speedtest (Ookla) on amd64

Radek Krejča radek.krejca at starnet.cz
Tue Aug 16 05:44:43 UTC 2016


do you have anybody speedtest.net server on amd64 FBSD box? Binary was evidently compiled on i386.

access("/usr/home/jenkins/jenkins/workspace/speedtest-poco-server-full/label/freebsd/platform/freebsd/lib/FreeBSD/i386/libstdc++.so.6",F_OK) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
access("/usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6",F_OK)         ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
access("/lib32/libstdc++.so.6",F_OK)             ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
access("/usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6",F_OK)         ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
Shared object "libstdc++.so.6" not found, required by "OoklaServer"write(2,"Shared object "libstdc++.so.6" n"...,67) = 67 (0x43)

My customer has one server with 10.3 amd64 FBSD and runs other services, so I cannot reinstall it to i386. I have lib32 install package installed but I need gcc i386 library or if there is other way, how to install this server on amd64 I will be very glad.

Thank you very much.

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