Re: CFT: snmalloc as libc malloc

From: Warner Losh <>
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2023 21:57:18 UTC

Thanks for replying. I do appreciate the offer to help work out a proposal
for submodules. That would be quite useful. Technology has improved in the
almost 5 years now since we looked at submodules for the first time.  Many
of your criticisms have some merit.

There's not currently a formal working group. I walked away from it
because there weren't enough people at the time that wanted to do work and
some rather unfortunate comments from some other people (so bad I
contemplated leaving the project)... Now that I've mostly recovered from
that experience, I've started a more modest pull-request experiment...
Moving to submodules is a big project, bigger than I can take on leading at
the moment.

And about my snarkiness... This is still a very sore spot with me, and so I
responded to you with more snarkiness than you deserved. I'd like to
apologise for that. I'm sorry.

I'd love to have your input on this, but first we'd need to find someone to
project manage things...
