Xorg crashes several times a day

Victor Sudakov vas at sibptus.ru
Wed Jan 27 07:20:01 UTC 2021

Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> The grass is always greener on the other side.
> On Wed, 2021-01-27 at 09:13 +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> > I think it's time to migrate to Linux for a desktop (after >20 years
> > on FreeBSD).
> Linux is a good choice to meet several needs, but Linux isn't a good
> choice to get rid of Intel GPU issues, see
> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2021-January/292754.html .

Yes, I've read it in the thread.

> > 2. Cyrillic filenames support in gvfs (or whatever that removable media
> > automounter is called).
>   [root at archlinux rocketmouse]# pacman -Si gvfs | grep Description
>   Description     : Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO
> GIO is for Gnome Input/Output
> Personally, I believe it's better to stay away from gvfs and GNOME, but
> to fulfill dependencies against gvfs by installing empty dummy packages.

Well, it's build in into the Xfce port and have not found a way to
disable it (the userspace volume mounting) on FreeBSD/Xfce.

> I'm using Linux every single day, mainly Arch Linux, second most Ubuntu.
>   [root at archlinux rocketmouse]# pacman -Qi gvfs | head -3
>   Name            : gvfs
>   Version         : 2013.08.18-1
>   Description     : Dummy package
>   [root at archlinux rocketmouse]# systemd-nspawn -D /mnt/moonstudio 2>/dev/null dpkg -l gvfs | grep ii
>   ii  gvfs           2016:07-13-m all          Dummy package
> ;)

I wish I had an easy way to disable this gvfs automounting stuff in FreeBSD's
Xfce or Mate, then I'd probably switch to sysutils/automount or
something like that.

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
2:5005/49 at fidonet http://vas.tomsk.ru/
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