FreeBSD ZFS snapshots and "previous versions"

Alexander Moisseev moiseev at
Tue Apr 5 13:16:12 UTC 2016

On 30.03.2016 12:31, Gabor Radnai wrote:
> Hi,
> If I understand correctly OP wants to use Windows feature called 'Previous
> Version' off from BSD filer.
> This can be done on FreeBSD + Samba4 adding followings to smb4.conf:
>         vfs objects = shadow_copy2
>         shadow:format       = %Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S--1h
>         shadow:sort         = desc
>         shadow:mountpoint   = <path-to-share>
>         shadow:snapdir      = .zfs/snapshot
>         shadow:localtime    = yes
> format is customizable and zfs snapshot should be aligned accordingly
> obviously.
> Hope it helps.
> _______________________________________________

FYI It's broken in Samba 4.1 and newer:

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