Help! regarding libpcap.

Leo yaol.leo at
Tue May 5 02:39:29 UTC 2009

Bruce Simpson wrote:
> Leo wrote:
>> I don't have other pcap lib installed on this box. Previously 
>> installed a libpcap 0.9 on this box , But I've deleted this version. 
>> On my box, not enable BPF. Let me try if enable the feature.
> That's probably what it is. Can you try the following:
> * give pcap configure --with-pcap=bpf WITHOUT having bpf in your 
> kernel config.
> * try enabling bpf in kernel config and building the port as usual.
> Most likely libpcap's new configure script is detecting the lack of 
> /dev/bpf* and assuming there is no packet capture support in the 
> system. This needs to be fixed for cross compiling to be possible. If 
> you could try at least the first fix then this is the answer.
> thanks,
Hi Bruce,
I've tried 2 method on my box. that you previously mentioned.  Both of 
these 2 method can build successfully! Thank your for your help!!

Best Regards!

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