Help! regarding libpcap.

Bruce Simpson bms at
Mon May 4 16:07:01 UTC 2009

Leo wrote:
> I don't have other pcap lib installed on this box. Previously 
> installed a libpcap 0.9 on this box , But I've deleted this version. 
> On my box, not enable BPF. Let me try if enable the feature.

That's probably what it is. Can you try the following:
 * give pcap configure --with-pcap=bpf WITHOUT having bpf in your kernel 
 * try enabling bpf in kernel config and building the port as usual.

Most likely libpcap's new configure script is detecting the lack of 
/dev/bpf* and assuming there is no packet capture support in the system. 
This needs to be fixed for cross compiling to be possible. If you could 
try at least the first fix then this is the answer.


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