now it's

Kris Kennaway kris at
Mon Nov 27 13:18:25 PST 2006

On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 12:36:04PM -0800, probsd org wrote:
> I know some of you have labeled me a troll. I don't think I am a troll in pointing out to others who may be interested in FreeBSD not to look to it. I believe just "liking freebsd" despite it's issues isn't advantageous to the community.
>   I've documented the problems with mozilla.
>   Now, with the latest STABLE branch of sourse and ports, after 10 hrs of comiling fails:
>   Error while making build_instsetoo_native.
>   Now, if you cant have the best wordprocessing app and one of the most popular web browsers in FreeBSD can you really expect people to embrace it.

a) You forgot to include any context to enable someone to figure out
your problem

b) You forgot to CC the maintainer

c) If you're really having problems you can just use the precompiled

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