Need advice for setting up mail server

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Mon Aug 8 07:54:02 UTC 2016

On 07/08/2016 19:12, Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff wrote:
> I forgot to mention postscreen(8). For its functionality see
> I just learned about it some weeks ago, so I haven't tested it
> yet. Anyway, I guess it's a cleverer and less resource hungry
> solution than other anti-spam tool.

postscreen is cool.  It's a single fairly small process that handles the
initial connection for inbound mail and it runs a number of fast and
cheap anti-spam measures, like verifying the forward and reverse lookups
of the EHLO name and remote IP number in the TCP connection.

Once the incoming connection as passed this pre-screen, it gets handed
of to the normal postfix smtpd process for processing: it's only at this
stage that you'ld run heuristic anti-spam rules that do detailed
analysis of message content.



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