Ancient FreeBSD update path

Kurt Jaeger lists at
Fri Jan 19 14:24:55 UTC 2018


> I have a couple of ancient FreeBSD install that I have to bring into
> this century (read either 10.4 or 11.1) :-) 
> I'm talking about a FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p4 and a couple of FreeBSD
> 9.3-RELEASE-p53. 
> What upgrade strategy would you suggest? 

The best way is to update stepwise using freebsd-update, so:

8.0 -> 8.3 -> 9.1 -> 9.3 -> 10.1 -> 10.3

> Direct jump into the future (8 -> 11)? Progressive steps (8 -> 9 -> 10
> -> 11)? Boiling water on the HDs? :-) 

Stepwise. Huge jumps have too many rough edges.

pi at            +49 171 3101372                         2 years to go !

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