Spam prevention

Kurt Buff kurt.buff at
Wed Nov 29 16:06:43 PST 2006

Sorry, this didn't make it back to the list, so I'm sending again...

> Hi,


> I would like to setup a mail server with postfix and sendmail...

One or the other, not both. I'm partial to postifx myself, as I find
it much easier to set up and administer.

> To fight spam, is spamassassin the best choice or should I look into
> something else ?

SpamAssassin is what I use, along with ClamAV and  Amavisd-new. I'll
be adding Maia Mailguard into the mix in the next iteration of the

You don't specify anything about your environment, so it's hard to
give much more advice. However, I can make one very good

The Book of Postfix, by Hildebrandt and Koetter

> Thanks

You're welcome.


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