removable storage usability, devd, hald and X11-desktop in general
Harry Schmalzbauer
freebsd at
Sat May 19 18:36:04 UTC 2018
after 10 years I replaced my personal desktop machine (FreeBSD8 ->
While aware of OS progress, I haven't followed any development on the
X11 planet.
To my surprise, things were in better shape 10 years ago, regarding
desktop usability.
Biggest question: How are useres expected to handle removable media?
I'm a happy user of autofs(5) in several environments (mostly for NFS
mounts), but I'm not aware of any helper tool which enables _users_ to
unmount before pulling the UFD.
I've heard of PC-BSD and Lumina (see later why I haven't really tried
out the modern "light" desktops) and I think I remember having read they
utilize devd(8). But again, how to unmount?
10 years ago my choice was xdm with xfce4-session, supplemented by
selected gnome tools (eog, evince ...) and firefox/thunderbird.
KDE4 was working well too, the PIM suite was a full/over-featured
solution, yet acceptable performance. I liked many aspects of Kmail,
this was really full featured and I thought the new Qt5 based version
will become my new X default MUA (since I'm very satisfied how Qt5
performs on my old Jolla phone)
But today, Kmail is completele unusable thanks to akonadi – likewise
others of the PIM suite (MySQL database grew beyond quota for only two
folders of my primary IMAP postbox; MySQL as dependency for a MUA is
ridiculous anyways, but a index of several gigabytes?!?! if it read all
folders, I would have needed a second ssd)
My prerequisite is still three seperate x screens. Since no window
manager of the modern "light" desktops like LXDE, LXQt, Lumina could
handle my triple-head Xorg setup, I came exactly to the same result like
10 years ago: xfce4.
It has served me an incredible well job for 10 years. The only
usability flaw was Thunar for me, because of it's feature limitations.
I really expected that in the mean time, it was possible to store
directory dependent sorting preferences – wrong. Much more frustrating,
on FreeBSD, there's no thunar-volman anymore (which wasn't really stable
with hald(8), but as far as I'm aware sysutils/hal has been greatly
improved some years ago – which I never tried on my old machine).
Sorry for throwing in another topic, but where's
It took me the better part of a day to _search the web_ in order to get
my keyboard working. I'm still unsure if I did it how it's supposed to
be done on FreeBSD these days – without hal but wich auto-detetction.
No idea what the devd(8) dependency of the port controls. How does X
interact with devd(8)???
In my opinion, the Xorg(-server) ports need much more attention
regarding documentation. Of course I could have used xfce-settings to
adjust my keyboard layout, but when it comes to the mouse, I need to
set AccelerationProfile, AdaptiveDeceleration and ConstantDeceleration
which isn't covered by xfce-settings and much more important, I want to
be able to fire up twm(1) and also have my keyboard and mouse aedequate
supported. In my opinion, these settings have to be done in the xserver
config. And that was really hard to find out how to on FreeBSD these days.
Then, there's slim(1). It incorporates ConsoleKit, so it's my
preference over xdm(1).
But: It's incredibly the only authentication mask I ever used, which
doesn't handle the vert-tab-key as user/password selector.
Don't get me wrong, thanks for slim, it is exactly what I need, but I
regularly log in as "myuseraccountmynotsosecretpasswordanymore". I
could have bet my tab-key is broken; still can't believe there's not
even a config switch to enabyle this vereywhere-else behaviour.
If somebody's still reading and totally agreeing and fighting the same
usability wars, here's another one:
Inconsistency at it's best: gtk-file-chooser. (In order to walk trough
the filesystem tree from /) Select "Other Places", _single_ click
"Computer", and then you have to _double_ click for entering
directories!?!?! I always disliked the double click and for most parts
of my X application collection I always foud a GUI helper to switch to
single click, but not for the gtk-file-chooser; neither for gtk2 nor
these days for gtk3. Maybe you have had time to read the developer
repositories and know what to put into "gtkfilechooser.ini" and want to
I'm happy to share my Xorg-server setup for a haswell triple head setup
on request.
For those who agree with my _user_ usability view, as a summary, can you
tell me:
· How do you access mobile media like FAT UFDs and NTFS HDDs?
· How do you access aribtrary DVDs (yes, besides data, I'm also curious
if someone watches video discs and how)?
· How to use geli(8)+nonZFS based native mass storage? (I don't expect
there's a ZFS pool import covering method, but for UFS e.g.?)
Any experience report welcome, also and especially from
Lumina/ROX/LXQt/etc. users!
One last exclusion: Anything depending on gnome-vfs can't handle my ZFS
aclmode setup (utilizing chmod in a way which would destroy my ACL), so
this was no option. Haven't checked if gvfs shows the same insane
chmod(2) utilization...
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