FreeBSD 10 on VMWare in a corporate network; How?

Mark Saad nonesuch at
Fri Feb 14 14:43:17 UTC 2014

> On Feb 14, 2014, at 8:49 AM, Mark Felder <feld at> wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 8, 2014, at 13:38, Marko Cupać wrote:
>> First of all, I wouldn't go with 10-RELEASE, as it is not officially
>> supported. Go for 9.2-RELEASE amd64 or expect all kinds of problems.
> "FreeBSD" is "not officially supported" by VMWare. Trust me. We threw
> $60,000 at them and they still wouldn't acknowledge bugs. I couldn't
> even find an engineer that knew what FreeBSD was!

So you need to remind the engineers at VMware their parent company EMC uses and sells things based on FreeBSD. Mainly Isilon and spectra logic as well as other things . 

> Plus you have to consider that we don't even know what version of ESXi
> he's working with in the first place. According to their OS support
> matrix, FreeBSD 9.2 is only "supported" on ESXi 5.5.
> ______________________________________________

If we , all of the VMware users who use FreeBSD on esxi , work out a good set I notes for using VMware esxi  + FreeBSD and work up a good page on; we can make some of the users have a better  experience and we can help EMC / VMware with support as a Side effect . 

Anyone interested in helping ? 

Mark Saad 

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