removable storage usability, devd, hald and X11-desktop in general

Kurt Jaeger lists at
Sun May 20 13:05:12 UTC 2018


Thanks for the detailed report.

> For those who agree with my _user_ usability view, as a summary, can you 
> tell me:
> o How do you access mobile media like FAT UFDs and NTFS HDDs?

I sudo to root and mount it.

> o How do you access aribtrary DVDs (yes, besides data, I'm also curious 
> if someone watches video discs and how)?

Data dvds: See above.


I use one of those commands:

mplayer -mouse-movements dvdnav://
mplayer -dvd-device /dev/cd0 dvd://1
mplayer -dvd-device /dev/cd0 -alang en dvd://1
mplayer -identify dvd://

and a few other combinations. Works, I only vaguely remember one case where
no variant did work at all.

pi at            +49 171 3101372                    2 years to go !

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