ipf / custom kernel question

Zbigniew Szalbot zbyszek at szalbot.homedns.org
Wed Nov 1 14:00:15 UTC 2006


Following the FBSD handbook I tried to use ipf on my machine.

This is the output I get when running the ifp command:

$ sudo ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf.rules
open device: No such file or directory
User/kernel version check failed

I have only one rule in ipf.rules:
block in log on dc0 proto tcp from to port = 25 
flags S keep state

It is a test rule to see if it will work.

Why do I get an error? I do have a custom kernel built. Could it be why? 
If not, how can I get more debug it in more details?

Thank you!

Zbigniew Szalbot

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