups > Print!
- need to get updates, packages, ports, etc. via Windows XP wireless
Scott Bennett
- CD Writing from non root accounts
Graham Bentley
- CD Writing from non root accounts
Graham Bentley
- Editors / PDF Viewers
Graham Bentley
- Slow Surfing all of Sudden !?
Graham Bentley
- Slow Surfing all of Sudden !?
Graham Bentley
- Slow Surfing all of Sudden !?
Graham Bentley
- Slow Surfing all of Sudden !?
Graham Bentley
- Slow Surfing all of Sudden !?
Graham Bentley
- Opera > Cups > Print!
Graham Bentley
- Diablo-Jre / Javavmwraper / Firefox / FreeBSD6.2
Graham Bentley
- > Subject: Re: Ezmlm Port Okay Or Junk?
Graham Bentley
- Upgrade Question
Graham Bentley
- Working at Console
Graham Bentley
- > Subject: Re: Ezmlm Port Okay Or Junk?
Graham Bentley
- WiFi Woes !
Graham Bentley
- Fw: WiFi Woes !
Graham Bentley
- Fw: WiFi Woes !
Graham Bentley
- Quick mail advice / Laptop use
Graham Bentley
- Novell / M4 Etc
Graham Bentley
- Header Warning
Graham Bentley
- Console graphics viewers
Graham Bentley
- simple to show packages which depend upon
Graham Bentley
- simple to show packages which depend upon
Graham Bentley
- IPv6/IPv4 problems?
Rob Berens
- Need help with IPv4/IPv6
Rob Berens
- Change an IP address without a reboot
Steve Bertrand
- OpenLDAP crash on write operation with syncprov overlay enabled
Alexandre Biancalana
- Sound under qemu
Nicolas Blais
- I don't see anything to answer my q
Warren Block
- Native Seamonkey Javascript error
Warren Block
- Native Seamonkey Javascript error
Warren Block
- Resolved: Re: Native Seamonkey Javascript error
Warren Block
- Resolved: Re: Native Seamonkey Javascript error
Warren Block
- IBM x346 ?
Frank Bonnet
- Unable to compile Firefox 2 from ports
Frank Bonnet
- unable to compile firefox 2.0 from ports
Frank Bonnet
- NIC driver question
Frank Bonnet
- NIC driver question
Frank Bonnet
- Memory addressing ?
Frank Bonnet
- Dell PERC 2/SC Support?
Charles E. Boston
- Boot from CD
Andrea Brancatelli
- Stocks Discovered for Quick Profit? j
Abem Brandond
- image based stock spam
- image based stock spam
- FreeBSD date drifts significantly
- package dependencies
- Checking processes without PIDs
- packages ports and portupgrade
- accessing BIOS and RAID info on old Compaqs
Brown, Steve
- Apache log rotation question...
Brown, Steve
- devfs creates unwanted devices in jail after ruleset applied
Steve Brown
- freebsd 6.1
Steve Brown
- devfs creates unwanted devices in jail after ruleset applied
Steve Brown
- Ports maintainer
Kevin Brunelle
- base ftp question for 6.1-Release
Eric Buchanan
- Instant Messenger software
Kurt Buff
- Instant Messenger software
Kurt Buff
- Spam prevention
Kurt Buff
- Parallel shell scripts.
Richard Burakowski
- Totally stumped - very long post
Dan Busarow
- Totally stumped - very long post
Dan Busarow
- question on batch email sending
Dan Busarow
- subversion on boot
Daniel Bye
- multiple ports trees
Daniel Bye
- Mounting XP drive
Daniel Bye
- installation of freeradius
Daniel Bye
- random lockups
Gergely CZUCZY
- random lockups
Gergely CZUCZY
- syslog not forwarding to loghost
Gergely CZUCZY
- Fetchmail: Error message in maillog
Bill Campbell
- Screenshots during installation?
Bill Campbell
- 'cd' ing inside a shell script
Bill Campbell
- hp 1020 printer not working
Bill Campbell
- Question about Ventrilo port at startup
Miles Cannon
- Question about Ventrilo port at startup
Miles Cannon
- Help Me!
Phan Quoc Cao
- Fwd: Problem with first run of 6.1
Fernando Capeletto
- Fwd: Problem with first run of 6.1
Fernando Capeletto
- Wacom Graphire USB support
Matt Carr
- Determining system info
Josh Carroll
- Cleanly remove a package
Josh Carroll
- portupgrade forget package options
Josh Carroll
- Is the vulnerability database up to date?
Josh Carroll
- Shutting down as user
Josh Carroll
- choosing the cputype for core 2 duo?
Josh Carroll
- Dual core processors
Josh Carroll
- PRs dead
Josh Carroll
- trouble compiling a port - expect on 6.2RC1
Josh Carroll
- Password Security
Gregory Carvalho
- Resetting disabled USB port
Brent Casavant
- solutions for web hosting server
Dan Catana
- solutions for web hosting server
Dan Catana
- solutions for web hosting server
Dan Catana
- Urgent Alert : Protect Your Account
Wellsfargo Security Center
- FreeBSD in Hawaii
Jerry Cerny
- FreeBSD in Hawaii
Jerry Cerny
- rc.subr modification: testing and feedback are welcome!
Pietro Cerutti
- rc.subr modification: testing and feedback are welcome!
Pietro Cerutti
- rc.subr modification: testing and feedback are welcome! [here's
the patch]
Pietro Cerutti
- Machine won't reboot
Jay Chandler
- Machine won't reboot
Jay Chandler
- sound/ irq
Desmond Chapman
- FreeBSD date drifts significantly
Jonathan Chen
- gconfd problem
T.F. Cheng
- gconfd problem
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- portmanager question
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- freebsd mount windows or vise versa
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- TV capture card
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- TV capture card
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- libpangocairo
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- TV capture card
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- "X windows" configuration problem
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- hands-on experience on 6.1 amd64 vs. i386
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- TV card on freebsd
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- Opera and FreeBSD
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- Opera and FreeBSD
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- Help Me!
Nguyen Tam Chinh
- 'seq' at a BSD-like OS?
Soo-Hyun Choi
- 'seq' at a BSD-like OS?
Soo-Hyun Choi
- TFTP and RIS for Windows Installation (Broadcast ACK Problem)
- Installing FreeBSD
- Installing FreeBSD
- TFTP Problems
- 6.x hangs on AMD64 again
- How can I disable the lookback device?
- 6.x hangs on AMD64 again
- 128 Bucket?
- corrupt my ports
- gimp and the gnome update...
Joe Marcus Clarke
- Important Information Regarding Your Banking Account
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- FreeBSD 5.5 & Dell 2950 PERC 5/i mfi question
B. Cook
- About "how the GUI should look like after installation!"
Garrett Cooper
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- hotspot package ?
Garrett Cooper
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0,
0) error 6
Garrett Cooper
- Hard Drive Issues
Garrett Cooper
- Issue with filehandles being released under 6.1-RELEASE?
Garrett Cooper
- [Mac-users] Mounting dante
Garrett Cooper
- freebsd-questions : open posting? (was Re: [Mac-users] Mounting
Garrett Cooper
- How can I disable the lookback device?
Garrett Cooper
- Another Hardware Issue
Garrett Cooper
- bpf kernel module
Garrett Cooper
- signal design questions
Garrett Cooper
- bpf kernel module
Garrett Cooper
- detach/reattach remote GUI applications?
Garrett Cooper
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- (SAMBA) issue with filehandles being released under 6.1-RELEASE?
Garrett Cooper
- (SAMBA) issue with filehandles being released under 6.1-RELEASE?
Garrett Cooper
- Machine won't reboot
Garrett Cooper
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- [OT] A+ for Mac (was Re: MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?)
Garrett Cooper
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- It's time to bite the bullet and do a major upgrade from 4.11
to 6.0
Garrett Cooper
- It's time to bite the bullet and do a major upgrade from 4.11
to 6.0
Garrett Cooper
- deny of x sessions
Garrett Cooper
- deny of x sessions
Garrett Cooper
- deny of x sessions
Garrett Cooper
- upgrade packages
Garrett Cooper
- [OT] A+ for Mac (was Re: MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?)
Garrett Cooper
- Password Security
Garrett Cooper
- ssh over http
Garrett Cooper
- Unable to install PEAR
Garrett Cooper
- trying to install PhP module from ports
Desmond Coughlan
- hard drive problems
Donald Creel
- Help with pkg_install
Jason Cullip
- Running Beryl on FreeBSD
Lonnie Cumberland
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Lonnie Cumberland
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Lonnie Cumberland
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Lonnie Cumberland
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Lonnie Cumberland
- Developer needed for a project (FreeBSD and Java)
Lonnie Cumberland
- Network Monitoring Application Help, What do you use?
- Building Sendmail from ports
- Building Sendmail from ports
- Building Sendmail from ports
- Some php files in same directory of working files with same
permissions won't process
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- php5 issue
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- portupgrade forget package options
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- 6.x hangs on AMD64 again
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- FreeBSD date drifts significantly
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- I don't see anything to answer my q
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- Password Security
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- Password Security
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- Password Security
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- freebsd desktop
Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
- Problem with modem DSL Dlink
Valerio Daelli
- ethernet port bondage
Kenny Dail
- ethernet port bondage
Kenny Dail
- Command to "dump" firewall rules to be persistent across reboots.
Dan Mahoney, System Admin
- IPFW: delete range of rules?
Dan Mahoney, System Admin
- Dynamic Hostname Assignment With dhcpd
Tim Daneliuk
- Dynamic Hostname Assignment With dhcpd
Tim Daneliuk
- portuguese keymap
- system updates, as affected by securelevel
- system updates, as affected by securelevel
- system updates, as affected by securelevel
- denying a user access from the internet
- wpa_password not included in 6.1
Brooks Davis
- Openwebmail
Robert Davison
- Upgrade Question
Robert Davison
- Sun StorEdge Array
Robert Davison
- Automount
Robert Davison
- detach/reattach remote GUI applications?
Luke Dean
- detach/reattach remote GUI applications?
Luke Dean
- phpmyadmin depends on php5 5.2.0
Niek Dekker
- ruby Vulnerability / portupgrade
Jeff Dickens
- TCP parameters
- TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output
- TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output
- TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output
- TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was: Re:
TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
- FreeBSD 6.1 setup doesn't see my HDD
- FreeBSD 6.1 setup doesn't see my HDD
- FreeBSD 6.1 setup doesn't see my HDD
- Compatible SATA controllers?
Gene Dinkey
- Xine and mplayer will not install
Bachilo Dmitry
- TV capture card
Bachilo Dmitry
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Bachilo Dmitry
- Help: Suitable Version for Web Server?
Bachilo Dmitry
- Opera and FreeBSD
Bachilo Dmitry
- Opera and FreeBSD
Bachilo Dmitry
- NFS file locking problems on 6.1
Ihsan Dogan
- self-built packages don't always install all files
George Donnelly
- self-built packages don't always install all files
George Donnelly
- Apache log rotation question...
Garance A Drosehn
- PRs dead
Garance A Drosehn
- About "how the GUI should look like after installation!"
Evans Durandisse
- About "how the GUI should look like after installation!"
Evans Durandisse
- You just recieved a E-Greeting.
- Rescuing mangled RAID5 array
Greg Eden
- Rescuing mangled RAID5 array
Greg Eden
- freebsd doesm't see my script on boot
Gregory Edigarov
- php 5.2.0... go boom!
Derrick Edwards
- CUPS not working on FreeBSD 6.2-BETA
Tino Engel
- Athlon64 3200+ make.conf settings
- i need to upgrade a disk
- help with NO_OPENSSL= true in make.conf
- NO_OPENSSL= true?
- NO_OPENSSL= true?
- 6.2 Release delayed?
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
- FreeBSD date drifts significantly
- FreeBSD VPS providers
- Spam prevention
- Using Screen
- Ethereal version for FreeBSD 6.2 RC1
- Problem setting up PPTP server
Sebastiaan van Erk
- Problem setting up PPTP server
Sebastiaan van Erk
- sysutils/fusefs-wdfs [was Re: How to mount WebDAV in FreeBSD?]
Mark Evenson
- How To Configure w/ FreeBSD
- How To Configure w/ FreeBSD
- build fails for openoffice on amd64 system unning FreeBSD 6.1
Bartosz Fabianowski
- deny of x sessions
Alain Fabry
- deny of x sessions
Alain G. Fabry
- deny of x sessions
Alain G. Fabry
- deny of x sessions
Alain G. Fabry
- Need some assistance with IPv6 addresses
Andrew Falanga
- Change an IP address without a reboot
Andrew Falanga
- Change an IP address without a reboot
Andrew Falanga
- Change an IP address without a reboot
Andrew Falanga
- Inquiry about using FreeBSD logo
Sher Shah Farooq
- installation without /usr/local/etc?
George Fazio
- Testing firewire
George Fazio
- Sendmail and smtp-auth against passwd
Matthias Fechner
- Sendmail and smtp-auth against passwd
Matthias Fechner
- cap_mkdb & login.conf.db
T. Fields
- Instant Messenger software
Robert Fitzpatrick
- Instant Messenger software
Robert Fitzpatrick
- Dual core processors
Robert Fitzpatrick
- linksys WPC54G | WPA-TKIP | FreeBSD 6.1
Robert Fitzpatrick
- Dual core processors
Robert Fitzpatrick
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Rachel Florentine
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Rachel Florentine
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Rachel Florentine
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Rachel Florentine
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Rachel Florentine
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Rachel Florentine
- What Is the PATH to cyrus-sasl2?
Rachel Florentine
- What Is the PATH to cyrus-sasl2?
Rachel Florentine
- How To Configure w/ FreeBSD
Rachel Florentine
- The Mystery Of the Disappearing Processes
Rachel Florentine
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Rachel Florentine
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Rachel Florentine
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Rachel Florentine
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Rachel Florentine
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Rachel Florentine
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Rachel Florentine
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Rachel Florentine
- Best Hardware Choices
Rachel Florentine
- Translate This Command?
Rachel Florentine
- Translate This Command?
Rachel Florentine
- Translate This Command?
Rachel Florentine
- The Mystery Of the Disappearing Processes
Rachel Florentine
- Translate This Command?
Rachel Florentine
- Translate This Command?
Rachel Florentine
- Ezmlm Port Okay Or Junk?
Rachel Florentine
- Getting Qmail & Ezmlm To Work
Rachel Florentine
- What Did I Do To My Server?!
Rachel Florentine
- What Did I Do To My Server?!
Rachel Florentine
- What Did I Do To My Server?!
Rachel Florentine
- Data Recovery
Rachel Florentine
- Problem w/ Zope Port
Rachel Florentine
- Reading crashed SCSI disk
- FreeBSD 64-bit(EM64T) and Hyperthreading support
- BSDstats: First solid month ... September Monthly Report
Marc G. Fournier
- mknod within a jail ...
Marc G. Fournier
- mknod within a jail ...
Marc G. Fournier
- mknod within a jail ...
Marc G. Fournier
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Marc G. Fournier
- FreeBSD Host
Marc G. Fournier
- using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...
Marc G. Fournier
- using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...
Marc G. Fournier
- using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...
Marc G. Fournier
- D-Link 610 wLan card
- Propose for a PCMCIA wireless card for laptops
- Netgear WG511T (108Mbps PCMCIA Card) on FreeBSD 6.0
- Associated but doesn't connect
- Linux extended partition after FreeBSD slice
hackmiester (Hunter Fuller)
- Best laptop for Freebsd
hackmiester (Hunter Fuller)
- printing PDF on freebsd
- printing pdf
- printing pdf
- printing pdf
- cups-pstoraster
- Bus error (core dumped)
- bpf kernel module
- bpf kernel module
- Is GNATS down?
Vlad Galu
- 32bit jails on 64bit hosts
Vlad Galu
- Cleanly remove a package
Simon Gao
- Cleanly remove a package
Simon Gao
- Sendmail greet_pause config
Simon Gao
- Update pkg_info
Simon Gao
- Sendmail greet_pause config
Simon Gao
- Sendmail greet_pause config
Simon Gao
- Sendmail greet_pause config
Simon Gao
- re driver in 5.3?
Scott Gasch
- re driver in 5.3?
Scott Gasch
- make.conf FreeBSD 6.2 RC1
Gelsema, P (Patrick)
- Installing DHCP server in a jail
Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD
- networking question.
Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD
- make.conf FreeBSD 6.2 RC1
Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD
- sources version file?
Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD
- Question for BSD Professionals
- Screenshots during installation?
Daniel Gerzo
- phpmyadmin depends on php5 5.2.0
Daniel Gerzo
- vhost does not work Apache2.2
Peter A. Giessel
- vhost does not work Apache2.2
Peter A. Giessel
- vhost does not work Apache2.2
Peter A. Giessel
- vhost does not work Apache2.2
Peter A. Giessel
- Dual core processors
Peter A. Giessel
- State of gvinum RAID-5
Peter A. Giessel
- NIC driver question
Peter A. Giessel
- SCREEN resolved, thanks guys
Peter A. Giessel
- Memory addressing ?
Peter A. Giessel
- NTPD not keeping time
Peter A. Giessel
- NTPD not keeping time
Peter A. Giessel
- lpt0 printer slows system response significantly
Lowell Gilbert
- Ports maintainer
Lowell Gilbert
- Port for gksudo?
Lowell Gilbert
- About "how the GUI should look like after installation!"
Lowell Gilbert
- Sound under qemu
Lowell Gilbert
- Installing FreeBSD
Lowell Gilbert
- Questions on first-time installation (Re: (no subject))
Lowell Gilbert
- i need to upgrade a disk
Lowell Gilbert
- FreeBSD 6.1 Installation problem
Lowell Gilbert
- 6.2 beta 3 debug?
Lowell Gilbert
- HELP! Installation Questions
Lowell Gilbert
- NO_OPENSSL= true?
Lowell Gilbert
- fxp(4) and Intel 82801GB NIC
Lowell Gilbert
- TFTP Problems
Lowell Gilbert
- mknod within a jail ...
Lowell Gilbert
- gnome login problem
Lowell Gilbert
- Java plugin for Firefox
Lowell Gilbert
- pkg_cutleaves listing needed ports as leaf nodes.....
Lowell Gilbert
- (SAMBA) issue with filehandles being released under 6.1-RELEASE?
Lowell Gilbert
- Asking for Ports
Lowell Gilbert
- installing port etherape
Lowell Gilbert
- AMD64 + FreeBSD 6.1 + Keyboard troubles
Lowell Gilbert
- "X windows" configuration problem
Lowell Gilbert
- Java plugin for Firefox
Lowell Gilbert
Lowell Gilbert
- BGE driver upgrade from 5.3-RELEASE
Lowell Gilbert
- delete iface tun
Lowell Gilbert
- Question about Ventrilo port at startup
Lowell Gilbert
- bpf kernel module
Lowell Gilbert
- error while building lang/p5-Error
Lowell Gilbert
- uhci.ko keeps showing up
Lowell Gilbert
- CD Writing from non root accounts
Lowell Gilbert
Lowell Gilbert
- deny of x sessions
Lowell Gilbert
- Block Size (FreeBSD File System)
Lowell Gilbert
- deny of x sessions
Lowell Gilbert
- cvsup problems....
Lowell Gilbert
- cvsup problems....
Lowell Gilbert
- HP pavillion dv8000 hotkey mappings
Lowell Gilbert
- cvsup problems....
Lowell Gilbert
- using NetGear wireless usb adapter
Lowell Gilbert
- firefox build error
Lowell Gilbert
- firefox build error
Lowell Gilbert
- portsdb -Uu hung
Lowell Gilbert
- Xorg: How to change background?
Lowell Gilbert
- Xorg: How to change background?
Lowell Gilbert
- IRQ mapping problem under amd64
Dennis Glatting
- Ports maintainer
Miguel Vazquez Gocobachi
- Sendmail and smtp-auth against passwd
Amarendra Godbole
- 32bit jails on 64bit hosts
Pieter de Goeje
- The Opera browser on FreeBSD
Daniel Goldman
- It's time to bite the bullet and do a major upgrade from 4.11
to 6.0
Jay Gordon
- Disabled HTT in the kernel but not the BIOS?
Jay Gordon
- freebsd doesm't see my script on boot
Mikhail Goriachev
- Questions on first-time installation
Jan Grant
- Questions on first-time installation
Jan Grant
- Questions on first-time installation
Jan Grant
- What Is the PATH to cyrus-sasl2?
Jan Grant
- Real-time command history sharing between interactive shells
Jan Grant
- Real-time command history sharing between interactive shells
Jan Grant
- Ralink wireless driver help
Simon Gray
- /var corrupted.....
Andy Greenwood
- periodic, short freezes
Andy Greenwood
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Andy Greenwood
- changing swap size
Andy Greenwood
- uhci.ko keeps showing up
Andy Greenwood
- solutions for web hosting server
Andy Greenwood
- Password Security
Andy Greenwood
- denying a user access from the internet
Kelly D. Grills
- downgrade from php5.2 to php5.1
Kelly D. Grills
- cap_mkdb & login.conf.db
Kelly D. Grills
- Wacom Graphire USB support
Dave Grochowski
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Josef Grosch
- SugarCRM
Greg Groth
- Instant Messenger software
Greg Groth
Greg Groth
- Sendmail Smarthost Auth
Tom Grove
- Anyone here who also has a WinTuner?
- Unsubscribe me please
- FreeBSD 6.1 rebooting all the time
Tamouh H.
- additional processor in IBM xSeries
Tamouh H.
- Mount and repair HD?
Tamouh H.
Tamouh H.
- Propose for a PCMCIA wireless card for laptops
Preston Hagar
- Apache log rotation question...
Philip Hallstrom
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Philip Hallstrom
- To which port GPG belongs?
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- Wlan Firewall / Reefedge Dolphin equivalent
Peter N. M. Hansteen
- Making a PF Rule that i can process with a graphing application
Peter N. M. Hansteen
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Peter N. M. Hansteen
- Spam prevention
Peter N. M. Hansteen
- Network Setup Question
Doug Hardie
- Network Setup Question
Doug Hardie
- Network Setup Question
Doug Hardie
- Another Hardware Issue
Doug Hardie
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Doug Hardie
- How can I make sure traffic that comes in on one ethernet port/ip
goes out that port/IP?
N. Harrington
- firefix 2.0 interface font size
Andy Harrison
- gimp and the gnome update...
Andy Harrison
- gimp and the gnome update...
Andy Harrison
- error in portupgrading audio/amarok
Andy Harrison
- linux-sun-jdk15, Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
Andy Harrison
- linux-sun-jdk15, Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
Andy Harrison
- linux-sun-jdk15, Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
Andy Harrison
- USB mass storage woes
Chris Hastie
- USB mass storage woes
Chris Hastie
- Big external drives - which filesystem?
Chris Hastie
- Best laptop for Freebsd
White Hat
- BSD folks position on GPL, Novell, IBM, SCO, and MS...
Mike Hauber
- mouse ??
Javier Henderson
- Slow Internet connection using FreeBSD
Martin Hepworth
- image based stock spam
Martin Hepworth
- MailScanner Ports problems
Martin Hepworth
- question
Sebastian Herrmann
- Gertrude wrote:
Gertrude Hickman
- FreeBSD 6.1 rebooting all the time
Duane Hill
- FreeBSD 6.1 rebooting all the time
Duane Hill
- External USB drive kernel problems
Christopher Sean Hilton
- multiple ports trees
Christopher Hobbs
- multiple ports trees
Christopher M. Hobbs
- Change an IP address without a reboot
Vince Hoffman
- Sendmail greet_pause config
Vince Hoffman
- freebsd doesm't see my script on boot
Vince Hoffman
- cleaning out log files?
Lane Holcombe
- Shutting down as user
Joe Holden
- Shutting down as user
Joe Holden
- Intel LGA775/Core 2 Duo compatible motherboard with serial
Joe Holden
- Totally stumped - very long post
Joe Holden
- Totally stumped - very long post
Joe Holden
- 4.x binaries on 6.1
Joe Holden
- Install problems
Joe Holden
- Mounting Freebsd partition on Linux
Joe Holden
- freebsd desktop
Joe Holden
- ssh over http
Joe Holden
- Fwd: Problem with first run of 6.1
Joe Holden
- Removing "modules" from the Userland
Joe Holden
- Mount and repair HD?
David Horis
- Mount and repair HD?
David Horis
- Changing cd durin install....
Jonathan Horne
- upgrading from apache port 2.0.59 to 2.2.3
Jonathan Horne
- free memory keeps going down on 5.4-release
Jonathan Horne
- php5 issue
Jonathan Horne
- i need to upgrade a disk
Jonathan Horne
- i need to upgrade a disk
Jonathan Horne
- php 5.2.0... go boom!
Jonathan Horne
- php 5.2.0... go boom!
Jonathan Horne
- php 5.2.0... go boom!
Jonathan Horne
- self-built packages don't always install all files
Jonathan Horne
- Network Setup Question
Jonathan Horne
- Network Setup Question
Jonathan Horne
- periodic, short freezes
Jonathan Horne
- Tracking for Multiple Machines
Jonathan Horne
- an alternative to phpsysinfo?
Jonathan Horne
- cvsup problems....
Jonathan Horne
- dvd extractor
Jonathan Horne
- sources version file?
Jonathan Horne
- sources version file?
Jonathan Horne
- Ports maintainer
Robert Huff
- Ports maintainer
Robert Huff
- /var corrupted.....
Robert Huff
- Change an IP address without a reboot
Robert Huff
- Fetchmail: Error message in maillog
Robert Huff
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Robert Huff
- Instant Messenger software
Robert Huff
- Instant Messenger software
Robert Huff
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Robert Huff
- It's time to bite the bullet and do a major upgrade from 4.11 to 6.0
Robert Huff
- win32 codecs not fixed?
Robert Huff
- It's time to bite the bullet and do a major upgrade from 4.11
to 6.0
Robert Huff
- Big external drives - which filesystem?
Robert Huff
- The Opera browser on FreeBSD
Robert Huff
- cleaning out log files? [top-posting corrected]
Robert Huff
- Native Seamonkey Javascript error
Robert Huff
- Native Seamonkey Javascript error
Robert Huff
- re driver in 5.3?
Robert Huff
- How to choose an UPS?
Robert Huff
- simple to show packages which depend upon
Robert Huff
- Reading crashed SCSI disk
Michael Hughes
- Hardware Console Redirection
Martin Husemann
- newbie question: gdk2/gtkpixbuff install fails
Oliver Iberien
- freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 154, Issue 18
Oliver Iberien
- cleaning out log files?
Oliver Iberien
- cleaning out log files?
Oliver Iberien
- cleaning out log files? [top-posting corrected]
Oliver Iberien
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Tom Ierna
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Tom Ierna
- ftp over ssh
Gorobets Igor
- ftp over ssh
Gorobets Igor
- delete iface tun
- wine on FreeBSD RELENG_6
Christopher Illies
- wine on FreeBSD RELENG_6
Christopher Illies
- FreeBSD users in Singapore?
Foo JH
- Translate This Command?
- mntent.h creating problems - compiling gcc4
- mntent.h creating problems - compiling gcc4
- TV capture card
Mike Jeays
- question
Mike Jeays
- Install problems
Mike Jeays
- Apache log rotation question...
Curtis Jewell
- Problem compiling kernel under FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE
Curtis Jewell
- New Job Offers!!!
Mr Wan Tan Jin
- Totally stumped - very long post
Jona Joachim
- I don't see anything to answer my q
Jona Joachim
- freebsd desktop
Jona Joachim
- Lacky Doc @ "5.6.2 Using XDM"
Jona Joachim
- freebsd desktop
Jona Joachim
- Lacky Doc @ "5.6.2 Using XDM"
Jona Joachim
- 6.2 Release delayed?
- 6.2 Release delayed?
- 6.2 Release delayed?
- 6.2 Release delayed?
- firefox2 - core dump
Michael Johnson
- firefox2
Michael Johnson
- Beginner - distcc error - Free BSD 6.1
Michael Johnson
- mntent.h creating problems - compiling gcc4
Michael Johnson
- Compiz/Beryl Port
Michael Johnson
- Company Representative Is Needed (JOB OFFER)
Mr Kelly Johnson
- installworld to an NFS mount
Jeremy Johnston
- installworld to an NFS mount
Jeremy Johnston
- Cacti -vs- mrtg
Howard Jones
- question on batch email sending
Howard Jones
- Install problems
- Install problems
Mark Jose
- dmesg; modem?
Mark Jose
- Install problems
Amit Joshi
- Mounting Freebsd partition on Linux
Amit Joshi
- FreeBSD 6.1 setup doesn't see my HDD
Amit Joshi
- Mounting Freebsd partition on Linux
Amit Joshi
- How to choose an UPS?
Amit Joshi
- Configuring a CDROM (PCGA-CD51)
Ben Hacker Jr
- Raid over NFS
Tom Judge
- Hardware Console Redirection
Tom Judge
- ssh over http
Tom Judge
- maxusers ??? (Building Kernel)
Christian Jung
- Mistake: Re: maxusers ??? (Building Kernel)
Christian Jung
- State of gvinum RAID-5
Felix 'buebo' Kakrow
- To which port GPG belongs?
Felix 'buebo' Kakrow
- lsi megaraid 8300xlp support
Bartosz Kalka
- SugarCRM
Mark Kane
- Opera > Cups > Print!
Mark Kane
- FTP proxy server
Malcolm Kay
- streaming content on fbsd
Fabian Keil
- Is GNATS down?
Fabian Keil
- BTX Loader
Robert Kellison
- printing PDF on freebsd
David Kelly
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
David Kelly
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
David Kelly
- Hard Drive Issues
David Kelly
- Hard Drive Issues
David Kelly
- Testing firewire
David Kelly
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
David Kelly
David Kelly
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
David Kelly
- Shutting down as user
David Kelly
- Shutting down as user
David Kelly
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
David Kelly
- link_elf_lookup_symbol: missing symbol hash table
David Kelly
- link_elf_lookup_symbol:missing symbol hash table
David Kelly
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Andras Kende
- pkg for gnome 2.16?
Kris Kennaway
- 6.1 Stable default kernel memory
Kris Kennaway
- 6.1 Stable default kernel memory
Kris Kennaway
- Freebsd 6-Stable lockups
Kris Kennaway
- self-built packages don't always install all files
Kris Kennaway
- self-built packages don't always install all files
Kris Kennaway
- periodic, short freezes
Kris Kennaway
- periodic, short freezes
Kris Kennaway
- periodic, short freezes
Kris Kennaway
- Asking for packages
Kris Kennaway
- 6.x hangs on AMD64 again
Kris Kennaway
- periodic, short freezes
Kris Kennaway
- periodic, short freezes
Kris Kennaway
- periodic, short freezes
Kris Kennaway
- random lockups
Kris Kennaway
- 6.x hangs on AMD64 again
Kris Kennaway
- mknod within a jail ...
Kris Kennaway
- Opera-9.02 crash, 6.2-PRERELEASE
Kris Kennaway
- 6.2 Release delayed?
Kris Kennaway
- Maximum amount of ram?
Kris Kennaway
- v6 speed compared to previous versions
Kris Kennaway
- Machine won't reboot
Kris Kennaway
- v6 speed compared to previous versions
Kris Kennaway
- 6.2 Release delayed?
Kris Kennaway
- hands-on experience on 6.1 amd64 vs. i386
Kris Kennaway
- v6 speed compared to previous versions
Kris Kennaway
- v6 speed compared to previous versions
Kris Kennaway
- Problems with 5.5-REL FTP install
Kris Kennaway
- Problems with 5.5-REL FTP install
Kris Kennaway
- Problems with 5.5-REL FTP install
Kris Kennaway
- Modifying gcc34 makefile to compile with java
Kris Kennaway
- Modifying gcc34 makefile to compile with java
Kris Kennaway
- Modifying gcc34 makefile to compile with java
Kris Kennaway
- How to install security patches from
Kris Kennaway
- make.conf FreeBSD 6.2 RC1
Kris Kennaway
Kris Kennaway
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
Kris Kennaway
- mntent.h creating problems - compiling gcc4
Kris Kennaway
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
Kris Kennaway
- mntent.h creating problems - compiling gcc4
Kris Kennaway
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
Kris Kennaway
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
Kris Kennaway
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
Kris Kennaway
- processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O (was:
Re: TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output )
Kris Kennaway
- 6.x hangs on AMD64 again
Kris Kennaway
- FreeBSD 6.1 RELEASE ia64
Kris Kennaway
- GCC upgrade
Kris Kennaway
- GCC upgrade
Kris Kennaway
- Local checkout performance - cvs vs cvsup
Kris Kennaway
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
Kris Kennaway
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
Kris Kennaway
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
Kris Kennaway
- now it's
Kris Kennaway
- FreeBSD 5.5 port vlc-devel core dump
Kris Kennaway
- Missing
Kris Kennaway
- About "how the GUI should look like after installation!"
Giorgos Keramidas
- snd_hda driver for 6.1 now working
Giorgos Keramidas
- ISO files...
Giorgos Keramidas
- digression: There is no "ye"
Giorgos Keramidas
- tools for network traffic accounting
Giorgos Keramidas
- REPOST: Howto use a *local* groff font?
Giorgos Keramidas
- pf working but no log
Giorgos Keramidas
- pf working but no log
Giorgos Keramidas
- pf working but no log
Giorgos Keramidas
- pf working but no log
Giorgos Keramidas
- core dumps
Giorgos Keramidas
- Sendmail Smarthost Auth
Giorgos Keramidas
- Sendmail Smarthost Auth
Giorgos Keramidas
- The Mystery Of the Disappearing Processes
Giorgos Keramidas
- Sendmail and network aliases
Giorgos Keramidas
- sources version file?
Giorgos Keramidas
- question on virtusertable - sendmail
Giorgos Keramidas
- How 2 Configure Makefile before "make install clean" from the
Giorgos Keramidas
- WiFi Woes !
Giorgos Keramidas
- Using Screen
Giorgos Keramidas
- Ethereal version for FreeBSD 6.2 RC1
Saifi Khan
- Ethereal version for FreeBSD 6.2 RC1
Saifi Khan
- BGE driver upgrade from 5.3-RELEASE
James Kilton
- /var corrupted.....
David King
- /var corrupted.....
David King
- vhost does not work Apache2.2
Wasp King
- vhost does not work Apache2.2
Wasp King
- vhost does not work Apache2.2
Wasp King
- stop a freebsd server from responding to pinging?
Wasp King
- FreeBSD date drifts significantly
Kevin Kinsey
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
Kevin Kinsey
- dump/restore question
Kevin Kinsey
- newfs hangs while installing 6.1
- what happened to groff?!!
Gary Kline
- digression: There is no "ye" (was Re: what happened to groff?!!)
Gary Kline
- REPOST: Howto use a *local* groff font?
Gary Kline
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Gary Kline
- Linux extended partition after FreeBSD slice
Bobby Knight
- ATA drive TIMEOUT READ_DMA errors since adding power savings
Michael Knoll
- additional processor in IBM xSeries
Marko Kobal
- additional processor in IBM xSeries /ii
Marko Kobal
- Problem with ICH4 fxp driver and FreeBSD 6
Stefan Kohl
- Ethereal version for FreeBSD 6.2 RC1
Jon Krause
- FreeBSD 5.5 & Dell 2950 PERC 5/i mfi question
Krempasky, Mark
- How to create an e-mail
Alex de Kruijff
- /var corrupted.....
Karol Kwiatkowski
- 3Com 3c905B-COMBO and 10base2/BNC
Karol Kwiatkowski
- 3Com 3c905B-COMBO and 10base2/BNC
Karol Kwiatkowski
- periodic, short freezes
Karol Kwiatkowski
- periodic, short freezes
Karol Kwiatkowski
- ruby Vulnerability / portupgrade
Karol Kwiatkowski
- how to get an old Port
Karol Kwiatkowski
- Translate This Command?
Karol Kwiatkowski
- Opera and FreeBSD
Karol Kwiatkowski
- To which port GPG belongs?
Karol Kwiatkowski
- To which port GPG belongs?
Karol Kwiatkowski
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
Karol Kwiatkowski
- Problems with sr driver and Wanic 400
John L
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
John L
- digression: There is no "ye" (was Re: what happened to groff?!!)
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- nfs issue after client crash
Thierry Lacoste
- problems with check_dhcp in nagios
Thierry Lacoste
- check_disk_smb: another nagios problem
Thierry Lacoste
- check_disk_smb: another nagios problem
Thierry Lacoste
- Kernel Trap 22??
Steven Lake
- How to create an e-mail
Luke Lamla
- sshd, ftpd timing out
Marty Landman
- Ports maintainer
- TV capture card
- Network Setup Question
- ping send to problem, what am i missing
- Broadcom BCM4318 / HP Pavilion dv8000 via ndiswrapper not
- make config
- make config
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
- freebsd doesm't see my script on boot
- freebsd doesm't see my script on boot
- Problem with https in konqueror
- Command to "dump" firewall rules to be persistent across
- IPFW: delete range of rules?
- IPFW: delete range of rules?
- Suggested Books & Guides on small bisiness LAN with FreeBSD
- question on batch email sending
- stop a freebsd server from responding to pinging?
- Problem compiling kernel under FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE
Thomas Lane
- dc0 card drops connection on FreeBSD 6.1
Loren M. Lang
- Investor Edge ha
Brentona Langej
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-10-15 - 2006-11-04
Dan Langille
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-10-15 - 2006-11-04
Dan Langille
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-10-22 - 2006-11-11
Dan Langille
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-10-22 - 2006-11-11
Dan Langille
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-10-29 - 2006-11-18
Dan Langille
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-10-29 - 2006-11-18
Dan Langille
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-11-05 - 2006-11-25
Dan Langille
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-11-05 - 2006-11-25
Dan Langille
Paul Lathrop
Paul Lathrop
- Acer Aspire 5601 AWLMi corrupted acpi bytecode
Nate Lawson
- hauppauge wintv problem
Daniel Leal
- free memory keeps going down on 5.4-release
Roselyn Lee
- How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions
Greg Lehey
- "The Complete FreeBSD": errata and addenda
Greg Lehey
- How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions
Greg Lehey
- "The Complete FreeBSD": errata and addenda
Greg Lehey
- How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions
Greg Lehey
- "The Complete FreeBSD": errata and addenda
Greg Lehey
- How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions
Greg Lehey
- "The Complete FreeBSD": errata and addenda
Greg Lehey
- mysql in production on freebsd 6.1 ???
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- DVB card suggestion
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- mountroot
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- multiple ports trees
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- Conflict of linux-realplayer dependencies
Lena at
- Conflict of linux-realplayer dependencies
Lena at
- Shutting down as user
Henry Lenzi
- The Opera browser on FreeBSD
Henry Lenzi
- snd_hda driver for 6.1 now working
Sergio Lenzi
- snd_hda driver for 6.1 now working
Sergio Lenzi
- hp 1020 printer not working
Sergio Lenzi
- gconfd problem
Tsampros Leonidas
- gconfd problem
Tsampros Leonidas
- firefox2 - core dump
Tsampros Leonidas
- irssi portupgrade broken
Tsampros Leonidas
- CD Writing from non root accounts
Tsampros Leonidas
- New Year Abroad from Lm99 -
- Big external drives - which filesystem?
Ivan Levchenko
- Problems with sr driver and Wanic 400
John Levine
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
John Levine
- Error in c++ code when building php5-mysql
Warren Liddell
- Continued Crashing of Mozilla FF
Warren Liddell
- Asking for packages
Ferry Limanto
- Asking for Ports
Ferry Limanto
- Suggested Books & Guides on small bisiness LAN with FreeBSD
Per olof Ljungmark
- Problem with https in konqueror
Mario Lobo
- Problem with https in konqueror
Mario Lobo
- Problem with https in konqueror
Mario Lobo
- Problem with https in konqueror
Mario Lobo
- digression: There is no "ye" (was Re: what happened to groff?!!)
Reed Loefgren
- Ralink RT73 Chipset
Lazy Logic
- error while building lang/p5-Error
James Long
- Subscription problems
James Long
- Latest Apache13 with PHP5 crashes when PostgreSQL support is added
James Long
- Latest Apache13 with PHP5 crashes when PostgreSQL support is
James Long
- Wlan Firewall / Reefedge Dolphin equivalent
Ian Lord
- Wlan Firewall / Reefedge Dolphin equivalent
Ian Lord
- Spam prevention
Ian Lord
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Lorin Lund
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Lorin Lund
- Nvidia has drivers for FreeBSD (but my xorg is already working)
Tore Lund
- wine on FreeBSD RELENG_6
Tore Lund
- Opera and FreeBSD
Tore Lund
- running windows applications and making use of existing
ms windows installation
Tore Lund
- TCP parameters
Bob M.
- The Opera browser on FreeBSD
Bob M.
- named is not running???
M.Provenziani at
- Permanent Delivery Failure
MDaemon at
- degraded RAID performance after OS upgrade, and drives added.
Derrick MacPherson
- degraded RAID performance after OS upgrade, and drives added.
Derrick MacPherson
- FreeBSD 6.1 Installation problem
Mark Maddox
- FreeBSD 6.1 Installation problem
Mark Maddox
- FreeBSD 6.1 Installation problem
Mark Maddox
- FreeBSD 6.1 Installation problem
Mark Maddox
- CD Writing from non root accounts
Shantanoo Mahajan
- NIC not coming up when Ethernet Cable is replugged Hello all,
i am having a strange Problem,
which was more apparent under FreeBSD 5.5 and 6.0,
but still happens to me under 6.1,
on different machines with different NIC`s. Basically when during the
day something happens to my Machines Network Connection,
for example someone pulls out the Cable, when it is re-plugged in,
sometimes it doesn't become active anymore. It doesn't says No
Carrier under ifconfig,
but the Machine cannot be pinged and also cannot ping another host.
Restarting the Machine is no help.Helping is logging in as root,
and issuing a ifconfig vr0 down followed by a ifconfig vr0 up. Then
there is a console message saying vr0: Using force reset
command. After that everything works again as usual. For some
machines this is a real problem for me because they dont have
Keyboard Mouse or Monitor,
and i cant get in remotely. Thanks for any Ideas, David
- NIC not coming up when Ethernet Cable is replugged
- IMPORTANT: your message to xmlschema-dev
W3C List Manager
- Another FBSD utility/script question
N.J. Mann
- How RAID 10 works (was: Re: Password Security)
N.J. Mann
- Checking processes without PIDs
N.J. Mann
- Data Recovery
Marcelo Maraboli
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0, 0)
error 6
Robert Marella
- access-lists and QoS implementation
- GCC upgrade
- GCC upgrade
- GCC upgrade
- desktop for bsd
- ping send to problem, what am i missing
Aaron Martinez
- ping send to problem, what am i missing
Aaron Martinez
- ping send to problem, what am i missing
Aaron Martinez
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Maxim Masyukevich
- changing swap size
Maxim Masyukevich
- ethernet port bondage
Antony Mawer
- image based stock spam
Antony Mawer
- Ports maintainer
Jerry McAllister
- free memory keeps going down on 5.4-release
Jerry McAllister
- Questions on first-time installation
Jerry McAllister
- i need to upgrade a disk
Jerry McAllister
- Hard Drive Issues
Jerry McAllister
- Questions on first-time installation
Jerry McAllister
- HELP! Installation Questions
Jerry McAllister
- freebsd help
Jerry McAllister
- HELP! Installation Questions
Jerry McAllister
- freebsd mount windows or vise versa
Jerry McAllister
- Questions on first-time installation
Jerry McAllister
- Questions on first-time installation
Jerry McAllister
- Questions on first-time installation
Jerry McAllister
- question
Jerry McAllister
- Shutting down as user
Jerry McAllister
- [OT]two networks, one nic
Jerry McAllister
- It's time to bite the bullet and do a major upgrade from 4.11
to 6.0
Jerry McAllister
- License issue
Jerry McAllister
- desktop for bsd
Jerry McAllister
- [OT]two networks, one nic
Jerry McAllister
- xfce4 repair, how to recompile everything?
Jerry McAllister
- Opera and FreeBSD
Jerry McAllister
- ping send to problem, what am i missing
Jerry McAllister
- I don't see anything to answer my q
Jerry McAllister
- changing swap size
Jerry McAllister
- I don't see anything to answer my question
Jerry McAllister
- Upgrade Question
Jerry McAllister
- Password Security
Jerry McAllister
- Ezmlm Port Okay Or Junk?
Jerry McAllister
- Upgrade Question
Jerry McAllister
- Password Security
Jerry McAllister
- Password Security
Jerry McAllister
- FreeBSD 6.1 setup doesn't see my HDD
Jerry McAllister
- Getting SHTML to work
Jerry McAllister
- freebsd doesm't see my script on boot
Jerry McAllister
- FreeBSD 6.1 setup doesn't see my HDD
Jerry McAllister
- secondary ide drive setup
Jerry McAllister
- ssh over http
Jerry McAllister
Jerry McAllister
- FreeBSD 6.1 setup doesn't see my HDD
Jerry McAllister
- Data Recovery
Jerry McAllister
- Data Recovery
Jerry McAllister
- question on batch email sending
Jerry McAllister
- chpass -p dilema
David McCord
- Hard Drive Issues
Richard McIntyre
- Boot from CD (Digest, Vol 156, Issue 6 0, msg 12)
Keith McKenzie
- flink_elf_lookup_symbol:missing symbol hash table
Keith McKenzie
- Fetchmail: Error message in maillog
Jonathan McKeown
- portupgrade wishlist (was Re: portupgrade forget package options)
Jonathan McKeown
- Cacti -vs- mrtg
Jonathan McKeown
- multiple ports trees
Jonathan McKeown
- It's time to bite the bullet and do a major upgrade from 4.11
to 6.0
Jonathan McKeown
- gmirror (was Re: It's time to bite the bullet and do a major
Jonathan McKeown
- gmirror (was Re: It's time to bite the bullet and do a major
Jonathan McKeown
- Remote upgrade 4.8 to 6.0
Jonathan McKeown
- hpet support
McQueen, Ward
- Fresh System: Kernel should be Rebuilded FIRST or cvsup should
be Run FIRST?
Russell E. Meek
- Password Security
Russell E. Meek
- Password Security
Russell E. Meek
- printing pdf
Norberto Meijome
- printing pdf
Norberto Meijome
- printing pdf
Norberto Meijome
- build error when I am upgrading 'gtkhtml-1.1.10_5' to
'gtkhtml-1.1.10_6 (with attachment)
Norberto Meijome
- WiFi ipw howto?
Norberto Meijome
- Graphing Load & other system params via MRTG
Norberto Meijome
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0, 0)
error 6
Norberto Meijome
- need to get updates, packages, ports, etc. via Windows XP
Norberto Meijome
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0, 0)
error 6
Norberto Meijome
- Parallel shell scripts.
Norberto Meijome
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0, 0)
error 6
Norberto Meijome
- TV capture card
Norberto Meijome
- 'help'
Norberto Meijome
- USB Wireless
Norberto Meijome
- USB Wireless
Norberto Meijome
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Norberto Meijome
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Norberto Meijome
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Norberto Meijome
- Mount and repair HD?
Norberto Meijome
- External HD create different slice on /dev which one i need to
Norberto Meijome
- mouse
Norberto Meijome
- Getting Qmail & Ezmlm To Work
Norberto Meijome
- > Subject: Re: Ezmlm Port Okay Or Junk?
Norberto Meijome
- Password Security
Norberto Meijome
- > Subject: Re: Ezmlm Port Okay Or Junk?
Norberto Meijome
- Quick mail advice / Laptop use
Norberto Meijome
- Unable to install PEAR
Roger Merritt
- Missing
Roger Merritt
- Missing
Roger Merritt
- Missing
Roger Merritt
- Password Security
Michal Mertl
- Xine and mplayer will not install
Jeremy Messenger
- Continued Crashing of Mozilla FF
- simple to show packages which depend upon
a particular port
- Question about Ventrilo port at startup
- WiFi ipw howto?
Eugene M. Minkovskii
- WiFi ipw howto?
Eugene M. Minkovskii
- Question about Ventrilo port at startup
Anish Mistry
- lpt0 printer slows system response significantly
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Sendmail Smarthost Auth
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Problems with sr driver and Wanic 400
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Problems with sr driver and Wanic 400
Ted Mittelstaedt
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Ted Mittelstaedt
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Ted Mittelstaedt
- [OT] A+ for Mac (was Re: MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?)
Ted Mittelstaedt
- NIC driver question
Ted Mittelstaedt
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Ted Mittelstaedt
- ssh over http
Ansar Mohammed
- Compiz/Beryl Port
Ansar Mohammed
- ssh over http
Ansar Mohammed
- ssh over http
Ansar Mohammed
- 3Com 3c905B-COMBO and 10base2/BNC
Jeff Mohler
- 3Com 3c905B-COMBO and 10base2/BNC
Jeff Mohler
- installworld to an NFS mount
Jeff Mohler
- Cacti -vs- mrtg
Jeff Mohler
- Cacti -vs- mrtg
Jeff Mohler
- Zabbix Port out of Date
Jeff Mohler
- v6 speed compared to previous versions
Jeff Mohler
- Dual core processors
Jeff Mohler
- Dual core processors
Jeff Mohler
- Network Monitoring Application Help, What do you use?
Jeff Mohler
- Dual core processors
Jeff Mohler
- Unsubscribe me please
Jeff Mohler
- Empty directory 60M in size; used to contain 1.7 million files
Jeff Mohler
- cvsup problems....
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- Acer Aspire 5601 AWLMi corrupted acpi bytecode
Moore, Robert
- which computer recommend 4 use as server
running L8tst iteration of FreeBSD?
Luis Morales
- Port for gksudo?
Bill Moran
- Port for gksudo?
Bill Moran
- Port for gksudo?
Bill Moran
- digression: There is no "ye" (was Re: what happened to groff?!!)
Bill Moran
- Questions on first-time installation (Re: (no subject))
Bill Moran
- Questions on first-time installation
Bill Moran
- freebsd help
Bill Moran
- access-lists and QoS implementation
Bill Moran
- image based stock spam
Bill Moran
- Detailed questions about kernel operation (was Re: 'help')
Bill Moran
- cant login to my server machine(FreeBSD-6.0)
Bill Moran
- (SAMBA) issue with filehandles being released under 6.1-RELEASE?
Bill Moran
- FreeBSD UFS "vulnerability": Is NIST off its medication, or am I
missing something?
Bill Moran
- net-snmp and 6.1 (confusion)
Bill Moran
- FreeBSD UFS "vulnerability": Is NIST off its medication, or am
I missing something?
Bill Moran
- Dual core processors
Bill Moran
- Dual core processors
Bill Moran
- Network Monitoring Application Help, What do you use?
Bill Moran
- OS-BS replacement
Bill Moran
- TCP parameters
Bill Moran
- TCP parameters
Bill Moran
- Where is that branch ???
Bill Moran
- Problems with openldap version conflict (was Re: upgrade packages)
Bill Moran
- PowerEdgeTM 1950
Bill Moran
- TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output
Bill Moran
- TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output
Bill Moran
- Editors / PDF Viewers
Bill Moran
- TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output
Bill Moran
- Does disk encryption causes a performance penalty for Data
Access/Read/Write, etc
Bill Moran
Bill Moran
- Password Security
Bill Moran
- Password Security
Bill Moran
- Password Security
Bill Moran
- not enough free resources
Bill Moran
- running windows applications and making use of existing ms
windows installation
Bill Moran
- running windows applications and making use of existing ms
windows installation
Bill Moran
- mouse ??
Bill Moran
- Memory addressing ?
Bill Moran
- question on batch email sending
Bill Moran
- stop a freebsd server from responding to pinging?
Bill Moran
- Opera and FreeBSD
Harald Muehlboeck
- Cacti -vs- mrtg
Don Munyak
- Network Monitoring Application Help, What do you use?
Sean Murphy
- (no subject)
Dawood Muslim
- Removing "modules" from the Userland
- Using Screen
- freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 157, Issue 29
- Gnome install - error
Laszlo Nagy
- skype on diskless machine
Laszlo Nagy
- skype on diskless machine
Laszlo Nagy
- Need help...
- Need help with Gnome and Video card
- Where is that branch ???
- Display settings question...
- Apache running problems...
Phillip Neiswanger
- ethernet port bondage
Dan Nelson
- ethernet port bondage
Dan Nelson
- 1000 user_hz or hz Values in FreeBSD 6.1 (AMD64)
Dan Nelson
- free memory keeps going down on 5.4-release
Dan Nelson
- Real Memory and Swap Space.
Dan Nelson
- TCP parameters and interpreting tcpdump output
Dan Nelson
- Empty directory 60M in size; used to contain 1.7 million files
Dan Nelson
- Checking processes without PIDs
Dan Nelson
- Checking processes without PIDs
Dan Nelson
- IPFW: delete range of rules?
Dan Nelson
- using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...
Dan Nelson
- Reading crashed SCSI disk
Olivier Nicole
- Reading crashed SCSI disk
Olivier Nicole
- ftp over ssh
Olivier Nicole
- image based stock spam
Olivier Nicole
- I don't see anything to answer my q
Olivier Nicole
- Totally stumped - very long post
Olivier Nicole
- Password Security
Olivier Nicole
- Password Security
Olivier Nicole
- Password Security
Olivier Nicole
- Getting SHTML to work
Olivier Nicole
- tools for network traffic accounting
- phpmyadmin depends on php5 5.2.0
- problem with mod_proxy_ajp since upgrade to 6.2_rc1
- ethernet port bondage
John Nielsen
- Compatible SATA controllers?
John Nielsen
- ftp over ssh
John Nielsen
- ftp over ssh
John Nielsen
- dhcpd with wi and base system dhclient stopped working
John Nielsen
- It's time to bite the bullet and do a major upgrade from 4.11
to 6.0
John Nielsen
- desktop for bsd
John Nielsen
- gmirror (was Re: It's time to bite the bullet and do a major
John Nielsen
- xfce4 repair, how to recompile everything?
John Nielsen
- xfce4 repair, how to recompile everything?
John Nielsen
- creating a "broken" graid3 array?
John Nielsen
- creating a "broken" graid3 array?
John Nielsen
- creating a "broken" graid3 array?
John Nielsen
- question on virtusertable - sendmail
John Nielsen
- question on virtusertable - sendmail
John Nielsen
- question on virtusertable - sendmail
John Nielsen
- now it's
John Nielsen
- Fixing OpenOffice
John Nielsen
- FreeBSD VPS providers
John Nielsen
- Using Screen
John Nielsen
- Using Screen
John Nielsen
- Installing FreeBSD
Peo Nilsson
- Installing FreeBSD
Peo Nilsson
- Installing FreeBSD
Peo Nilsson
- Installing FreeBSD
Peo Nilsson
- Installing FreeBSD
Peo Nilsson
- Installing FreeBSD
Peo Nilsson
- 6.2 Release delayed?
Peo Nilsson
- 6.2 Release delayed?
Peo Nilsson
- Is the vulnerability database up to date?
Erik Norgaard
- Is the vulnerability database up to date?
Erik Norgaard
- Java plugin for Firefox
Erik Norgaard
- Testing firewire
Erik Norgaard
- Java plugin for Firefox
Erik Norgaard
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Erik Norgaard
- Testing firewire
Erik Norgaard
- Testing firewire
Erik Norgaard
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Erik Norgaard
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Erik Norgaard
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Erik Norgaard
- ACPI: Standby, sleep, suspend and resume
Erik Norgaard
- installation of freeradius
Peter Nyamukusa
- chpass -p dilema
Gabriel O'Brien
- 6.1 Stable default kernel memory
Don O'Neil
- 6.1 Stable default kernel memory
Don O'Neil
- Determining system info
Don O'Neil
- Graphing Load & other system params via MRTG
Don O'Neil
- firefox 2.0 and flash 7
Donald J. O'Neill
- firefox 2.0 and flash 7
Donald J. O'Neill
- firefox 2.0 and flash 7
Donald J. O'Neill
- Qmail & Vpopmail From Ports
Donald J. O'Neill
- Installworld Problem... Please help!!!
Donald J. O'Neill
- installation of freeradius
Donald J. O'Neill
- installation of freeradius
Donald J. O'Neill
- installation of freeradius
Donald J. O'Neill
- Translate This Command?
Donald J. O'Neill
- Translate This Command?
Donald J. O'Neill
- Apache port compile error
Donald J. O'Neill
- freebsd desktop
Donald J. O'Neill
- Xine and mplayer will not install
Kevin Oberman
- FreeBSD 5.5 port vlc-devel core dump
Roger Olofsson
- Need help on Compaq Presario Lapop R3240US
- vmware3 does not recognize hard disk raw device
Xavier Otazu
- Using Screen
Ed P
- pcre vs pcre-utf8
- BSD folks position on GPL, Novell, IBM, SCO, and MS...
- setting up transparent proxy/webcache server in bridge mode
- 6.2 Release delayed?
Josh Paetzel
- libtool & missing library?
Ben Paley
Jeff Palmer
- php 5.2.0... go boom!
Riemer Palstra
- php 5.2.0... go boom!
Riemer Palstra
- IPFW and PF
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Athlon64 3200+ make.conf settings
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Athlon64 3200+ make.conf settings
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Athlon64 3200+ make.conf settings
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Nvidia has drivers for FreeBSD (but my xorg is already working)
Andrew Pantyukhin
- ftp over ssh
Andrew Pantyukhin
- php 5.2.0... go boom!
Andrew Pantyukhin
- ftp over ssh
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Parallel shell scripts.
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Zabbix Port out of Date
Andrew Pantyukhin
- multiple ports trees
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Where is that branch ???
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Fresh System: Kernel should be Rebuilded FIRST or cvsup should
be Run FIRST?
Andrew Pantyukhin
- The Opera browser on FreeBSD
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Slow Surfing all of Sudden !?
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Building Sendmail from ports
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Ezmlm Port Okay Or Junk?
Andrew Pantyukhin
- creating a "broken" graid3 array?
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Local checkout performance - cvs vs cvsup
Andrew Pantyukhin
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
Andrew Pantyukhin
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Local checkout performance - cvs vs cvsup
Andrew Pantyukhin
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
Andrew Pantyukhin
- zoneli
Andrew Pantyukhin
- newfs hangs while installing 6.1
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Empty directory 60M in size; used to contain 1.7 million files
Andrew Pantyukhin
- ssh over http
Andrew Pantyukhin
- ssh over http
Andrew Pantyukhin
- LDM (Windows Dynamic Disks) in FreeBSD?
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Real-time command history sharing between interactive shells
Andrew Pantyukhin
- ssh over http
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Real-time command history sharing between interactive shells
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Real-time command history sharing between interactive shells
Andrew Pantyukhin
- MPD vs Freebsd Internal PPPoE support?
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Shutting down as user
- Opera and FreeBSD
- WiFi Woes !
- simple to show packages which depend upon a
particular port
- Diablo-Jre / Javavmwraper / Firefox / FreeBSD6.2
Nick Pavlica
- Does disk encryption causes a performance penalty for Data
Access/Read/Write, etc
Nick Pavlica
- core dumps
Jim Pazarena
- v6 speed compared to previous versions
Jim Pazarena
- trouble compiling a port - expect on 6.2RC1
Jim Pazarena
- Atheros Wireless Chipsets?
Nate Peck
- Atheros Wireless Chipsets?
Nate Peck
- 'cd' ing inside a shell script
Grant Peel
- Real Memory and Swap Space.
Grant Peel
- CAM Status SCSI Error
Grant Peel
Grant Peel
- portsnap mirrors not being updated (?)
Colin Percival
- FreeBSD UFS "vulnerability": Is NIST off its medication,
or am I missing something?
Colin Percival
- 'seq' at a BSD-like OS?
Colin Percival
- stop a freebsd server from responding to pinging?
Colin Percival
- FreeBSD VPS providers
Roberto Pereyra
- About "how the GUI should look like after installation!"
Joerg Pernfuss
- About "how the GUI should look like after installation!"
Joerg Pernfuss
- compiling php5 with fastcgi
Joerg Pernfuss
- php5 issue
Joerg Pernfuss
- denying a user access from the internet
Joerg Pernfuss
- Password Security
Joerg Pernfuss
- Nvidia has drivers for FreeBSD (but my xorg is already working)
Rod Person
- Hardware Console Redirection
Herb Peyerl
- firefox2 - core dump
Simon Phoenix
Simon Phoenix
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
Simon Phoenix
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
Simon Phoenix
- win32 codecs not fixed?
Armin Pirkovitsch
- win32 codecs not fixed?
Armin Pirkovitsch
- Fresh System: Kernel should be Rebuilded FIRST or cvsup should
be Run FIRST?
Armin Pirkovitsch
- make config
Armin Pirkovitsch
Doug Poland
- installing port etherape
Matthew Pope
- Maximum amount of ram?
Reuben A. Popp
- ssh over http
Atom Powers
- ssh over http
Atom Powers
- Modifying gcc34 makefile to compile with java
David Pratt
- Modifying gcc34 makefile to compile with java
David Pratt
- Modifying gcc34 makefile to compile with java
David Pratt
- streaming content on fbsd
Randy Pratt
- mfs_root booting problems
Paul Procacci
Wojciech Puchar
- Athlon64 3200+ make.conf settings
Wojciech Puchar
- FreeBSD 6.1 and Counter-Strike: Source Server (SRCDS)
Wojciech Puchar
- acrobat reader 7+linux-opera
Wojciech Puchar
- maybe OT - sendmail+outlook problems
Wojciech Puchar
- maybe OT - sendmail+outlook problems
Wojciech Puchar
- maybe OT - sendmail+outlook problems
Wojciech Puchar
- Unsubscribe me please
Wojciech Puchar
- not enough free resources
Wojciech Puchar
- not enough free resources
Wojciech Puchar
- not enough free resources
Wojciech Puchar
- 'pkg_version' comparison failure
- Password Security
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
- cleaning out log files?
- cleaning out log files?
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
- Using Screen
- Using Screen
- Spam prevention
- Screenshots during installation?
Yousef Adnan Raffah
- Any recommended Client for LCS?
Yousef Adnan Raffah
- win32 codecs not fixed?
Yousef Adnan Raffah
- FreeBSD theme for the community
Yousef Adnan Raffah
- vhost does not work Apache2.2
Derek Ragona
- Reading crashed SCSI disk
Derek Ragona
- HELP! Installation Questions
Derek Ragona
- Fresh System: Kernel should be Rebuilded FIRST or cvsup
should be Run FIRST?
Derek Ragona
- old modem?
Derek Ragona
- apache problems
Derek Ragona
- Sendmail and smtp-auth against passwd
Derek Ragona
- How to choose an UPS?
Derek Ragona
- Sendmail and smtp-auth against passwd
Derek Ragona
- Suggested Books & Guides on small bisiness LAN with FreeBSD
Derek Ragona
- Spam prevention
Derek Ragona
- Opera and FreeBSD
Anna Rajsman
- Opera and FreeBSD
Anna Rajsman
- Opera and FreeBSD
Anna Rajsman
- (no subject)
Old Ranger
- Advice please
Old Ranger
- old modem?
Ranger at
- old modems?
Ranger at
- dmesg; modem?
Ranger at
- dev/ttyd0 (was: dmesg; modem?)
Ranger at
- ISO files...
Denise and Raul
- Atheros Wireless Chipsets?
Lukas Razik
- Hardware Console Redirection
Andrew Reilly
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Chuck Remes
- Changing cd durin install....
Beech Rintoul
- Changing cd durin install....
Beech Rintoul
- firefox2 - core dump
Beech Rintoul
- Cleanly remove a package
Beech Rintoul
- FreeBSD Host
Beech Rintoul
- Bind problems with certain ports.
Beech Rintoul
- Bind problems with certain ports.
Beech Rintoul
- Restarting DSL connection without reboot?
Beech Rintoul
- Adaptec 1210s
Alberto Rizzi
- Laptop Wireless
Rem P Roberti
- Shutting down as user
Rem P Roberti
- Shutting down as user
Rem P Roberti
- Shutting down as user
Rem P Roberti
- Shutting down as user
Rem P Roberti
- Shutting down as user
Rem P Roberti
- Shutting down as user
Rem P Roberti
- USB Wireless
Rem P Roberti
- USB Wireless
Rem P Roberti
- USB Wireless
Rem P Roberti
- USB Wireless
Rem P Roberti
- Mounting XP drive
Rem P Roberti
- Mounting XP drive
Rem P Roberti
- Best laptop for Freebsd
David Robillard
- Fwd: solutions for web hosting server
David Robillard
- Building Sendmail from ports
David Robillard
- How to choose an UPS?
David Robillard
- Gnome display configuration problem
Gary Robinson
- Gnome display configuration problem
Gary Robinson
- portupgrade forget package options
John Rogers
- Working at Console
Helge Rohde
- GCC upgrade
Helge Rohde
- Dell PERC 2/SC Support?
- Sound under qemu
Stephen J. Roznowski
- Sound under qemu
Stephen J. Roznowski
- FreeBSD + Asus V2-AH2 + SamSung SyncMaster 204bw
Rudy Rucker
- Unsubscribe me please
Andreas Rudisch
- Using Screen
Michael Rudolph
- DGE-530T nic not found on 5.5
Derrick Ryalls
- portuguese keymap
Michael S
- firefox 2.0 and flash 7
Michael S
- firefox 2.0 and flash 7
Michael S
- firefox 2.0 and flash 7
Michael S
- SugarCRM
Michael S
- php5 issue
Michael S
- php5 issue
Michael S
- php5 issue
Michael S
- vtiger/mysql/encryption
Michael S
- mysq/php/blowfish (was vtiger/mysql/encryption)
Michael S
- CD Writing from non root accounts
Michael S
- CARP: trouble or feature
Prokofiev S.P.
- CARP: trouble or feature
Prokofiev S.P.
- pf working but no log
Juha Saarinen
- pf working but no log
Juha Saarinen
- Dual core processors
Juha Saarinen
- Dual core processors
Juha Saarinen
- Dual core processors
Juha Saarinen
- Please confirm (conf#5a8b7b49fb46813d3e9b1ae3ca842891)
Peter Saint-Andre
- Port for gksudo?
Boris Samorodov
- FreeBSD 6.1 Installation problem
Boris Samorodov
- FreeBSD 6.1 Installation problem
Boris Samorodov
- FreeBSD 6.1 Installation problem
Boris Samorodov
- TV capture card
Boris Samorodov
- TV card on freebsd
Boris Samorodov
- linux-sun-jdk15, Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
Boris Samorodov
- linux-sun-jdk15, Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
Boris Samorodov
- package dependencies
Boris Samorodov
- Lacky Doc @ "5.6.2 Using XDM"
Boris Samorodov
- changing swap size
Martin Alejandro Paredes Sanchez
- Need help...
Martin Alejandro Paredes Sanchez
- changing swap size
Martin Alejandro Paredes Sanchez
- NIC driver question
Martin Alejandro Paredes Sanchez
- firefox build error
Drew Sanford
- firefox build error
Laurence Sanford
- firefox build error
Laurence Sanford
- hp 1020 printer not working
Alexander Sashurin
- It's time to bite the bullet and do a major upgrade from 4.11 to 6.0
Scott Schappell
- DELL SC1430 SATA/SAS support?
Paul Schmehl
- PowerEdgeTM 1950
Paul Schmehl
- Fresh System: Kernel should be Rebuilded FIRST or cvsup should
be Run FIRST?
Paul Schmehl
- Totally stumped - very long post
Paul Schmehl
- Totally stumped - very long post
Paul Schmehl
- Totally stumped - very long post
Paul Schmehl
- Totally stumped - very long post
Paul Schmehl
- Lacky Doc @ "5.6.2 Using XDM"
Ralf Schreijer
- /var corrupted.....
Eric Schuele
- /var corrupted.....
Eric Schuele
- /var corrupted.....
Eric Schuele
- /var corrupted.....
Eric Schuele
- ISO files...
Eric Schuele
- /var corrupted.....
Eric Schuele
- /var corrupted.....
Eric Schuele
- `pkgdb -F` and DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND
Eric Schuele
- `pkgdb -F` and DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND
Eric Schuele
- /var corrupted.....
Eric Schuele
- Find how much disk is in use..
Eric Schuele
- pcre vs pcre-utf8
Eric Schuele
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Eric Schuele
- pkg_cutleaves listing needed ports as leaf nodes.....
Eric Schuele
- Nvidia has drivers for FreeBSD (but my xorg is already working)
Eric Schuele
- detach/reattach remote GUI applications?
Eric Schuele
- detach/reattach remote GUI applications?
Eric Schuele
- pkg_cutleaves listing needed ports as leaf nodes.....
Eric Schuele
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Eric Schuele
- cvsup problems....
Eric Schuele
- cvsup problems....
Eric Schuele
- cvsup problems....
Eric Schuele
- Empty directory 60M in size; used to contain 1.7 million files
Peter Schuller
- Empty directory 60M in size; used to contain 1.7 million files
Peter Schuller
- FreeBSD VPS providers
Peter Schuller
- NIC not coming up when Ethernet Cable is replugged
David Schulz
- Making a PF Rule that i can process with a graphing application
David Schulz
- Making a PF Rule that i can process with a graphing application
David Schulz
- Huawei UMTS Wireless Modem
David Schulz
- Zabbix Port out of Date
David Schulz
- Zabbix Port out of Date
David Schulz
- Zabbix Port out of Date
David Schulz
- Huawei UMTS Wireless Modem
David Schulz
- Huawei UMTS Wireless Modem
David Schulz
- Inquiry about using FreeBSD logo
David Schulz
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Leo L. Schwab
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Leo L. Schwab
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Leo L. Schwab
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Leo L. Schwab
- (no subject)
Bob Schwartz
- Questions on first-time installation
Bob Schwartz
- Questions on first-time installation
Bob Schwartz
- Questions on first-time installation
Bob Schwartz
- Questions on first-time installation
Bob Schwartz
- Questions on first-time installation
Bob Schwartz
- Questions on first-time installation
Bob Schwartz
- php5 issue
Matthew Seaman
- Sendmail greet_pause config
Matthew Seaman
- Sendmail greet_pause config
Matthew Seaman
- phpmyadmin depends on php5 5.2.0
Matthew Seaman
- FreeBSD in Hawaii
Matthew Seaman
Matthew Seaman
- shell test for stdout=stderr
Matthew Seaman
- simple to show packages which depend upon
a particular port
Matthew Seaman
- Fetchmail: Error message in maillog
Gerard Seibert
- Fetchmail: Error message in maillog
Gerard Seibert
- Conflict of linux-realplayer dependencies
Gerard Seibert
- Fetchmail: Error message in maillog
Gerard Seibert
- /var corrupted.....
Gerard Seibert
- Fetchmail: Error message in maillog
Gerard Seibert
- portmanager question
Gerard Seibert
- Fetchmail: Error message in maillog
Gerard Seibert
- phpmyadmin depends on php5 5.2.0
Gerard Seibert
- phpmyadmin depends on php5 5.2.0
Gerard Seibert
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Gerard Seibert
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Gerard Seibert
- rc.subr modification: testing and feedback are welcome!
Gerard Seibert
- Error in c++ code when building php5-mysql
Gerard Seibert
- Unsubscribe me please
Gerard Seibert
- maybe OT - sendmail+outlook problems
Gerard Seibert
- Fresh System: Kernel should be Rebuilded FIRST or cvsup should
be Run FIRST?
Gerard Seibert
- 'pkg_version' comparison failure
Gerard Seibert
- Upgrade Question
Gerard Seibert
- 'pkg_version' comparison failure
Gerard Seibert
- How 2 Configure Makefile before "make install clean" from the
Gerard Seibert
- Getting SHTML to work
Gerard Seibert
- Getting SHTML to work
Gerard Seibert
- Maia Mailguard
Gerard Seibert
- Getting SHTML to work
Gerard Seibert
- Fixing OpenOffice
Gerard Seibert
- Spam prevention
Gerard Seibert
- simple to show packages which depend upon
Gerard Seibert
- Using Screen
Gerard Seibert
- Hardware Console Redirection
Brian A. Seklecki
- Hardware Console Redirection
Brian A. Seklecki
- Console Redirection After Boot
Brian A. Seklecki
- Update Your Account Information
Credit Union Security Service
- Update Your Account Information
Credit Union Security Service
- Gagnez l'argent avec nous
- image based stock spam
James Seward
- OS-BS replacement
Arnold Shade
- OS-BS replacement
Arnold Shade
- corrupt my ports
Albert Shih
- corrupt my ports
Albert Shih
- FreeBSD date drifts significantly
Neil Short
- FreeBSD date drifts significantly
Neil Short
- lpt0 printer slows system response significantly
Anton Shterenlikht
- lpt0 printer slows system response significantly
Anton Shterenlikht
- lpt0 printer slows system response significantly
Anton Shterenlikht
- lpt0 printer slows system response significantly
Anton Shterenlikht
- FreeBSD in Hawaii
Frank Shute
- Display settings question...
Frank Shute
- Gnome display configuration problem
Frank Shute
- Gnome display configuration problem
Frank Shute
- port redirection with natd and ipfw
Frank Shute
- Fw: WiFi Woes !
Frank Shute
- Quick mail advice / Laptop use
Frank Shute
- Using Screen
Dan Sikorsky
- SCREEN resolved, thanks guys
Dan Sikorsky
- upgrading gnome
Dan Sikorsky
- no innodb support in mysql 5.0 port
Hugo Silva
- Copying to external USB2 disk causes panic
Nejc Skoberne
- State of gvinum RAID-5
Nejc Skoberne
- Restarting DSL connection without reboot?
Nejc Skoberne
- 3Com 3c905B-COMBO and 10base2/BNC
Pete Slagle
- lpt0 printer slows system response significantly
Ian Smith
- deleting automatically the oldest file from a harddisk
Ian Smith
- Blank screen after using X
Ian Smith
- Blank screen after using X
Ian Smith
Ian Smith
Ian Smith
- Intel EMT64 Xeon to use I386 or AMD64?
John Smith
- phpmyadmin depends on php5 5.2.0
John Smith
- phpmyadmin depends on php5 5.2.0
John Smith
- v6 speed compared to previous versions
John Smith
- v6 speed compared to previous versions
John Smith
- Best laptop for Freebsd
John Smith
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
John Smith
- ndis | ifconfig
John Smith
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
John Smith
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
John Smith
- Opera and FreeBSD
Christer Solskogen
- fxp(4) and Intel 82801GB NIC
Sergey Solyanik
- fxp(4) and Intel 82801GB NIC
Sergey Solyanik
- irssi portupgrade broken
Michael P. Soulier
- make config
Michael P. Soulier
- make config
Michael P. Soulier
- configuring nis
Tyler Spivey
- State of gvinum RAID-5
Michael L. Squires
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Frank Staals
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Frank Staals
- net-snmp and 6.1
Frank Staals
- net-snmp and 6.1
Frank Staals
- Something wrong with the files in /usr/local/include/subversion-1/
Frank Staals
- Help... Installing from Port
Frank Staals
- Working at Console
Frank Staals
- nystagmu
Fergal Standard
- problem with script execution
Ray Still
- Another FBSD utility/script question
Jack Stone
- subversion on boot
Kirk Strauser
- Nvidia has drivers for FreeBSD (but my xorg is already working)
Kirk Strauser
- Instant Messenger software
Kirk Strauser
- ATA drive TIMEOUT READ_DMA errors since adding power savings
Kirk Strauser
- Disabled HTT in the kernel but not the BIOS?
Kirk Strauser
- NIC driver question
Aftab Jahan Subedar
- Install
Ramesh Subrahmaniam
- Openwebmail
Marwan Sultan
- WiFi ipw howto?
Marwan Sultan
- hotspot package ?
Marwan Sultan
- downgrade from php5.2 to php5.1
Marwan Sultan
- How to create an e-mail
Marwan Sultan
- (no subject)
Marwan Sultan
- networking question.
Marwan Sultan
- how to get an old Port
Marwan Sultan
- Maia Mailguard
Marwan Sultan
- IPMI kernel module errors on 6.x
Raymond Sundland
- Big external drives - which filesystem?
Alistair Sutton
- free memory keeps going down on 5.4-release
Charles Swiger
- i need to upgrade a disk
Chuck Swiger
- Sendmail greet_pause config
Chuck Swiger
- Sendmail greet_pause config
Chuck Swiger
- FreeBSD 6.1 i386 Installation Questions!
Chuck Swiger
- system updates, as affected by securelevel
Chuck Swiger
- Install
Chuck Swiger
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Chuck Swiger
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
Chuck Swiger
- changing swap size (fwd)
Chuck Swiger
- FreeBSD date drifts significantly
Chuck Swiger
- Slow Surfing all of Sudden !?
Chuck Swiger
- Slow Surfing all of Sudden !?
Chuck Swiger
Chuck Swiger
- ping through ipfw giving unexpected results
Chuck Swiger
- CAM Status SCSI Error
Chuck Swiger
- Real-time command history sharing between interactive shells
Chuck Swiger
- degraded RAID performance after OS upgrade, and drives added.
Chuck Swiger
- stop a freebsd server from responding to pinging?
Chuck Swiger
- Mail server question
Chuck Swiger
- NTPD not keeping time
Chuck Swiger
- degraded RAID performance after OS upgrade, and drives added.
Chuck Swiger
- stop a freebsd server from responding to pinging?
Chuck Swiger
- NTPD not keeping time
Chuck Swiger
- NTPD not keeping time
Chuck Swiger
- Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Mail Delivery System
- ipf / custom kernel question
Zbigniew Szalbot
- pf working but no log
Zbigniew Szalbot
- pf working but no log
Zbigniew Szalbot
- pf working but no log
Zbigniew Szalbot
- pf working but no log
Zbigniew Szalbot
- pf working but no log
Zbigniew Szalbot
- pf working but no log
Zbigniew Szalbot
- installation without /usr/local/etc?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- periodic, short freezes
Zbigniew Szalbot
- periodic, short freezes
Zbigniew Szalbot
- periodic, short freezes
Zbigniew Szalbot
- periodic, short freezes
Zbigniew Szalbot
- periodic, short freezes
Zbigniew Szalbot
- periodic, short freezes
Zbigniew Szalbot
- periodic, short freezes
Zbigniew Szalbot
- periodic, short freezes
Zbigniew Szalbot
- periodic, short freezes
Zbigniew Szalbot
- random lockups
Zbigniew Szalbot
- changing swap size
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Zbigniew Szalbot
- changing swap size
Zbigniew Szalbot
- changing swap size (fwd)
Zbigniew Szalbot
- changing swap size (fwd)
Zbigniew Szalbot
- TAP usage questions
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Extra line from quoting
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- win32 codecs not fixed?
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Problems with 5.5-REL FTP install
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Problems with 5.5-REL FTP install
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Problems with 5.5-REL FTP install
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Help: need to find out the information about the harddisk data
distribution status
Jackie Tai
- mouse
Reginaldo Tavares
- mouse ??
Reginaldo Tavares
- mouse ??
Reginaldo Tavares
- Reply: Mini-Freebsd system on ram, to reduce noise?
Murray Taylor
- How to go about diagnosing cause of packet loss
D G Teed
- How to go about diagnosing cause of packet loss
D G Teed
- Xine and mplayer will not install
Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu
- Conflict of linux-realplayer dependencies
Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu
- Running Beryl on FreeBSD
Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu
- Opera and FreeBSD
Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu
- BTX Loader Error / Help
Huy Ton That
- BTX Loader Error / Help
Huy Ton That
- 6.2 Release delayed?
Peter Thoenen
- Opera and FreeBSD
Peter Thoenen
- GELI + sync issue
Peter Thoenen
- TV capture card
Josh Tolbert
- Spam prevention
Josh Tolbert
Charles Trevor
- Installing DHCP server in a jail
Anders Troback
- bpf kernel module
Erik Trulsson
- Some php files in same directory of working files with same
permissions won't process
Leonidas Tsampros
- setting up transparent proxy/webcache server in bridge mode
Nima Tshering
- IBM x346 ?
- de l'aide
- Mini-Freebsd system on ram, to reduce noise?
Lars Udo
- Mini-Freebsd system on ram, to reduce noise?
Lars Udo
- Reply: Mini-Freebsd system on ram, to reduce noise?
Lars Udo
- Mini-Freebsd system on ram, to reduce noise?
Lars Udo
- Unsubscribe me please
Clyde's Human Unit
- Firefox 2 and XFCE
- Beginner - distcc error - Free BSD 6.1
- pkg for gnome 2.16?
Iantcho Vassilev
- cant login to my server machine(FreeBSD-6.0)
Nikos Vassiliadis
- [OT]two networks, one nic
Nikos Vassiliadis
- Restarting DSL connection without reboot?
Nikos Vassiliadis
- Translate This Command?
Nikos Vassiliadis
- using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...
Nikos Vassiliadis
- Some php files in same directory of working files with same
permissions won't process
John Vaughan
- Some php files in same directory of working files with same
permissions won't process
John Vaughan
- Some php files in same directory of working files with same
permissions won't process
John Vaughan
- Some php files in same directory of working files with same
permissions won't process
John Vaughan
- Some php files in same directory of working files with same
permissions won't process
John Vaughan
- HELP! Installation Questions
- FreeBSD 6.1 i386 Installation Questions!
- FreeBSD 6.1 i386 Installation Questions!
- Block Size (FreeBSD File System)
- Help...Shell Scripts for Virtual Hosting
- Help: Suitable Version for Web Server?
- Fresh System: Kernel should be Rebuilded FIRST or cvsup should be
- Installworld Problem... Please help!!!
- How to install security patches from
- maxusers ??? (Building Kernel)
- Password Security
- To which port GPG belongs?
- To which port GPG belongs?
- To which port GPG belongs?
- Does disk encryption causes a performance penalty for Data
Access/Read/Write, etc
- Password Security
- To which port GPG belongs?
- Password Security
- Help... Installing from Port
- Password Security
- Help... Installing from Port
- How 2 Configure Makefile before "make install clean" from the ports?
- Password Security
- How 2 Configure Makefile before "make install clean" from the
- How 2 Configure Makefile before "make install clean" from the
- How 2 Configure Makefile before "make install clean" from the
- Help... Installing from Port
- Apache port compile error
- Help! make syntax errors
- Help! make syntax errors
- Regarding multiple RAID contoller support with FreeBSD 4.11
V.SriSaiGanesh Venkataramani
- Does disk encryption causes a performance penalty for
Data Access/Read/Write, etc
Andrea Venturoli
- 6.x hangs on AMD64 again
Andrea Venturoli
- Installing FreeBSD
Nathan Vidican
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Nathan Vidican
- HP pavillion dv8000 hotkey mappings
Nathan Vidican
- HP pavillion dv8000 hotkey mappings
Nathan Vidican
- HP pavillion dv8000 hotkey mappings (solved)
Nathan Vidican
- The Opera browser on FreeBSD
Nathan Vidican
- Broadcom BCM4318 / HP Pavilion dv8000 via ndiswrapper not working
Nathan Vidican
- NIC driver question
Nathan Vidican
- flash plugin capable from amd64
Nathan Vidican
- Latest Broadcom NDIS driver requires 4 additional functions
Nathan Vidican
- How to choose an UPS?
Nathan Vidican
- Openoffice portuguese characters
Alexandre Vieira
- ethernet port bondage
Alexandre Vieira
- Acer Aspire 5601 AWLMi corrupted acpi bytecode
Alexandre Vieira
- Acer Aspire 5601 AWLMi corrupted acpi bytecode
Alexandre Vieira
- acrobat reader 7+linux-opera
Alexandre Vieira
- Acer Aspire 5601 AWLMi corrupted acpi bytecode
Alexandre Vieira
- Netra T1 105
Alexandre Vieira
- Netra T1 105
Alexandre Vieira
- Local disk Freebsd installation after net boot on Sun Netra T! 105
Alexandre Vieira
- Best laptop for Freebsd
Alexandre Vieira
- Netra T1 105 (sparc64) optimization
Alexandre Vieira
- Netra T1 105 (sparc64) optimization
Alexandre Vieira
- Netra T1 105 (sparc64) optimization
Alexandre Vieira
- Netra T1 105 (sparc64) optimization
Alexandre Vieira
- Richiesta consenso per i grandi Vini Italiani
Le Vinali
- Richiesta consenso per i grandi Vini Italiani
Le Vinali
- Wlan Firewall / Reefedge Dolphin equivalent
- Change an IP address without a reboot
- cvsup server resolution weirdness
- Questions on first-time installation
- [OT]two networks, one nic
- Another FBSD utility/script question
- Sendmail and smtp-auth against passwd
- now it's
- guppi upgrade error when upgrading 'guppi-0.40.3_5' to
'guppi-0.40.3_6' (math/guppi)
Dino Vliet
- build error when I am upgrading 'gtkhtml-1.1.10_5' to
Dino Vliet
- build error when I am upgrading 'gtkhtml-1.1.10_5' to
'gtkhtml-1.1.10_6 (with attachment)
Dino Vliet
- build error when I am upgrading 'gtkhtml-1.1.10_5' to
'gtkhtml-1.1.10_6 (with attachment)
Dino Vliet
- pure freebsd as backup server or freenas?
Dino Vliet
- build fails for openoffice on amd64 system unning FreeBSD 6.1
Dino Vliet
- simple to show packages which depend upon a
particular port
Dino Vliet
- upgrading gnome
Dino Vliet
- Boot from CD (this time in ASCII :) )
Nils Vogels
- Boot from CD (this time in ASCII :) )
Nils Vogels
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Nils Vogels
- Building Ports w/ Options, Env
Nils Vogels
- port redirection with natd and ipfw
Nilton Volpato
- port redirection with natd and ipfw
Nilton Volpato
- 1000 user_hz or hz Values in FreeBSD 6.1 (AMD64)
Jonathan Vomacka
- FreeBSD 6.1 and Counter-Strike: Source Server (SRCDS)
Jonathan Vomacka
- Blank screen after using X
Christian Walther
- Blank screen after using X
Christian Walther
- Blank screen after using X
Christian Walther
- desktop for bsd
Christian Walther
- Blank screen after using X
Christian Walther
- xfce4 repair, how to recompile everything?
Christian Walther
- Need help...
Christian Walther
- xfce4 repair, how to recompile everything?
Christian Walther
- Some php files in same directory of working files with same
permissions won't process
Christian Walther
- Blank screen after using X
Christian Walther
- DRI-Problem with X on Thinpad T21 (was: "Re: Blank screen after
using X")
Christian Walther
- Atheros Wireless Chipsets?
Christian Walther
- Password Security
Christian Walther
- Knowing if someone really stole someone else's code
Christian Walther
- Knowing if someone really stole someone else's code
Christian Walther
- Working at Console
Christian Walther
- Sun StorEdge Array
Christian Walther
- Data Recovery
Christian Walther
- Netra T1 105 (sparc64) optimization
Christian Walther
- 4.x binaries on 6.1
Odhiambo Washington
- AMD64 + FreeBSD 6.1 + Keyboard troubles
Coen Watstaatervoor
- NIC driver question
- DELL SC1430 SATA/SAS support?
Webster, Andrew
- mount_smbfs: charset convertion (-E) doesn't work
Zhang Weiwu
- signal design questions
Wenyen, Shih
- Translate This Command?
Nicklas B. Westerlund
- portmanager filling /tmp
Chris Whitehouse
- /var corrupted.....
Chris Whitehouse
- firefox 2.0 and flash 7
Chris Whitehouse
- make problems with amarok 1.4.3_3
FreeBSD WickerBill
- Laptop Wireless
Damian Wiest
- Nvidia has drivers for FreeBSD (but my xorg is already working)
Damian Wiest
- TV capture card
Damian Wiest
- Laptop Wireless
Damian Wiest
- Laptop Wireless
Damian Wiest
- [MAYBE SPAM] Re: Nvidia has drivers for FreeBSD (but my xorg is
already working)
Damian Wiest
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
Damian Wiest
- hands-on experience on 6.1 amd64 vs. i386
Damian Wiest
- sysv semaphores
Damian Wiest
- sysv semaphores
Damian Wiest
- sysv semaphores
Damian Wiest
- deleting automatically the oldest file from a harddisk
Koen de Wijs
- USA Smallcap Review e
Caseyv Willsk
- Acroread not working
Rich Winkel
- System (Firewall - IP filter) freezes sometimes
Lars Wittebrood
- Subscription problems
Robert C Wittig
- Shutting down as user
Wood, Russell
- FreeBSD Host
Wood, Russell
- chpass -p dilema
Wood, Russell
- Install
Wood, Russell
- Xircom XE2000 card problem
Wood, Russell
- port redirection with natd and ipfw
Wood, Russell
- Xircom XE2000 card problem
Wood, Russell
- I don't see anything to answer my q
Wood, Russell
- Xircom XE2000 card problem
Wood, Russell
- Xircom XE2000 card problem
Wood, Russell
- Slow Internet connection using FreeBSD
Stanley Wright
- Contact windows for drive update
Billion Wu
- php 5.2.0... go boom!
Vahan Yerkanian
- vpnc error! help please!
Xihong Yin
- HELP! Installation Questions
Alex Zbyslaw
- HELP! Installation Questions
Alex Zbyslaw
- Upgrade Question
Alex Zbyslaw
- Upgrade Question
Alex Zbyslaw
- sources version file?
Alex Zbyslaw
- Java JRE (latest) | Mozilla 2
Alex Zbyslaw
- Help... Installing from Port
Alex Zbyslaw
- 'seq' at a BSD-like OS?
Alex Zbyslaw
Alex Zbyslaw
- portsdb -Uu hung
Alex Zbyslaw
- portsdb -Uu hung
Alex Zbyslaw
- Data Recovery
Alex Zbyslaw
- About "how the GUI should look like after installation!"
Sherry Zhang
- installworld to an NFS mount
- PRs dead
- BSD folks position on GPL, Novell, IBM, SCO, and MS...
- GCC upgrade
- Lacky Doc @ "5.6.2 Using XDM"
- skype on diskless machine
Daan Vreeken [PA4DAN]
- Boot from CD
a.brancatelli.mail at
- Boot from CD (this time in ASCII :) )
a.brancatelli.mail at
- mpd 4.0b5 does not want to work
a at
- Working at Console
a at
- mpd 4.0b5 does not want to work
a at
- How to choose an UPS?
a at
- Xorg: How to change background?
a at
- Your account has been suspended
abuse at
- PM govt with
- zoneli
- de l'aide
camara aissata
- Xine and mplayer will not install
- cvsup problems....
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
- Mini-Freebsd system on ram, to reduce noise?
- Lacky Doc @ "5.6.2 Using XDM"
- Dell - kernel panic problems
andrew at
- X windows fails after upgrade
andy at
- Xine and mplayer will not install
andy at
- "X windows" configuration problem
- Raid over NFS
aymeric.muntz at
- Problem with slapd & nsswitch
- Adaptec AHA 29320 SCSI card running at 160 MB/s instead of 320 MB/s
- ssh over http
cbadescu at
- php5 issue
- Mini-Freebsd system on ram, to reduce noise?
- MAC OS X connection to FreeBSD?
cremes.devlist at
- 'cd' ing inside a shell script
- Laptop Wireless
- Laptop Wireless
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
- ACPI: Standby, sleep, suspend and resume
- Mail server question
- Laptop Wireless
doug at
- ACPI: Standby, sleep, suspend and resume
doug at
- Mail server question
doug at
- FreeBSD 6.1 hangs at mountroot> during bootup
drseuk at
- Message From eBay Member
- Blocking SSH Brute-Force Attacks: What Am I Doing Wrong?
eculp at
- I've moved!
email moraes at cs dot toronto dot edu
- Auto-response for your message to the "Employee_relations" mailing
employee_relations-bounces at
- Mail System Error - Returned Mail
employee_relations-owner at
- PowerEdgeTM 1950
ovidiu ene
- PowerEdge 1950 SAS and SATA support
ovidiu ene
- gnome login problem
- dvd extractor
- Acpi and boot
leo fante
- acpi and boot problem
leo fante
- Installing DHCP server in a jail
freebsd at
- Installing DHCP server in a jail
freebsd at
- Best laptop for Freebsd
- net-snmp and 6.1
- net-snmp and 6.1
- net-snmp and 6.1
- net-snmp and 6.1 (confusion)
- net-snmp and 6.1 (confusion)
- upgrade packages
- installation of freeradius
- Best laptop for Freebsd
- Unsubscribe me please
- hotspot package ?
jan gestre
- IPsec and ipf processing with IPSEC_FILTERGIF
giannidoe at
- ping through ipfw giving unexpected results
gschultz at
- mysql in production on freebsd 6.1 ???
ke han
- 6.2 beta 3 debug?
ke han
- License issue
hiroshi.takai at
- pcre vs pcre-utf8
dick hoogendijk
- Nvidia has drivers for FreeBSD (but my xorg is already working)
dick hoogendijk
- streaming content on fbsd
dick hoogendijk
- About "how the GUI should look like after installation!"
illoai at
- /var corrupted.....
illoai at
- firefox2 - core dump
illoai at
- Reading crashed SCSI disk
illoai at
- periodic, short freezes
illoai at
- FreeBSD-6, kldload: No such file...
illoai at
- FreeBSD-6, kldload: No such file...
illoai at
- Need help with Gnome and Video card
illoai at
- maxusers ??? (Building Kernel)
illoai at
- usb advice
illoai at
- I don't see anything to answer my q
illoai at
- External USB drive kernel problems
illoai at
- Upgrade Question
illoai at
- DSL (was: Advice please)
illoai at
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
illoai at
- secondary ide drive setup
illoai at
- mouse ??
illoai at
- packages ports and portupgrade
illoai at
- Xorg: How to change background?
illoai at
- Removing "modules" from the Userland
illoai at
- What Did I Do To My Server?!
illoai at
- corrupt my ports
illoai at
- Fetchmail: Error message in maillog
- How to choose an UPS?
- [OT]two networks, one nic
- Checking processes without PIDs
jhall at
- Checking processes without PIDs
jhall at
- mountroot
- freebsd 6.1
- Xircom XE2000 card problem
jvk-list at
- Xircom XE2000 card problem
jvk-list at
- Xircom XE2000 card problem
jvk-list at
- Xircom XE2000 card problem
jvk-list at
- Xircom XE2000 card problem
jvk-list at
- cant login to my server machine(FreeBSD-6.0)
dhaneshk k
- Slow Surfing all of Sudden !?
matti k
- PPPoE statistic
- amd64 build on xeon
lenny at
- no innodb support in mysql 5.0 port
lenny at
- Portupgrade libusb/doctool problem.
lists at
- usb advice
- firefix 2.0 interface font size
- I don't see anything to answer my q
rickie lyman
- Your email message was blocked
mailmarshal at
- freebsd help
- FreeBSD 6.1 RELEASE ia64
- emulators/qemu: crashes with "Bad system call: 12"
- emulators/qemu: crashes with "Bad system call: 12"
- portsnap mirrors not being updated (?)
- running windows applications and making use of existing ms
windows installation
- where to set SSL compile time cipher string ?
- running windows applications and making use of existing ms
windows installation
- pkgdb -F
- Dell 1950, PERC 5/i mfi support on FreeBSD 4.11
mitch at
- using NetGear wireless usb adapter
nathan_p_maier at
- Parallel shell scripts.
- Parallel shell scripts.
- Parallel shell scripts.
- A Sleeping FreeBSD Box (again).
- Possible bug in /usr/bin/script? (was A Sleeping FreeBSD Box
- Best laptop for Freebsd
- MailScanner Ports problems
ohlund at
- old modem?
- linksys WPC54G | WPA-TKIP | FreeBSD 6.1
probsd org
- linksys WPC54G | WPA-TKIP | FreeBSD 6.1
probsd org
- ndis | ifconfig
probsd org
- wpa_password not included in 6.1
probsd org
- wpa_password not included in 6.1
probsd org
- Java JRE (latest) | Mozilla 2
probsd org
- Java JRE (latest) | Mozilla 2
probsd org
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
probsd org
- freebsd desktop
probsd org
- freebsd desktop | mozilla
probsd org
- now it's
probsd org
- WiFi Woes !
parv at
- FreeBSD 6.0/AMD64 server crash
- External HD create different slice on /dev which one i need to
- External HD create different slice on /dev which one i need to
- FreeBSD 6.2: ULE vs 4BSD
- MPD vs Freebsd Internal PPPoE support?
- MPD vs Freebsd Internal PPPoE support?
- lpt0 printer slows system response significantly
perryh at
- lpt0 printer slows system response significantly
perryh at
- Linux extended partition after FreeBSD slice
perryh at
- Best laptop for Freebsd
perryh at
- usb advice
perryh at
- Knowing if someone really stole someone else's code
perryh at
- Mounting Freebsd partition on Linux
perryh at
- Lacky Doc @ "5.6.2 Using XDM"
perryh at
- ADI AD1888 AC'97 audio CODEC on ASUS P4P800S
alan ramlan
Office of CEO- rithy4u.NET
- Freebsd 6-Stable lockups
chris scott
- Freebsd 6-Stable lockups
chris scott
- Freebsd 6-Stable lockups
chris scott
- packages failing to load
- 'help'
- help
- kdeinit
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0, 0) error 6
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0,
0) error 6
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0,
0) error 6
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0,
0) error 6
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0,
0) error 6
- Install error - MOD_LOAD (amr_linux, 0xffffffff806205d0,
0) error 6
- wpa_supplicant ipw problem
trolle at
- External USB drive kernel problems
up at
- External USB drive kernel problems
up at
- External USB drive kernel problems
up at
- creating a "broken" graid3 array?
usleepless at
- creating a "broken" graid3 array?
usleepless at
- Unsubscribe me please
wc_fbsd at
- Suggested Books & Guides on small bisiness LAN with FreeBSD
wmc20 at
- Best laptop for Freebsd
pete wright
- Real-time command history sharing between interactive shells
pete wright
- portuguese keymap
Last message date:
Thu Nov 30 23:44:03 PDT 2006
Archived on: Thu Nov 30 23:44:07 PDT 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).