EFI Framebuffer issue during FreeBSD 10.3 installation

Juan Ramón Molina Menor listjm at club.fr
Fri Jul 15 12:12:38 UTC 2016

> I'm trying to install FreeBSD 10.3 on a Thinkpad T430s, and in two different boot images I'm seeing a problem where when the installer starts, I can only see the ncurses (?) framebuffer in a small portion at the top of my screen. I've tried using safe mode, to no avail. Additionally, the screen doesn't refresh; it leaves this information on the screen:
> EFI framebuffer information:
> addr, size 0x0, 0x0
> dimensions 640x480
> stride 640
> masks 0x00ff0000 0x0000ff00 0x0000000ff 0xff000000
> I can actually use the menus, the system is responsive. However, I can only see the small portion at the top, which makes it impossible to actually perform the installation.

Just a shot in the dark, but have you tried playing with the GOP 
commands in the loader prompt?:

gop [list | get | set <mode>]

Hope it helps,

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