amd and LDAP - a sad story

Lee Damon nomad at
Fri Jan 3 18:15:18 UTC 2020

On 1/3/20 09:54 , Brooks Davis wrote:
> Adding nss_ldap to the mix makes all programs threaded so a bunch of
> code paths are different.  Unfortunately, amd is complicated, out of
> date, and unmaintained so I'm not sure who will be able to help.  If
> possible, I would suggest putting effort into migrating to automount
> rather than debugging amd since amd will be removed prior to FreeBSD 13.

I was afraid that was going to be the answer. I have ~18 years worth of
layering in the AMD maps. Converting isn't going to be fun and I've been
putting it off for years but I guess it's time.

Of course, I'm pushing against a deadline for this host and that
deadline is well before I'll be able to finish the conversion. I guess
it's time for duct tape and some bailing wire.

The confusing thing to me is that the exact same set up, with the exact
same FBSD release, works just fine for my existing hosts.


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