ZFS question

Adam Stylinski stylinae at mail.uc.edu
Wed Mar 10 15:54:43 UTC 2010

I wasn't sure what the most appropriate mailing list to address this problem
would be, so I'll go ahead and ask it here.  This is probably most directed
toward PJD, as he did directed the porting effort of zfs to freebsd.  There
are many read only sysctl handles to L2ARC and L1ARC caches, as well as
performance stats.  Some of these are self explanatory based on their naming
conventions, however some are more vague than others.  Could I perhaps get a
detailed explanation of what those sysctls related to zfs actually are
describing?  I'm hoping to build a decent web interface with RRDTool that
has accurate and useful information in regards to ZFS performance
monitoring.  Storage analytics are becoming an increasingly popular trend
and are EMC's advantage over something like FreeNAS.  My efforts are to make
a nanoBSD based distro for NAS systems, but aim at different goals than
FreeNAS (for example, including built in HAST support).  I'm not sure if I'm
going to use m0n0wall's framework or start from scratch, still evaluating
which endeavor will be best to maintain and fit the job.  Anyway, any
explanation would be appreciated, even if you're not the great PJD :-p.

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