crashdumps not working

Michael Nottebrock michaelnottebrock at
Wed Dec 8 05:28:21 PST 2004

On Wednesday, 8. December 2004 13:38, Robert Watson wrote:
> ULE is temporarily without an owner, but Jeff and others have expressed
> interest in working on it further.  I'd not run it for the time being, but
> it's probably not a hopeless case.  Does the above statement mean that the
> hangs or panics you are experiencing don't happen at all if you just use
> 4BSD?

Oh, the 'hangs' (and the reason I turned on SW_WATCHDOG) are caused by me 
experimenting with somewhat volatile stuff (broken software running at 
realtime priority, that sort of thing), they're perfectly expected. The panic 
there with ULE was a one off that happened when I turned on ULE & PREEMPTION 
to test if the warning about ULE being unstable with PREEMPTION tells the 
truth... sure does. :-) 

I'm going to enable the kernel debugger now... Thanks for the help btw!

   ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               | lofi at
 (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     |
   \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD |
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