zfs problems after rebuilding system [SOLVED]

Mark Millard marklmi26-fbsd at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 5 14:13:54 UTC 2018

Eugene Grosbein eugen at grosbein.net wrote on
Mon Mar 5 12:20:47 UTC 2018 :

> 05.03.2018 19:10, Dimitry Andric wrote:
>>> When no boot drive is detected early enough, the kernel goes to the
>>> mountroot prompt.  That seems to hold a Giant lock which inhibits
>>> further progress being made.  Sometimes progress can be made by trying
>>> to mount unmountable partitions on other drives, but this usually goes
>>> too fast, especially if the USB drive often times out.
>> What I would like to know, is why our USB stack has such timeout issues
>> at all.  When I boot Linux on the same type of hardware, I never see USB
>> timeouts.  They must be doing something right, or maybe they just don't
>> bother checking some status bits that we are very strict about?
> This is heavily hardware-dependent. You may have no issues with some
> software+hardware combination and long timeouts with same software
> but different hardware.

Dimitry's example is for changing the software for the same(?) hardware,
if I understand right. (FreeBSD vs. some Linux distribution.)

(?: He did say "type of".)

Perhaps that type of hardware can be used to figure out the difference.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( markmi at dsl-only.net is
going away in 2018-Feb, late)

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