pkgng: how to upgrade a single port?

Mark Felder feld at
Mon Nov 4 19:48:20 UTC 2013

I now understand what you guys are trying to do, so a suggestion on how
to do it:

1) Use poudriere. Make sure you have your "default" ports tree and your
"production" ports tree. You can test from the default ports tree, and
have a snapshot-in-time of the ports tree called "production"
2) Install/deploy your packages, do your testing, etc etc.
3) When you've finalized a "set" of packages make sure you note the
exact ports tree revision and your "production" ports tree stays frozen
at that revision. Do not do blind updates of this ports tree.
4) When a security or feature update happens for a package you want to
upgrade, update that single port to the latest revision. Example:

cd /usr/local/poudriere/ports/production/www/apache22 && svn up

5) Now you can safely build apache22, and pkg upgrade / pkg install will
ONLY update that port. No other dependencies have been touched.
6) Be very paranoid and test well. Make sure you know what you're doing
and be very careful that the port you updated does not have any
dependencies that it expects to be updated as well.

Good luck.

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