Need advice for setting up mail server

Mike the.lists at
Sun Aug 7 15:50:00 UTC 2016

On 8/7/2016 11:30 AM, Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff wrote:
> Manish Jain [2016-08-07 15:24 +0000] :
>> I am looking for a good advice for some easy-to-setup mail
>> server solution for FreeBSD 10.3. Is qmail still the easiest
>> thing to set up for mail, or there is something better than
>> that ? I keep security concerns for the mail server solution at
>> a low level - fo r me, the thing has to be easy to set up and
>> maintain, rather than worry too much about eavesdropping/MITM.
> I'm not a professional but was able to set-up a Postfix system
> with Dovecot IMAP and LMTP. I guess, it depends on what you need;
> maybe OpenSMTPD is a solution for you. I got quite interested
> into the project. As far as I can judge it's easy to set up for
> a simple set-up.
> However, I don't have a lot of experience i.e. I've never tried
> neither qmail nor the traditional sendmail.

I second Postfix as the MTA.  Easy to set up and most excellent
documentation, with a very helpful support mailing list.

I use Dovecot for my personal email, and I found it relatively easy to
set up and very flexible.

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