SV: 4.8-STABLE Kernel Panic with dummynet options.

Johan Christiansen Johan at
Wed Apr 9 04:56:49 PDT 2003

>Anyway, NMBCLUSTERS and NSFBUFS maybe set at boot-time.
>Remove them from kernel config file and just add two following lines into
your /boot/loader.conf.local: kern.ipc.nmbclusters="32768"

>AFAIK 1024 is very-very small value for NMBCLUSTERS.

I tried to compile without the HZ and NMBCLUSTERS, and the machine now boots
Anyways the current kern.ipc.nmbclusters is 1232, reported by sysctl.
What would you reccomend for a gateway/firewall machine on a 2Mbit/512Kbit
With Approx. 20 simultaniously users?

Can i only set these values at boot time?
And what about the HZ value?

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