6-STABLE (6.2-PRE) and applications (named natd dhcpd) getting stuckin state zoneli (zone limit) - dynamic ipfw rules not working after time- vlans on em

Jonathan Feally vulture at netvulture.com
Fri Nov 24 13:26:47 PST 2006

Running the patch now. So far its still running. Up for 22:57 at the 
moment. I also made a change to my kern.maxusers to make it 320. It was 
setting it at 250 automatically, so I bumped it up as I saw someone 
else's post on a bug saying his maxusers option in the kernel was 15. 
Figured smaller number made it worse.
I am now running a slightly more stripped down kernel as well, UP with 
POLLING on my em0. Hopefully this patch will solve the problems as I've 
had this issue with a bunch of different network apps.


delphij at delphij.net wrote:

>On Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:41:04 -0800, Jonathan Feally <vulture at netvulture.com> wrote:
>>Sorry to cross post, but the net list didn't help a couple weeks back on
>>names, natd, and dhcpd have all been getting stuck in zoneli (zone
>>limit) since I upgraded to the box to stable about a month ago. It was
>>running a 6.1-STABLE before with out difficulty. Very little has changed
>>on the box. All the same applications, same ipfw rules for the most part
>>(just more rules for new customers). Most of the time the processes
>>cannot be killed. I did get lucky yesterday with dhcpd. It finally died
>>about an hour later. I was compiling the latest stable at the time. But
>>got up again today to find dhcpd in zoneli. Can someone please point me
>>in the correct direction to trouble shoot this problem. I don't really
>>know how to get a full dump of what a process is doing, so a quick what
>>to do and post back would be great.
>Will you please try the patch at:
>To see if it gets your situation improved?
>Thanks in advance!
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