4.6 DRM/i915 update CFT (SandyBridge?)/IvyBridge/Haswell/Broadwell/SkyLake/KabyLakesupported

Neel Chauhan neel at neelc.org
Sun May 22 15:19:51 UTC 2016

UPDATE: Broadwell actually does work on my laptop, and quite well, 
provided that I don't use this line in the X.Org config:
	Option "AccelMethod" "sna"

Probably this line in the X.Org config is causing issues.

If I load i915kms and don't use xinit/startx, the console is still 
slow. But if I run xinit/startx, the performance is good. Also, if I 
leave X.Org and go back to the console, the slow console is not there.

Neel Chauhan

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