Ominous smartd messages ....

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Wed Aug 3 18:30:09 UTC 2016

On 08/03/16 14:42, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:

>> I would download the HGST Windows Drive Fitness Test (WinDFT) and use it
>> to test all the drives.  Ideally, by removing your BSD system drive,
>> installing a Windows system drive, installing WinDFT, and running WinDFT
>> before, during, and after you mess with the hardware.
>  That last option sounds
> destructive, right ? Any other options short of that ? Thanks & TIA ....

You can try with Ultimate Boot CD: you can boot HGST DFT from there 
without the hassle of going through Windows.

You'll run the test, find the drive faulty, try repair, test again: 
that's (usually) not destructive.

In case the last test gives positive results, watch the disk closely: 
sometimes it will go on for years, sometimes you'll start getting those 
error again within days.

If that's the case, replace it.


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