Signal 11 on X server startup (Was: HEADSUP: XFree86 4.3.0update

Eric Anholt eta at
Tue Apr 8 09:32:38 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-04-08 at 08:12, Ken Mays wrote:
> Has anyone did a thorough test on the RADEON cards with the Radeon driver?
> ATI mentioned they had a Radeon driver with new patches for the XFree86
> v4.3.0 but hadn't heard if anyone validated this on the FBSD side.
> Question: Do we have the *latest* drivers from ATI for XFree86 v4.3.0 for
> the Radeon-based cards (as well as the Rage 128 cards)?!?

If you are talking about the patches from Hui Yu that recently got
committed to XFree86, no.  At this point the radeon driver is diverging
significantly from XFree86 4.3.0, so I don't think I can keep up with
bringing patches over (I also don't have facilities and time to test
them properly).  I may bring over PCI ID updates and minor things.  I
think the best situation would be to create an XFree86-4-Server-snap
port of the snapshots is distributing, for those who need
updated driver support.  I don't think I'll have time to create and
maintain such a port properly, but it would be a great thing if it

If you're talking about drivers ATI is distributing, they have binary
drivers which I have never used.

Eric Anholt                                eta at          anholt at

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