Mail server question

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Thu Nov 30 11:20:12 PST 2006

On Nov 30, 2006, at 11:02 AM, doug wrote:
> In updating FreeBSD to a 5.5 resting place on the way to 6.2,  
> sendmail went from 8.12.11 --> 8.13.6. Three users could not  
> connect without deleting or tinkering with their client profile to  
> force the client side to reenter the password. One was only fixed  
> by  setting up a new account. the three users from from an office  
> with about 40 others that worked fine.
> All the affected users were using POP3, two thunderbirds, and an  
> Outlook Express. The troublesome use was POP3 with Eudora. No one  
> else noticed [which was sorta what I was hoping for :) ]

Are you talking about them having problems reading mail, or sending  

If it's the former, the change to sendmail is not relevant, as  
reading mail is handled by your POP3 daemon.  Check your mailserver  
logfiles for more information, and ask more questions here if you  
don't find anything obvious there.  Of course, you'll need to quote  
parts of these log files or provide client-side error messages if you  
want us to have enough information to provide more specific advice.


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