Ancient FreeBSD update path

Michael Sinatra michael+lists at
Fri Jan 19 22:08:08 UTC 2018

On 1/19/18 4:59 AM, Mike Pumford wrote:

> I've just done a 9.3 to 10.3 upgrade with freebsd-update and pkg. 
> Networking wasn't avalable when the system was running 10.3 kernel with 
> 9.3 userland so I did that part of the update on the console.

I have run into this problem with 9.3 -> 10.x upgrades.  Basically, the 
old 9.3 ifconfig(8) breaks with the new 10.x kernel.

Even though it's not the supported method, I have had good luck running 
freebsd-update on a 9.3 system, installing the kernel and then 
immediately (no reboot) running `freebsd-update install` again to 
install userland.  *Then* reboot.  You should be able to complete the 
update (removing old files and updating ports/packages) without having 
to go to the console.

This method does not appear to be necessary for any upgrades other than 
9.3 -> 10.x.


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