13.0-RELEASE iichid.ko breaks suspend/resume

J.R. Oldroyd fbsd at opal.com
Tue May 18 13:31:15 UTC 2021

Asus S510UQ laptop

acpiconf -s 3 susp/resume works perfectly on 11.[12], 12.[012]

On 12.2 susp/resume worked with iichid.ko loaded from port
sysutils/iichid 0.0.6.

On 13.0-RELEASE susp/resume works when kernel iichid.ko is not loaded
but resume breaks if iichid.ko is loaded.

When loading modules in this order:
	iicbus.ko	susp/resume works
	ig4.ko		susp/resume works
	hidbus.ko	susp/resume works
	iichid.ko	susp/resume breaks

When it breaks, system still suspends, but it does not resume.
Screen stays off, network is not pingable.  Hard power reset is needed.

Let me know if I can help debug.

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