Re: On what days are the git servers available to obtain the ports tree?

From: Chris <>
Date: Mon, 02 May 2022 20:37:47 UTC
On 2022-05-02 13:14, Jose Quinteiro wrote:
> On 5/2/22 12:55, Chris wrote:
>> On 2022-05-02 12:04, Chris wrote:
>>> On 2022-05-02 11:21, Janky Jay, III wrote:
>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>> On 5/2/22 11:09, Chris wrote:
>>>>> I'm a maintainer for well over 100 ports. But more often than
>>>>> not, I am not permitted to obtain the ports tree from any of
>>>>> the FreeBSD git servers:
>>>>> # git clone -o freebsd --config
>>>>> remote.freebsd.fetch='+refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*'
>>>>> PORTS-20220502
>>>>> returns:
>>>>> error: RPC failed; HTTP 504 curl 22 The requested URL returned
>>>>> error: 504
>>>>> fatal: error reading section header 'shallow-info'
>>>> I've run into this issue in the past with older versions of git. I
>>>> found that
>>>> updating my version of git to anything equal or newer than 2.35.1
>>>> resolved it.
>>>> If you can't update your git version because you can't update your
>>>> ports tree, I
>>>> found that adjusting the size of the global config for git's
>>>> "http.postBuffer" to
>>>> 500MB fixed the issue for older git versions:
>>>> # git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000
>>>> Hope that helps!
>>> I think you may have provided me with both the problem && solution.
>>> I'm performing
>>> all of this within a jail(8) && my copy of git is not the newest; the
>>> resources are
>>> also less than those of the host. So I would venture a guess that at
>>> *least* one of
>>> your proposed solution gets it for me.
>> OK I tried
>> #git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000
>> but the results were the same. :-(
>> So I upgraded git to git-2.36.0 in that jail and again, the results were
>> the same. :-(
>> Thanks for your suggestions, Jay.
>> Looks like I'll have to cobble up a script and add it to cron. To
>> attempt to get a copy
>> of the ports tree once a day. Not stopping attempts until successful>
> Is there a reason why you can't do a git pull to accomplish this?
Thanks for the reply, Jose.
> What I've done in the past when I had trouble cloning the Freebsd-hosted
> repo is to clone the Github-hosted mirror, and then set the origin to
> the Freebsd repo.
I can clone the github hosted mirror && make the changes. But that
removes the one-true-source factor, adds additional steps to a procedure
that should "Just Work".
Which is the real question. Why doesn't it Just Work? Clearly there is a 
with the FreeBSD git based system. All of the mailing lists work, I'm on 8 of 
All the dist servers work. I can get the dist images w/o any trouble. The 
man pages work. The web pages work. But the git(1) service(s) don't. Why && 
everyone care as to why they don't?

Thanks again! :-)
> Thanks,
> Jose.