Playing Blu-Ray Discs

krad kraduk at
Thu Aug 18 10:35:54 UTC 2016

ive never found optical media to be reliable long term so ditched that a
long time ago, as spinning metal is cheap enough, even if its not spinning
all the time.

On 17 August 2016 at 18:49, jd1008 <jd1008 at> wrote:

> On 08/17/2016 02:51 AM, Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Aug 2016 19:10:40 +0200
>> Bernt Hansson <bah at> wrote:
>> On 2016-08-16 13:33, Jonathan Moore wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was wondering how would one play Blu-Ray discs on FreeBSD 10.3
>>>> or is this only in 11.0?
>>>> That's not going to happen in a foreseeable future i.e never.
>>> HDCP is the problem, and i do not think the freebsd community has
>>> cracked that yet.
>> It's forbidden to publish any work about craking HDCP. All I can say it's
>> not harder than older methods.
>> The solution, don't buy BlueRay to break off the product market.
>>> Personally, the only good use I see for blueray is the large capacity
> backup in double layer BD-R media.
> They are not worth it for me for videos because DVD's are just fine.
> Some movies that are only avaialble on BD but not on DVD, you have to pay
> a higher price for.
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