Fwd: Re: session mgmt: does POSIX indeed prohibit NOOP execution?

Peter peter at citylink.dinoex.sub.org
Tue Jan 7 02:13:43 UTC 2020

> > Not much room to argue?
> Why that? This is not about laws you have to follow blindly whether
> you understand them or not, this is all about an Outcome - a working
> machine that should properly function.

"Not much to argue about what behaviour is required by the standard".
The standard could have been written to require different behaviour
and most probably still make sense, but it wasn't; but at least it's
unambiguous. After that, the discussion is rather... philosophical.

It is not the standard that concerns me, it is *failure* that concerns me.

When I try to run a daemon from the base OS (in the orderly way, via  
daemon command), and it just DOES NOT WORK, and I need to find out and  
look into it what's actually wrong, then for me that's not philosophy,  
that's a failure that needs some effort to fix.
And I dont want such issues, and, more important, I don't want other  
people to run into the same issue again! (Not sure what is so difficult to  
understand with that.)

In any case, either the base system has a flaw, or the syscall has a flaw,  
or the Posix has a flaw. I don't care which, You're free to choose,

But if you instead think that flaws are not allowed to exist because Posix  
is perfect, and therefore the much better solution is to just bully the  
people who happen to run into the flaws, well, thats also okay.


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