April 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Apr 1 08:55:23 UTC 2008
Ending: Wed Apr 30 23:42:14 UTC 2008
Messages: 573
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Dorian Büttner
- Hardware - Sun workstation Ultra 20 and others
Eirik Øverby
- FreeBSD 7 and multiple IP (mijail-patch in 6.x)
Johan Ström
- ZFS deadlock
Johan Ström
- ZFS deadlock
Johan Ström
- ZFS deadlock
Johan Ström
- ZFS deadlock
Johan Ström
- Packet-corruption with re(4)
Peter Ankerstål
- Packet-corruption with re(4)
Peter Ankerstål
- Problem with usb mass storage devices : system hang up
Sébastien Morand
- Two DHCP servers
Szemerédy Gábor
- Testing the list
Szemerédy Gábor
- Testing the list
Szemerédy Gábor
- Bootloader not working on Compaq Proliant ML330 G2
Ján Šebošík
- g_vfs_done error third part--PLEASE HELP!
Toomas Aas
- g_vfs_done error third part--PLEASE HELP!
Toomas Aas
- arp: unknown hardware address format (0x0000) ?
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
- FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE SATA300 detected as SATA150
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
- ab2 (apache benchmark) problem
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Forrest Aldrich
- RELENG_6_3 ping and DUP packets
Mike Andrews
- RELENG_6_3 ping and DUP packets
Mike Andrews
- calcru: time went backwards
Mike Andrews
- FreeBSD 7.0 WITHOUT Heimdal
Dimitry Andric
- FreeBSD 7.0 WITHOUT Heimdal
Dimitry Andric
- libstdc++ localization aborts with an exception
Marian Asokarajan
- libstdc++ localization aborts with an exception
Sashi Asokarajan
- HP DL145G2 boot problems with 7.0
Gavin Atkinson
- What does system do after "Uptime: "?
Gavin Atkinson
- MFC Candidate: convert ffs_softdep.c over to callout(9)
Ilya Bakulin
- Don't recognizing SMP...
John Baldwin
- [kgdb] There is no member named pathname
John Baldwin
- [kgdb] There is no member named pathname
John Baldwin
- Don't recognizing SMP...
John Baldwin
- panics on 6.3-RELEASE in IP stack
John Baldwin
- LOR sleepq/scrlock
John Baldwin
- 7-STABLE bootloader not working on Asus TR-DLS
John Baldwin
- Recent bootloaders not working also on FIC PA-2005 board
John Baldwin
- LOR sleepq/scrlock
John Baldwin
- LOR sleepq/scrlock
John Baldwin
- LOR on sleepqueue chain locks, Was: LOR sleepq/scrlock
John Baldwin
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
John Baldwin
- kvm_open: kvm_nlist: No such file or directory
John Baldwin
- HP DL145G2 boot problems with 7.0
John Baldwin
- Crash with recent kernel on wireless
John Baldwin
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
John Baldwin
- Crash with recent kernel on wireless
John Baldwin
- What does system do after "Uptime: "?
John Baldwin
- USB keyboard locking up on 7-RELEASE/amd64
Raphael Becker
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should I
Zaphod Beeblebrox
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Zaphod Beeblebrox
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Zaphod Beeblebrox
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Zaphod Beeblebrox
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Zaphod Beeblebrox
- Panic with usb serial
Kostik Belousov
- Panic with usb serial
Kostik Belousov
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Kostik Belousov
- panic: ffs_truncate: readonly filesystem
Kostik Belousov
- 7.0 panic in geom / ufs
Kostik Belousov
- ab2 (apache benchmark) problem
Dan Bilik
- NFS and /etc/exports
Robert Blayzor
- NFS and /etc/exports
Robert Blayzor
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Warren Block
- panic with smbfs after MFC of kernel space locking
Oliver Brandmueller
- panic with smbfs after MFC of kernel space locking
Oliver Brandmueller
- auto_nlist failed on cp_time at location 1
Danny Braniss
- dell t105 ethernet
- ule scheduler
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should
I choice?
- freebsd 7 with sata drives
- library bug in gcc43 port on fbsd7 -- aborts when throwing exception
Jeff Brown
- Don't recognizing SMP...
Wilko Bulte
- hp blade bl460c and FreeBSD 7.0 (amd)
Wilko Bulte
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
Oleg Bulyzhin
- jail addressing?
Michael Butler
- Sierra AirCard 595 and Belkin Bluetooth adapter F8T020 + F8T007
Michael Butler
- 7-STABLE bootloader not working on Asus TR-DLS
Greg Byshenk
- Recent bootloaders not working also on FIC PA-2005 board
Greg Byshenk
- ule scheduler
Josh Carroll
- ab2 (apache benchmark) problem
Adrian Chadd
- /var with capacity -1%
Jeremy Chadwick
- /var with capacity -1%
Jeremy Chadwick
- /var with capacity -1%
Jeremy Chadwick
- /var with capacity -1%
Jeremy Chadwick
- S-ATA DVD drive problems
Jeremy Chadwick
- Jail crontab crashing?
Jeremy Chadwick
- ataraid and glable interference
Jeremy Chadwick
- NTP on amd74 + powernow issues
Jeremy Chadwick
- Bootloader not working on Compaq Proliant ML330 G2
Jeremy Chadwick
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Jeremy Chadwick
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Jeremy Chadwick
- NTP on amd74 + powernow issues
Jeremy Chadwick
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Jeremy Chadwick
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Jeremy Chadwick
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Jeremy Chadwick
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Jeremy Chadwick
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Jeremy Chadwick
- ZFS deadlock
Jeremy Chadwick
- HEADS UP: procstat(1) MFC to RELENG_7 in progress
Jeremy Chadwick
- RELENG_6_3 ping and DUP packets
Jeremy Chadwick
- RELENG_6_3 ping and DUP packets
Jeremy Chadwick
- reboot after panic: privileged instruction fault
Jeremy Chadwick
- RELENG_6_3 ping and DUP packets
Jeremy Chadwick
- buildkernel problem with RELENG_7
Jeremy Chadwick
- Hang after flushing all buffers/no reboot
Jeremy Chadwick
- A bug in g++ exceptions on 7?
Jeremy Chadwick
- calcru: time went backwards
Jeremy Chadwick
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
Jeremy Chadwick
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
Jeremy Chadwick
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
Jeremy Chadwick
- why does my apache-worker broke after upgrade to 6_3_RELEASE?
Jeremy Chadwick
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
Jeremy Chadwick
- Problems with em0 failing to initialize on stable?
Jeremy Chadwick
- php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3
Jeremy Chadwick
- Problems with em0 failing to initialize on stable?
Jeremy Chadwick
- freebsd i386 releng_7 odd problem - cant shut down
Jeremy Chadwick
- gmirror problem with HP Proliant ML110 G5
Jeremy Chadwick
- calcru: time went backwards
Jeremy Chadwick
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
Jeremy Chadwick
- [FOUND] connection reset after second syn-ack was sent
(FreeBSD 7.0)
Jeremy Chadwick
- Looking for Supermicro hardware owners...
Jeremy Chadwick
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Jeremy Chadwick
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Jeremy Chadwick
- FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE SATA300 detected as SATA150
Jeremy Chadwick
- ab2 (apache benchmark) problem
Jeremy Chadwick
- zeroed fields in ps output
Jeremy Chadwick
- g_vfs_done error third part--PLEASE HELP!
Jeremy Chadwick
- Packet-corruption with re(4)
Jeremy Chadwick
- Packet-corruption with re(4)
Jeremy Chadwick
- Packet-corruption with re(4)
Jeremy Chadwick
- Latest stable release
Chhabi Chalise
- /var with capacity -1%
Jonathan Chen
- NFS server on FreeBSD 6, client on FreeBSD 7 ?
Ken Chen
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Ken Chen
- Recent bootloaders not working also on FIC PA-2005 board
Marcin Cieslak
- FreeBSD 7.0 WITHOUT Heimdal
Marcin Cieslak
- FreeBSD 7.0 WITHOUT Heimdal
J. Porter Clark
- (no subject)
J. Porter Clark
- gmirror problem with HP Proliant ML110 G5
Steffan Davies
- Q&A on textdumps (fwd)
Brooks Davis
- Two DHCP servers
Brooks Davis
- kvm_open: kvm_nlist: No such file or directory
Luke Dean
- Disk I/O Question 7.0-STABLE
Karl Denninger
- Disk I/O Question 7.0-STABLE
Karl Denninger
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should I
Andrey V. Elsukov
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
Andrey V. Elsukov
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
Andrey V. Elsukov
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
Andrey V. Elsukov
- ZFS deadlock
- ZFS deadlock
- Lots of FIN_WAIT_1 TCP Connections and deadlock in zoneli state
Lin Jui-Nan Eric
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
Tom Evans
- INET6 required for SCTP in 7.0?
Tom Evans
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Tom Evans
- panics on 6.3-RELEASE in IP stack
Tom Evans
- Rockbox on a USB device causes kernel panic on 7.0
Bartosz Fabianowski
- Rockbox on a USB device causes kernel panic on 7.0
Bartosz Fabianowski
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Rong-en Fan
- amd behaves strange
Dominic Fandrey
- WANT_LINT broken on amd64
Dominic Fandrey
- Packet-corruption with re(4)
Sean C. Farley
- FreeBSD 7.0 WITHOUT Heimdal
Gunnar Flygt
- FreeBSD 7.0 WITHOUT Heimdal
Gunnar Flygt
- USB loses devices
Joakim Fogelberg
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Steve Franks
- Jail crontab crashing?
Pete French
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
Pete French
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
Pete French
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Pete French
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Pete French
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Pete French
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Pete French
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Pete French
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Pete French
- machine wedged -> KDB: enter: lock violation
Daichi GOTO
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Andriy Gapon
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Andriy Gapon
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Andriy Gapon
- panic: vn_finished_write: neg cnt
Andriy Gapon
- gmirror problem with HP Proliant ML110 G5
- Telus EV-DO success how-to.
David Gilbert
- arp: unknown hardware address format (0x0000) ?
Pieter de Goeje
- Advertising opportunity for http://lists.freebsd.org/
Eric Gordon
- Crash with recent kernel on wireless
Vladimir Grebenschikov
- Crash with recent kernel on wireless
Vladimir Grebenschikov
- Crash with recent kernel on wireless
Vladimir Grebenschikov
- One more panic with recent STABLE - vm_page_unwire: invalid wire
count: 0
Vladimir Grebenschikov
- /var with capacity -1%
Eugene Grosbein
- /etc/daily.local and sim. never run
Eugene Grosbein
- Latest stable release
Claus Guttesen
- hp blade bl460c and FreeBSD 7.0 (amd)
Claus Guttesen
- NFS and /etc/exports
Claus Guttesen
- NFS and /etc/exports
Claus Guttesen
- ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?
Claus Guttesen
- php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3
Claus Guttesen
- php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3
Claus Guttesen
- php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3
Claus Guttesen
- ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?
Claus Guttesen
- php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3
Claus Guttesen
- Fails to build new gcc
Jan Gyselinck
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Doug Hardie
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Doug Hardie
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Doug Hardie
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Doug Hardie
- 7.0-RELEASE panic any ideas?
Steven Hartland
- 7.0 panic in geom / ufs
Steven Hartland
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
O. Hartmann
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
O. Hartmann
- /var with capacity -1%
Ingeborg Hellemo
- /var with capacity -1%
Ingeborg Hellemo
- /var with capacity -1%
Ingeborg Hellemo
- /var with capacity -1%
Ingeborg Hellemo
- /var with capacity -1%
Ingeborg Hellemo
- /var with capacity -1%
Ingeborg Hellemo
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
Johan Hendriks
- Panic with usb serial
Vince Hoffman
- Panic with usb serial
Vince Hoffman
- Panic with usb serial
Vince Hoffman
- Q&A on textdumps (fwd)
Vince Hoffman
- panics on 6.3-RELEASE in IP stack
Petr Holub
- panics on 6.3-RELEASE in IP stack
Petr Holub
- panics in 6.3-RELEASE in sound system
Petr Holub
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should I
Arnaud Houdelette
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
Arnaud Houdelette
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
Arnaud Houdelette
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
Arnaud Houdelette
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
Arnaud Houdelette
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should I
Arnaud Houdelette
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should
I choice?
Arnaud Houdelette
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Tz-Huan Huang
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Tz-Huan Huang
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Tz-Huan Huang
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Tz-Huan Huang
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Tz-Huan Huang
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Tz-Huan Huang
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Tz-Huan Huang
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Tz-Huan Huang
- Disk I/O Question 7.0-STABLE
Thomas Hurst
- Disk I/O Question 7.0-STABLE
Thomas Hurst
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Thomas Hurst
- ZFS deadlock
Spike Ilacqua
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- bluetooth keyboards and /etc/rc.d/bluetooth
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- bluetooth keyboards and /etc/rc.d/bluetooth
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Packet-corruption with re(4)
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Packet-corruption with re(4)
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- freebsd i386 releng_7 odd problem - cant shut down
Georgi Iovchev
- freebsd i386 releng_7 odd problem - cant shut down
Georgi Iovchev
- Question about file system checks
Momchil Ivanov
- NTP on amd74 + powernow issues
Peter Jeremy
- Hardware - Sun workstation Ultra 20 and others
Peter Jeremy
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Peter Jeremy
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Peter Jeremy
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Peter Jeremy
- ZFS deadlock
- Error while pxeboot setup FreeBSD 7.0
Robert Joosten
- Latest stable release
Kevin K
- threads cleanup?
Alexander Kabaev
- MFC Candidate: convert ffs_softdep.c over to callout(9)
Coleman Kane
- MFC Candidate: convert ffs_softdep.c over to callout(9)
Coleman Kane
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
Josef Karthauser
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
Josef Karthauser
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
Josef Karthauser
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
Josef Karthauser
- NFS server on FreeBSD 6, client on FreeBSD 7 ?
Kris Kennaway
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Kris Kennaway
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Kris Kennaway
- 7.0 kernel crash: page fault while in kernel mode
Kris Kennaway
- aaccli on recent conrollers?
Vivek Khera
- File descriptor passing broken in FreeBSD 7?
Vivek Khera
- maxproc reached inside jail, can't tell why
Vivek Khera
- lpd connection lost problems
Holger Kipp
- connection reset after second syn-ack was sent (FreeBSD 7.0)
Holger Kipp
- [FOUND] connection reset after second syn-ack was sent (FreeBSD 7.0)
Holger Kipp
- [FOUND] connection reset after second syn-ack was sent (FreeBSD
Holger Kipp
- Upgrading to 7.0 - stupid requirements
Mark Kirkwood
- USB stall with creative nomad
Mark Kirkwood
- USB stall with creative nomad
Mark Kirkwood
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Arno J. Klaassen
- bluetooth keyboards and /etc/rc.d/bluetooth
Ronald Klop
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Alec Kloss
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Alec Kloss
- Don't recognizing SMP...
Andrei Kolu
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Andrei Kolu
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Andrei Kolu
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Andrei Kolu
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Andrei Kolu
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
Andrei Kolu
- /var with capacity -1%
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- calcru: time went backwards
Pertti Kosunen
- calcru: time went backwards
Pertti Kosunen
- calcru: time went backwards
Pertti Kosunen
- USB keyboard locking up on 7-RELEASE/amd64
Alexandre "Sunny" Kovalenko
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should
I choice?
Louis Kowolowski
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should
I choice?
Louis Kowolowski
- [releng_5 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
Xin LI
- ule scheduler
Xin LI
- What does system do after "Uptime: "?
Xin LI
- What does system do after "Uptime: "?
Xin LI
- jail addressing?
Miroslav Lachman
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should
I choice?
Miroslav Lachman
- HP DL145G2 boot problems with 7.0
Ryan Lackey
- HP DL145G2 boot problems with 7.0
Ryan Lackey
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Max Laier
- /var with capacity -1%
Scott Lambert
- Open-vm-tools port available for testing
Uwe Laverenz
- Open-vm-tools port available for testing
Uwe Laverenz
- Two DHCP servers
William LeFebvre
- Crash with recent kernel on wireless
Sam Leffler
- error in src/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal
Oliver Lehmann
- error in src/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal
Oliver Lehmann
- panic when unmount cd-rom from nautilus
Alexander Logvinov
- garbage in acd0 name
Alexander Logvinov
- Panic with usb serial
M. Warner Losh
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
M. Warner Losh
- USB to RS232 converter problem (prolific chip)
M. Warner Losh
- USB loses devices
Tore Lund
- buildkernel problem with RELENG_7
Juraj Lutter
- RELENG_7 buildworld issu
Juraj Lutter
- buildkernel problem with RELENG_7
Juraj Lutter
- buildkernel problem with RELENG_7
Juraj Lutter
- panics on 6.3-RELEASE in IP stack
Bruce A. Mah
- error in src/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal
Mike Makonnen
- NTP on amd74 + powernow issues
David Malone
- LOR sleepq/scrlock
Aristedes Maniatis
- LOR sleepq/scrlock
Aristedes Maniatis
- LOR sleepq/scrlock
Aristedes Maniatis
- LOR sleepq/scrlock
Aristedes Maniatis
- LOR on sleepqueue chain locks, Was: LOR sleepq/scrlock
Aristedes Maniatis
- USB loses devices
- USB loses devices
- aac tool regressions on 7.0-RC1
Ed Maste
- aac tool regressions on 7.0-RC1
Ed Maste
- aaccli on recent conrollers?
Ed Maste
- Q&A on textdumps (fwd)
Norberto Meijome
- Q&A on textdumps (fwd)
Norberto Meijome
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
Norberto Meijome
- g_vfs_done error third part--PLEASE HELP!
Jan Mikkelsen
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should I
Emil Mikulic
- USB keyboard locking up on 7-RELEASE/amd64
H. Wade Minter
- OSS and Skype
Sebastien Morand
- File descriptor passing broken in FreeBSD 7?
Philip Murray
- php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3
Marat N.Afanasyev
- Mounting devfs over to ZFS from fstab fails
Attila Nagy
- NFS and /etc/exports
Dan Nelson
- zeroed fields in ps output
Dan Nelson
- auto_nlist failed on cp_time at location 1
Dan Nelson
- auto_nlist failed on cp_time at location 1
Dan Nelson
- 64 bits linux binary on amd64 FreeBSD
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should I
- INET6 required for SCTP in 7.0?
George V. Neville-Neil
- Problems with em0 failing to initialize on stable?
George V. Neville-Neil
- Monitor not working for iwi on 7.0-BETA4
Nikos Ntarmos
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
Daniel O'Connor
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
Daniel O'Connor
- AHCI and correct drive geometry?
Daniel O'Connor
- bluetooth keyboards and /etc/rc.d/bluetooth
Kevin Oberman
- g_vfs_done() error
Willy Offermans
- g_vfs_done errors
Willy Offermans
- g_vfs_done error third part--PLEASE HELP!
Willy Offermans
- HEADS UP: FreeBSD 5.5, 6.1, and 6.2 EoLs coming soon
FreeBSD Security Officer
- reboot after panic: privileged instruction fault
Spil Oss
- reboot after panic: privileged instruction fault
Spil Oss
- reboot after panic: page fault
Spil Oss
- NFS and /etc/exports
Alfred Perlstein
- NFS and /etc/exports
Alfred Perlstein
- NFS and /etc/exports
Alfred Perlstein
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Christian S.J. Peron
- Refurbished Wireless Test and Repair Values
- php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3
Jim Pingle
- panics on 6.3-RELEASE in IP stack
Michael Proto
- Fails to build new gcc
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Doug Rabson
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Doug Rabson
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Doug Rabson
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Doug Rabson
- lock problem: nfs server on FreeBSD 7-stable, client on linux
Doug Rabson
- panic with smbfs after MFC of kernel space locking
Doug Rabson
- /etc/daily.local and sim. never run
Miguel Lopes Santos Ramos
- Disable DMA without loader.conf or sysctl.conf.
Chris Rees
- calcru: time went backwards
Scott Robbins
- calcru: time went backwards
Scott Robbins
- Crash with recent kernel on wireless
Da Rock
- Crash with recent kernel on wireless
Da Rock
- NTP on amd74 + powernow issues
Guido van Rooij
- NTP on amd74 + powernow issues
Guido van Rooij
- NTP on amd74 + powernow issues
Guido van Rooij
- NTP on amd74 + powernow issues
Guido van Rooij
- Hang after flushing all buffers/no reboot
Larry Rosenman
- Hang after flushing all buffers/no reboot
Larry Rosenman
- calcru: time went backwards
Larry Rosenman
- calcru: time went backwards
Larry Rosenman
- calcru: time went backwards
Larry Rosenman
- NFS and /etc/exports
Nawfal bin Mohmad Rouyan
- NFS and /etc/exports
Nawfal bin Mohmad Rouyan
- Don't recognizing SMP...
Alexander Sack
- Don't recognizing SMP...
Alexander Sack
- FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE SATA300 detected as SATA150
Alexander Sack
- 64 bits linux binary on amd64 FreeBSD
Boris Samorodov
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation
should I choice?
Steven Schlansker
- S-ATA DVD drive problems
Harald Schmalzbauer
- ataraid and glable interference
Harald Schmalzbauer
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Paul Schmehl
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Paul Schmehl
- 7.0 kernel crash: page fault while in kernel mode
Toni Schmidbauer
- 7.0 kernel crash: page fault while in kernel mode
Toni Schmidbauer
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
David Schwartz
- Bootloader not working on Compaq Proliant ML330 G2
Jan Sebosik
- ab2 (apache benchmark) problem
TooMany Secrets
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should I choice?
Lev Serebryakov
- [SO]HO Software RAID5 server: which implementation should I
Lev Serebryakov
- getenv in FreeBSD 7
Bakul Shah
- panics on 6.3-RELEASE in IP stack
Bruce M. Simpson
- panics on 6.3-RELEASE in IP stack
Bruce M. Simpson
- Fails to build new gcc
Bruce M. Simpson
- threads cleanup?
Krassimir Slavchev
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Roland Smith
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Roland Smith
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Roland Smith
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Roland Smith
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Roland Smith
- g_vfs_done error third part--PLEASE HELP!
Roland Smith
- Crash with recent kernel on wireless
Roland Smith
- Panic in kqueue_close from kern_close
Andrew Snow
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Andrew Snow
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Andrew Snow
- ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?
James Snyder
- ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?
James Snyder
- Disable DMA without loader.conf or sysctl.conf.
Rink Springer
- Testing the list
Julian H. Stacey
- Testing the list
Julian H. Stacey
- auto_nlist failed on cp_time at location 1
Tim Stoddard
- auto_nlist failed on cp_time at location 1
Tim Stoddard
- auto_nlist failed on cp_time at location 1
Tim Stoddard
- auto_nlist failed on cp_time at location 1
Tim Stoddard
- Jaunumi: Pa:nuu, Stussy, Reebok
- New Arrivals: Reebok, Nike, Adidas Originals
- New Arrivals: Cool Hats form Goorin Brothers
- Problems with em0 failing to initialize on stable?
Ben Stuyts
- Problems with em0 failing to initialize on stable?
Ben Stuyts
- RELENG_6_3 ping and DUP packets
Chuck Swiger
- "software" vs. "hardware" memory holes (fault on nofault entry
Mikhail T.
- panic: ffs_truncate: readonly filesystem
Mikhail T.
- System hangs when /var partition full (vnode_pager_putpages
Michel Talon
- RELENG_7 panic (rl driver)
Mike Tancsa
- AMD64 crash on RELENG_7
Mike Tancsa
- AMD64 crash on RELENG_7
Mike Tancsa
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Mike Tancsa
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Mike Tancsa
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Mike Tancsa
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Mike Tancsa
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Mike Tancsa
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Mike Tancsa
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Mike Tancsa
- Access Problems with 7.0
Erik Stian Tefre
- panic: ffs_truncate: readonly filesystem
Mikhail Teterin
- Don't recognizing SMP...
Jase Thew
- aac tool regressions on 7.0-RC1
Chris Timmons
- aac tool regressions on 7.0-RC1
Chris Timmons
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_5 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_5 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_5 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_5 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_5 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_5 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_5 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_5 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- HP DL385G1 Smart Array 6i AMD64 FBSD 6.3
- Testing the list
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Erik Trulsson
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
- sched_ule performance on single CPU
- Jail crontab crashing?
Anton - Valqk
- Jail crontab crashing?
Anton - Valqk
- Jail crontab crashing?
Anton - Valqk
- Jail crontab crashing?
Anton - Valqk
- Jail crontab crashing?
Anton - Valqk
- why does my apache-worker broke after upgrade to 6_3_RELEASE?
Anton - Valqk
- Visit Veracity at INTEROP 2008 in Booth #2401
Veracity USA, Inc.
- System hangs when /var partition full (vnode_pager_putpages errors)
Maks Verver
- ZFS deadlock
- Problems with em0 failing to initialize on stable?
Jack Vogel
- Q&A on textdumps (fwd)
- Q&A on textdumps (fwd)
- ATI SB600 Sata controler isn't detected as such.
- ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?
Ivan Voras
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Ivan Voras
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Ivan Voras
- Question about file system checks
Ivan Voras
- Hardware - Sun workstation Ultra 20 and others
Ivan Voras
- Hardware - Sun workstation Ultra 20 and others
Ivan Voras
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Ivan Voras
- Dreadful gmirror performance, though each half works fine
Ivan Voras
- ab2 (apache benchmark) problem
Ivan Voras
- zeroed fields in ps output
- zeroed fields in ps output
- Rockbox on a USB device causes kernel panic on 7.0
Dave Warren
- Rockbox on a USB device causes kernel panic on 7.0
David Warren
- Rockbox on a USB device causes kernel panic on 7.0
David Warren
- Q&A on textdumps (fwd)
Robert Watson
- HEADS UP: procstat(1) MFC to RELENG_7 in progress
Robert Watson
- HEADS UP: procstat(1) MFC to RELENG_7 in progress
Robert Watson
- panics on 6.3-RELEASE in IP stack
Robert Watson
- RELENG_6_3 ping and DUP packets
Damian Weber
- RELENG_6_3 ping and DUP packets
Damian Weber
- RELENG_6_3 ping and DUP packets
Damian Weber
- /var with capacity -1%
Peter Wemm
- Digitally Signed Binaries w/ Kernel support, etc.
Peter Wemm
- Hardware - Sun workstation Ultra 20 and others
Royce Williams
- umass causes panic on 7 amd64
Garrett Wollman
- File descriptor passing broken in FreeBSD 7?
Heiko Wundram
- ZFS deadlock
LI Xin
- ZFS deadlock
LI Xin
- A bug in g++ exceptions on 7?
David Xu
- RELENG_7 panic (rl driver)
Pyun YongHyeon
- AMD64 crash on RELENG_7
Pyun YongHyeon
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Pyun YongHyeon
- mount -p in 7.0-RELEASE
Anton Yuzhaninov
- FreeBSD 7 and multiple IP (mijail-patch in 6.x)
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- Access Problems with 7.0
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- reboot after panic: privileged instruction fault
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- A bug in g++ exceptions on 7?
gnn at freebsd.org
- A bug in g++ exceptions on 7?
gnn at freebsd.org
- A bug in g++ exceptions on 7?
gnn at freebsd.org
- Problems with em0 failing to initialize on stable?
gnn at freebsd.org
- Problems with em0 failing to initialize on stable?
gnn at freebsd.org
- Open-vm-tools port available for testing
- ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?
- ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?
- ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?
- em1: Unable to allocate bus resource: memory
jonathan at kc8onw.net
mariamayer.online at freenet.de
- bluetooth keyboards and /etc/rc.d/bluetooth
- bluetooth keyboards and /etc/rc.d/bluetooth
- MailMonitor Alert
mmsmtp at egle.cs.rtu.lv
- MailMonitor Alert
mmsmtp at egle.cs.rtu.lv
- [kgdb] There is no member named pathname
- buildkernel problem with RELENG_7
- nfs-server silent data corruption
- nfs-server silent data corruption
Last message date:
Wed Apr 30 23:42:14 UTC 2008
Archived on: Wed Apr 30 23:42:19 UTC 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).