Best laptop for Freebsd

Norberto Meijome freebsd at
Thu Nov 16 02:50:31 PST 2006

On Thu, 16 Nov 2006 00:19:54 -0800
Josef Grosch <jgrosch at> wrote:

> The only problem I had with the
> T43 was the fact it did not have a proper serial port. I was told to use
> some silly USB connector which never worked right.

a z60m here - same , but my serial-over-usb works really well, a prolific
PL-2303 chip. I have the following in my kernel

device      ucom        # serial port over USB
device      uplcom      # Prolific PL-2303 - Comsol's USB-Serial port

{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

Which is worse: ignorance or apathy?
Don't know. Don't care.

I speak for myself, not my employer. Contents may be hot. Slippery when wet.
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