Ancient FreeBSD update path

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at
Fri Jan 19 16:44:08 UTC 2018

Kurt Jaeger wrote on 2018/01/19 15:24:
> Hi!
>> I have a couple of ancient FreeBSD install that I have to bring into
>> this century (read either 10.4 or 11.1) :-)
>> I'm talking about a FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p4 and a couple of FreeBSD
>> 9.3-RELEASE-p53.
>> What upgrade strategy would you suggest?
> The best way is to update stepwise using freebsd-update, so:
> 8.0 -> 8.3 -> 9.1 -> 9.3 -> 10.1 -> 10.3

I would recommend source upgrade instead of binary freebsd-update. It is 
more predictable then freebsd-update if you are updating sooo old system

>> Direct jump into the future (8 -> 11)? Progressive steps (8 -> 9 -> 10
>> -> 11)? Boiling water on the HDs? :-)
> Stepwise. Huge jumps have too many rough edges.

I did upgrade from 8.4 to 10.2 or 10.3, not sure. There was some make 
warning in make installworld phase so I did "make installworld" twice to 
be sure everything is OK.

There is (maybe) simpler way - download (or create own) tar balls of 
base and kernel of your target version (10.4 or 11.1), unpack it over 
old system (in single user) then you can use make delete-old if you will 
have /usr/src with updated source.

Miroslav Lachman

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