Renaming our threads libs

David O'Brien obrien at
Tue Sep 25 21:57:33 PDT 2007

On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 08:53:07PM -0400, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
>> The current situation only makes sense to those that have been
>> watching the deal from day one, in "user land" confusion reigns
>> and we're punishing those that choose our platform but letting
>> it continue.
> And when someone has a threading bug, how are we suppose to
> know which thread library it is in?

Because if they linked with -lpthreads they were using libthr (after its
repo-copied).  If they say they linked with -lkse - we know that that is.

There is also 'ldd' output.  Only in folks that have been in the thick of
our thread libs since the day 7.0 was born have the notion that
libpthread is anything other than what is today called "libthr".

> A simple 'ldd application' works if the thread libraries
> stay named differently.  And a simple 'ls -l /lib/libpthread*'
> also works easily.

> I don't see how installing either libthr or libkse as
> libpthread is going to help.  It's not clear which one is
> "libpthread" that way.

Its perfectly clear [after a repo-copy rename].

> The links make it clear,

Only if we have access to the user's build machine - which we won't.

If one wants to easily switch between thread libs for an already-compiled
binary - we have /etc/libmap.conf for that.

-- David  (obrien at
Q: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
A: Why is top-posting (putting a reply at the top of the message) frowned upon?
Let's not play "Jeopardy-style quoting"

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