pkg_add -r does not find packages FreeBSD 9.0 rc1

Erwin Lansing erwin at
Mon Nov 14 20:49:53 UTC 2011

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 06:13:59PM +0200, Luchesar V. ILIEV wrote:
> On 12/11/2011 16:36, Kenneth Hatteland wrote:
> > I have installed RC1 and after getting confused with the new install
> > routines, I have my system up. But when I try to install packages
> > like nano and cvsup-without-gui to build my machine up from base the
> > system reports no packages found. This have only rarely happened on
> > my other systems and never on a fresh install.....any clues ???
> Could it be related to this PR?
This is an unfortunate sideeffect of our current release process for
major version releases where it's hard to synchronize the change needed
to pkg_add and the package sets on the mirrors.  There are some
workarounds that may make this a bit less painfull, but in general this
is one of the reasons why we really should aim for maing the src and
ports releases independent from eachother.

For now, the best option for BETA and RSs is to override PACKAGESITE as
Bane Ivosev suggested.


Erwin Lansing                         
Prediction is very difficult
especially about the future                    erwin at

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