periodic, short freezes

Zbigniew Szalbot zbyszek at
Fri Nov 10 12:13:30 UTC 2006


On Thu, 9 Nov 2006, Jonathan Horne wrote:

> any update on your freezing?  i have the same problem from time to time, and
> ive considered changing to the other scheduler, but i never have.  did you do
> it yet, and is there any difference?

I checked some logs and see this:

E 20061110 032156 1148 Error connecting to
E 20061110 032221 1148 Error connecting to
E 20061110 032246 1148 Error connecting to

which means FBSD was unavilable for at least 1 minute between 3:21 and
3:22 at night.

Needles to say, I was not using tty at that time though at 3 we start
sending quite a few emails (about 11K however they are fed in small
batches over 2 hour period so the load is not too big).

Is there any log in FBSD that I could turn on to get any feedback?

Zbigniew Szalbot

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