pkg_add -r does not find packages FreeBSD 9.0 rc1

Stuart Barkley stuartb at
Mon Nov 14 22:08:59 UTC 2011

On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 at 15:49 -0000, Erwin Lansing wrote:

> This is an unfortunate sideeffect of our current release process for
> major version releases where it's hard to synchronize the change
> needed to pkg_add and the package sets on the mirrors.

This might be another sign of too frequent major releases.  Like some
others I would prefer to see fewer major version number changes.  A
longer lived stable series is preferable (like 3.X and 4.X).

Since FreeBSD in not the OS I use most often (unfortunately, since I
do prefer BSD), I tend to lag on my personal installations.  I'm still
at 8.1 and would probably go to 8.3 sometime soon if it became
available.  I'm not ready for the breakage 9.X might entail for me.

Yes, these are just numbers and might not have actual significance.
I will probably also be happy to go with 9.0 when released.

Common use (and declared FreeBSD use) is that changes with breakage
imply the major version number changes and changes without major
breakage change the minor version number.

I have been the frustrated programmer who is eager to get my code out
running on more systems.  I have also been the frustrated user waiting
for some needed new functionality only in a development/test
environment.  Trading off the various needs will never satisfy anyone.

Note: I'm far more frustrated seeing Firefox hit 8.0 and am glad that
Firefox 3.6 is still in ports (even if not the default version).

I've never been lost; I was once bewildered for three days, but never lost!
                                        --  Daniel Boone

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