working groups reanimation

From: User Ngor <>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 15:43:39 UTC
forking the thread for working groups convo
On 2/12/23 13:57, Warner Losh wrote:
> David,
> Thanks for replying. I do appreciate the offer to help work out a 
> proposal for submodules. That would be quite useful. Technology has 
> improved in the almost 5 years now since we looked at submodules for 
> the first time.  Many of your criticisms have some merit.
> There's not currently a formal working group. I walked away from it 
> because there weren't enough people at the time that wanted to do work 
> and some rather unfortunate comments from some other people (so bad I 
> contemplated leaving the project)... Now that I've mostly recovered 
> from that experience, I've started a more modest pull-request 
> experiment... Moving to submodules is a big project, bigger than I can 
> take on leading at the moment.
I will be more than happy to help restart working groups and play a role 
of a meeting organizer / stenographer and contribute my expertise where 
I can.

First thing we need is a place where a list of working groups can be 
discovered (how and when to join) and where announcements can be shared. 
A dedicated mailing list would be great, but I am also open to other 
ideas (use -hackers maybe fine too?).

Currently the only place I know of is [1] meetings repo on github with 
notes (and it is not complete, bhyve group for example is missing)


Ihor Antonov