August 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Aug 1 01:50:39 UTC 2016
Ending: Wed Aug 31 21:59:46 UTC 2016
Messages: 505
- JSD ** Professional PCB Manufacturer ** Germany Quality, China Price **
JSD PCB -- CoCo -- be always with you !
- emulators/virtualbox-ose build failure
Matthias Petermann (Business)
- emulators/virtualbox-ose build failure
Matthias Petermann (Business)
- Second hand video equipment for sale.
Alex Tan (Perfectus-Dorier)
- Pkg install, package not found.
Michał .
- igb driver don't change status
Michał .
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Magnus Ahriman
- How do I mount another system's zfs root partition on new system?
Magnus Ahriman
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Magnus Ahriman
- How do I mount another system's zfs root partition on new system?
Magnus Ahriman
- Power consumption tuning
Aleksander Alekseev
- Power consumption tuning
Aleksander Alekseev
- Best way to search questions list archives
Aleksander Alekseev
- isolation of GO lang application (jail and chroot)
Aleksander Alekseev
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Shane Ambler
- Beer Enthusiasts List
Mary Andrews
- dead url in ipfilter doc
Fernando Apesteguía
- can not connect to or IP addr port 80
Matthias Apitz
- can not connect to or IP addr port 80
Matthias Apitz
- no beep any more
Matthias Apitz
- no beep any more (SOLVED)
Matthias Apitz
- no beep any more (SOLVED)
Matthias Apitz
- no beep any more (SOLVED)
Matthias Apitz
- Apple:Your Apple account will be closed ✉
Service Apple
- freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 638, Issue 4
Dave B
- (Action Recuired): Update and confirm your Nationwide Online Banking
Nationwide Online Banking
- wireless hints: AP, username, password - does not work
Warren Block
- wireless hints: AP, username, password - does not work
Warren Block
- Lexar flash drive dead?
Warren Block
- Facing a strange problem
Warren Block
- converting 10.3-i386 to 10.3-amd64
Warren Block
- Is it necessary to reinstall OS upon motherboard change?
Warren Block
- Is it necessary to reinstall OS upon motherboard change?
Warren Block
- dd blocksize when copying to SSD disk
Warren Block
- OpenStack on FreeBSD
Roman Bogorodskiy
- no beep any more (SOLVED)
James B. Byrne
- FreeBSD/Xorg/Openchrome Segfault
- FreeBSD/Xorg/Openchrome Segfault
- FreeBSD/Xorg/Openchrome Segfault
- FreeBSD/Xorg/Openchrome Segfault
- FreeBSD/Xorg/Openchrome Segfault
- Ultima semana de inscripciones DIPLOMADO 2016. Aplica 15% de descuento
- erm shot my foot off with zfs, q on rescue
Russell L. Carter
- erm shot my foot off with zfs, q on rescue
Russell L. Carter
- erm shot my foot off with zfs, q on rescue
Russell L. Carter
- 10/stable -> 11/stable buildworld failure
Russell L. Carter
- can not connect to or IP addr port 80
- can not connect to or IP addr port 80
- OpenStack on FreeBSD
Samuel Cassiba
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
- FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img broken?
- OpenStack on FreeBSD
- OpenStack on FreeBSD
- vt(4) not power friendly? (was: High CPU temperature and high fans level)
Adrian Chadd
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Arthur Chance
- Power consumption tuning
Arthur Chance
- Followup: Losing time like crazy (1s short per 10s)
Arthur Chance
- Followup: Losing time like crazy (1s short per 10s)
Arthur Chance
- ieee 754 and p854
Arthur Chance
- Ominous smartd messages ....
David Christensen
- Ominous smartd messages ....
David Christensen
- Ominous smartd messages ....
David Christensen
- Monitoring server for crashes
David Christensen
- Non working NIC
David Christensen
- Non working NIC
David Christensen
- Is it necessary to reinstall OS upon motherboard change?
David Christensen
- Samba
Alister Christman
- shrink zfs root zpool
Julien Cigar
- dd blocksize when copying to SSD disk
Mike Clarke
- Unable to print with hplip
Tijl Coosemans
- Unable to run k3b
Tijl Coosemans
- Unable to run k3b
Tijl Coosemans
- How to enable rules in hosts /etc/devfs.rules file
Tijl Coosemans
- thumbnail_index
Tim Daneliuk
- thumbnail_index
Tim Daneliuk
- vt(4) not power friendly? (was: High CPU temperature and high fans level)
David Demelier
- jail -r does not remove a jail
David Demelier
- jail -r does not remove a jail
David Demelier
- Safe to buildworld/buildkernel 10.1 -> 10.3 (skip 10.2)
David Demelier
- hw.psm.tap_enable=0 has no effect
David Demelier
- hw.psm.tap_enable=0 has no effect
David Demelier
- hw.psm.tap_enable=0 has no effect
David Demelier
- Will installing a separate graphics card restore normal graphics ?
Erich Dollansky
- portupgrade's library handling seems broken
Bryan Drewery
- Root on ZFS, FreeBSD and Linux back and forth
Trond Endrestøl
- FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img broken?
Trond Endrestøl
- FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img broken?
Trond Endrestøl
- IPv6 query
Trond Endrestøl
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Lars Engels
- converting 10.3-i386 to 10.3-amd64
Matthias Fechner
- Monitoring FreeBSD Base System Vulnerabilities
Mark Felder
- Monitoring FreeBSD Base System Vulnerabilities
Mark Felder
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Luca Ferrari
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Luca Ferrari
- Monitoring server for crashes
Robert Fitzpatrick
- Monitoring server for crashes
Robert Fitzpatrick
- Monitoring server for crashes
Robert Fitzpatrick
- NF-e
- font size in vt
Felix Friedlander
- font size in vt
Felix Friedlander
- emulators/virtualbox-ose build failure
Bernhard Fröhlich
- isolation of GO lang application (jail and chroot)
Sergei G
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Valeri Galtsev
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Valeri Galtsev
- script to make webpage snapshot
Valeri Galtsev
- Monitoring server for crashes
Valeri Galtsev
- Monitoring server for crashes
Valeri Galtsev
- dhcpd and interface name
Valeri Galtsev
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
- How to install OpenMP on FreeBSD11 (64bit)?
Dennis Glatting
- How to install OpenMP on FreeBSD11 (64bit)?
Dennis Glatting
- FreeBSD 11 : running blacklistd needed for 520.pfdenied?
Michael Grimm
- Listing Update: OsBTI to Tekspace
George Hagivassilis
- Build error (CGAL)
Bernt Hansson
- Build error (CGAL)
Bernt Hansson
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
Bernt Hansson
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
Bernt Hansson
- C compiler stopped working
Bernt Hansson
- C compiler stopped working
Bernt Hansson
- Mimedefang no install
Bernt Hansson
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Doug Hardie
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Doug Hardie
- 11.0 Core Dumps
Doug Hardie
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Doug Hardie
- 11.0 Core Dumps
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Non working NIC
Doug Hardie
- Facing a strange problem
Chris Hill
- FreeBSD and TTY
John Howie
- converting 10.3-i386 to 10.3-amd64
Robert Huff
- How to install packages from local storage?
William A. Mahaffey III
- Ominous smartd messages ....
William A. Mahaffey III
- Ominous smartd messages ....
William A. Mahaffey III
- Ominous smartd messages ....
William A. Mahaffey III
- Ominous smartd messages ....
William A. Mahaffey III
- Ominous smartd messages ....
William A. Mahaffey III
- Ominous smartd messages ....
William A. Mahaffey III
- Ominous smartd messages ....
William A. Mahaffey III
- Monitoring server for crashes
William A. Mahaffey III
- ZFS wiki update
William A. Mahaffey III
- ports/pkg question
William A. Mahaffey III
- tor-browser
William A. Mahaffey III
- Graphics problems on AMD A6-6400 processor + Asus A68HM motherboard
Dutch Ingraham
- How to install packages from local storage?
Manish Jain
- How to install packages from local storage?
Manish Jain
- Looking for motherboard advice
Manish Jain
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Manish Jain
- Graphics problems on AMD A6-6400 processor + Asus A68HM motherboard
Manish Jain
- Will installing a separate graphics card restore normal graphics ?
Manish Jain
- Unable to print with hplip
Manish Jain
- Unable to print with hplip
Manish Jain
- Any chance for ATI Radeon 8470 HD graphics ?
Manish Jain
- Unable to run k3b
Manish Jain
- Unable to run k3b
Manish Jain
- Unable to run k3b
Manish Jain
- freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 637, Issue 4
Manish Jain
- Facing a strange problem
Manish Jain
- Facing a strange problem
Manish Jain
- Facing a strange problem
Manish Jain
- Facing a strange problem
Manish Jain
- Facing a strange problem
Manish Jain
- How to disable gnome3 hotspot
Manish Jain
- How to disable gnome3 hotspot
Manish Jain
- How to disable gnome3 hotspot
Manish Jain
- How to disable gnome3 hotspot
Manish Jain
- Is it necessary to reinstall OS upon motherboard change?
Manish Jain
- Is it necessary to reinstall OS upon motherboard change?
Manish Jain
- Is there a native Tor browser ?
Manish Jain
- polyurethane decoration products molding
- recoverdisk strategy
- General NTP questions
Carl Johnson
- Free Project Management Software Pricing Guide
Josefina Johnson
- Upgrade Perl5.2.20 (vulnerable)
- Pkg install, package not found.
Michał Jędrzejczak
- Pkg install, package not found.
Michał Jędrzejczak
- freebsd-update's "Fetching patches" phase?
Vlad K.
- freebsd-update's "Fetching patches" phase?
Vlad K.
- freebsd-update's "Fetching patches" phase?
Vlad K.
- How to disable gnome3 hotspot
Stari Karp
- How to disable gnome3 hotspot
Stari Karp
- LibreOffice vulnerabilities
Stari Karp
- javavmwrapper
Stari Karp
- Strange Problem with pkg
John Kent
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
CyberLeo Kitsana
- Unable to run k3b
Ivan Klymenko
- tiff vulnerability in ports?
Kubilay Kocak
- speedtest (Ookla) on amd64
Radek Krejča
- recoverdisk strategy
Christoph P.U. Kukulies
- dd blocksize when copying to SSD disk
Christoph P.U. Kukulies
- FW: Serial redirection halts on Dell PowerEdge 1955 Blade (mfsBSD)
Lavery, Benjamin (IT Enterprise Services)
- Serial redirection halts on Dell PowerEdge 1955 Blade (mfsBSD)
Lavery, Benjamin (IT Enterprise Services)
- Say "Bye-Bye" to Adwords Budget – Grow with Our Organic Listing Plan
Kris Lawson
- pf: rdr with two interfaces
Littlefield, Tyler
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Littlefield, Tyler
- vt(4) not power friendly? (was: High CPU temperature and high fans level)
Lundberg, Johannes
- dead url in ipfilter doc
Ernie Luzar
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Ernie Luzar
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Ernie Luzar
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Ernie Luzar
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Ernie Luzar
- Best way to search questions list archives
Ernie Luzar
- dhcpd and interface name
Ernie Luzar
- dhcpd and interface name
Ernie Luzar
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Ernie Luzar
- Cannot ping6 inside jail
Ernie Luzar
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Ernie Luzar
- Cannot ping6 inside jail
Ernie Luzar
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Ernie Luzar
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Ernie Luzar
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with pf firewall
Ernie Luzar
- How to enable rules in hosts /etc/devfs.rules file
Ernie Luzar
- Problem 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Ernie Luzar
- font size in vt
Ernie Luzar
- 10.x or 11.0 and pf firewall in vimage jail
Ernie Luzar
- Any chance for ATI Radeon 8470 HD graphics ?
Matthew Macy
- Facing a strange problem
Ralf Mardorf
- Facing a strange problem
Ralf Mardorf
- Facing a strange problem
Ralf Mardorf
- Facing a strange problem
Ralf Mardorf
- FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img broken?
Doug McIntyre
- FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img broken?
Doug McIntyre
- php52
Doug McIntyre
- Recent changes to Apache 2.4's SUEXEC path?
Doug McIntyre
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Andrew Merenbach
- Need advice for setting up mail server
- tiff vulnerability in ports?
Aleksandr Miroslav
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Mark Moellering
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Mark Moellering
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Ken Moffat
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Ken Moffat
- A Revolution in PDU Design
AKCP Data Center Monitoring
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
Jonathan Moore
- pkg-add for installing into a jail?
Alnis Morics
- Samba
Alnis Morics
- Samba
Alnis Morics
- dhcpd and interface name
Alnis Morics
- ports/pkg question
Alnis Morics
- Pkg install, package not found.
Alnis Morics
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
Eduardo Morras
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
Eduardo Morras
- converting 10.3-i386 to 10.3-amd64
Thomas Mueller
- Video DVD quality loss with mencoder/dvdauthor/growisofs
Rolf Nielsen
- How to install OpenMP on FreeBSD11 (64bit)?
Rolf Nielsen
- Invitation to the Morden BCP, Tools, Techniques and Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 Best Practices Workshop
Nelly Nkuna
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- isolation of GO lang application (jail and chroot)
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- FreeBSD/Xorg/Openchrome Segfault
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Need advice for setting up mail server
OZ1TMM, Martin
- tiff vulnerability in ports?
Kevin Oberman
- tiff vulnerability in ports?
Kevin Oberman
- Root on ZFS, FreeBSD and Linux back and forth
Jim Ohlstein
- FreeBSD/Xorg/Openchrome Segfault
Jim Ohlstein
- How do I mount another system's zfs root partition on new system?
Jim Ohlstein
- mouse problems on Lumina
Antonio Olivares
- mouse problems on Lumina
Antonio Olivares
- mouse problems on Lumina
Antonio Olivares
- FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img broken?
Taceant Omnes
- How to install packages from local storage?
Gregory Orange
- How to install packages from local storage?
Gregory Orange
- How to install packages from local storage?
Gregory Orange
- Best way to search questions list archives
Gregory Orange
- Buyer's Guide for Learning Management System(LMS) Software
Flora Page
- login.conf: tc overwrites setenv
Roger Pate
- Strange pkg behavior
Paul Pathiakis
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Nikola Pavlović
- Kernel call exit status
Donna Peters
- Possible errors in section in section 27.3 of the manual
Peter Pfannenschmid
- thumbnail_index
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
- Need advice for setting up mail server
- Will installing a separate graphics card restore normal graphics ?
- script to make webpage snapshot
- Video DVD quality loss with mencoder/dvdauthor/growisofs
- Facing a strange problem
- Facing a strange problem
- Non working NIC
- Non working NIC
- Non working NIC
- Facing a strange problem
- Is it necessary to reinstall OS upon motherboard change?
- mouse problems on Lumina
- mouse problems on Lumina
- mouse problems on Lumina
- Is it necessary to reinstall OS upon motherboard change?
- can not connect to or IP addr port 80
Jörg Preiß
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
- Need advice for setting up mail server
- Facing a strange problem
- 10.x or 11.0 and pf firewall in vimage jail
Kristof Provost
- 10.x or 11.0 and pf firewall in vimage jail
Kristof Provost
- General NTP questions
- Video DVD quality loss with mencoder/dvdauthor/growisofs
- Facing a strange problem
- Facing a strange problem
- fwd:What Do Olympic Gold Medals & Pokemon Have in Common?....
Stanley Quek
- Need advice for setting up mail server
- Need advice for setting up mail server
- Power consumption tuning
- freebsd-update's "Fetching patches" phase?
- Lexar flash drive dead?
- Lexar flash drive dead?
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
- wireless hints: AP, username, password - does not work
Jon Radel
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Jon Radel
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Jon Radel
- Promotion Strategy for your website online sale.
Smart Rank
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Solène Rapenne
- Any way to cache large /etc/hosts files?
Solène Rapenne
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Solène Rapenne
- php52
Solène Rapenne
- Power consumption tuning
Solène Rapenne
- Re-design/New Web Design & Development
Jon Richard
- few questions
Saeed Beigi Rizi
- Conkeror/libxul error
- script to make webpage snapshot
Michael Ross
- can not connect to or IP addr port 80
Eduardo Lemos de Sa
- FreeBSD and TTY
un_x at
- Will installing a separate graphics card restore normal graphics ?
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- Cannot ping6 inside jail
Bertram Scharpf
- Cannot ping6 inside jail
Bertram Scharpf
- Cannot ping6 inside jail
Bertram Scharpf
- login.conf: tc overwrites setenv
Bertram Scharpf
- login.conf: tc overwrites setenv
Bertram Scharpf
- Is it necessary to reinstall OS upon motherboard change?
Bertram Scharpf
- freebsd-update override changed files
Gerhard Schmidt
- Meraki MX series security appliances
Nate Schnable
- Root on ZFS, FreeBSD and Linux back and forth
Michael Schuster
- 11.0 Core Dumps
Michael Schuster
- erm shot my foot off with zfs, q on rescue
Michael Schuster
- pkg-add for installing into a jail?
Matthew Seaman
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Matthew Seaman
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Matthew Seaman
- tiff vulnerability in ports?
Matthew Seaman
- IPv6 query
Matthew Seaman
- tiff vulnerability in ports?
Matthew Seaman
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Matthew Seaman
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Matthew Seaman
- Upgrade Perl5.2.20 (vulnerable)
Matthew Seaman
- Upgrade Perl5.2.20 (vulnerable)
Matthew Seaman
- Best way to search questions list archives
Matthew Seaman
- freebsd-update's "Fetching patches" phase?
Matthew Seaman
- Losing time like crazy (1s short per 10s) - how to investigate?
Matthew Seaman
- Freebsd Chinese mainland official mirror sites can not be used, how to open a new site?
Matthew Seaman
- jail -r does not remove a jail
Matthew Seaman
- erm shot my foot off with zfs, q on rescue
Matthew Seaman
- Strange pkg behavior
Matthew Seaman
- Need advice for setting up mail server
Gerard Seibert
- erm shot my foot off with zfs, q on rescue
Shamim Shahriar
- dd blocksize when copying to SSD disk
Shamim Shahriar
- Design or Redesign Services
Mayank Sharma
- I love ipsy, join now while there is no waitlist!
Michele Shifflett
- wireless hints: AP, username, password - does not work
Anton Shterenlikht
- wireless hints: AP, username, password - does not work
Anton Shterenlikht
- wireless hints: AP, username, password - does not work
Anton Shterenlikht
- ieee 754 and p854
Anton Shterenlikht
- ieee 754 and p854
Anton Shterenlikht
- Power consumption tuning
Frank Shute
- Facing a strange problem
Frank Shute
- How to disable gnome3 hotspot
Frank Shute
- FreeBSD/Xorg/Openchrome Segfault
Frank Shute
- uname -r gives -p4; freebsd-update says "no updates needed to update to -p7"
Wayne Sierke
- no beep any more (SOLVED)
Ian Smith
- no beep any more (SOLVED)
Ian Smith
- Power consumption tuning
Ian Smith
- Power consumption tuning
Ian Smith
- Monitoring server for crashes
Ian Smith
- Monitoring server for crashes
Ian Smith
- dhcpd and interface name
Ian Smith
- Lexar flash drive dead?
Ian Smith
- C compiler stopped working
Roland Smith
- font size in vt
Roland Smith
- Safe to buildworld/buildkernel 10.1 -> 10.3 (skip 10.2)
Chris Stankevitz
- Lexar flash drive dead?
Jonathan Stewart
- Lexar flash drive dead?
Jonathan Stewart
- Lexar flash drive dead?
Jonathan Stewart
- Lexar flash drive dead?
Jonathan Stewart
- Root on ZFS, LiveCD and BE
Victor Sudakov
- Root on ZFS, LiveCD and BE
Victor Sudakov
- Root on ZFS, LiveCD and BE
Victor Sudakov
- Root on ZFS, LiveCD and BE
Victor Sudakov
- font size in vt
Victor Sudakov
- Root on ZFS, LiveCD and BE
Victor Sudakov
- font size in vt
Victor Sudakov
- bsdinstall and unattended zfs installation
Victor Sudakov
- font size in vt
Victor Sudakov
- font size in vt
Victor Sudakov
- font size in vt
Victor Sudakov
- font size in vt
Victor Sudakov
- Any way to cache large /etc/hosts files?
Charles Swiger
- Is there a native Tor browser ?
N.J. Thomas
- Attention required: Your website may be in trouble:
Lorenzo Tomacelli
- bsdinstall and unattended zfs installation
Aropalo Tommi
- bsdinstall and setup script
Aropalo Tommi
- bsdinstall and unattended zfs installation
Aropalo Tommi
- Mimedefang no install
Mikhail Tsatsenko
- How to install packages from local storage?
- How to install packages from local storage?
- How to install packages from local storage?
- shrink zfs root zpool
- Monitoring server for crashes
- Is it necessary to reinstall OS upon motherboard change?
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Andrea Venturoli
- Root on ZFS, FreeBSD and Linux back and forth
Rares Vernica
- How to install packages from local storage?
Brian W.
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Brandon J. Wandersee
- Ominous smartd messages ....
Brandon J. Wandersee
- Facing a strange problem
Brandon J. Wandersee
- LibreOffice vulnerabilities
Brandon J. Wandersee
- Root on ZFS, LiveCD and BE
Brandon J. Wandersee
- Root on ZFS, LiveCD and BE
Brandon J. Wandersee
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Brandon J. Wandersee
- converting 10.3-i386 to 10.3-amd64
Brandon J. Wandersee
- How do I mount another system's zfs root partition on new system?
Brandon J. Wandersee
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
Brandon J. Wandersee
- PO#: 001238
- Losing time like crazy (1s short per 10s) - how to investigate?
Martin S. Weber
- Losing time like crazy (1s short per 10s) - how to investigate?
Martin S. Weber
- Losing time like crazy (1s short per 10s) - how to investigate?
Martin S. Weber
- Followup: Losing time like crazy (1s short per 10s)
Martin S. Weber
- Followup: Losing time like crazy (1s short per 10s)
Martin S. Weber
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Martin S. Weber
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
Martin S. Weber
- Samba
Dean E. Weimer
- Upgrade Perl5.2.20 (vulnerable)
Dean E. Weimer
- thumbnail_index
Alphons van Werven
- Lexar flash drive dead?
Alphons van Werven
- php7 and pecl-pdflib fails
Andy Wodfer
- php7 and pecl-pdflib fails
Andy Wodfer
- Creating a pkg
Andrew Wood
- wireless hints: AP, username, password - does not work
Ben Woods
- wireless hints: AP, username, password - does not work
Ben Woods
- freebsd-update override changed files
Ben Woods
- erm shot my foot off with zfs, q on rescue
Ben Woods
- multimedia/quodlibet fails to build on AMD64
Ben Woods
- Pkg install, package not found.
Ben Woods
- portupgrade's library handling seems broken
Robert Woolley
- A question about using "vmstat" to get the memory use info of kernel
Nan Xiao
- Freebsd Chinese mainland official mirror sites can not be used, how to open a new site?
- Freebsd11 no longer support UEFI?
- Any way to cache large /etc/hosts files?
- Any way to cache large /etc/hosts files?
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- Firewalling jails and lo0
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- tiff vulnerability in ports?
- tiff vulnerability in ports?
- Invitation from Yiwu
- php52
abdulov entertaimentt
- multimedia/quodlibet fails to build on AMD64
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
lokadamus at
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
lokadamus at
- script to make webpage snapshot
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
- Need advice for setting up mail server
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
- testing 11.0-RC1 vnet jails with ipfilter
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
- Playing Blu-Ray Discs
- Freebsd11 no longer support UEFI?
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
- How do I limit I/O usage for a user/process? A user broke my system
- Root on ZFS, LiveCD and BE
- game machine based on FreeBSD?
- 10.x or 11.0 and pf firewall in vimage jail
- How to enable rules in hosts /etc/devfs.rules file
- hw.psm.tap_enable=0 has no effect
- hw.psm.tap_enable=0 has no effect
- Android Apps
- Strange pkg behavior
- Joining the SC of the indexed IC SETIT 2016 Hammamet-Tunisia
info at
- IPv6 query
- IPv6 query
- script to make webpage snapshot
- uname -r gives -p4; freebsd-update says "no updates needed to update to -p7"
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 21:59:46 UTC 2016
Archived on: Wed Aug 31 21:59:48 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).