install missing packages in tex-live

Brandon J. Wandersee brandon.wandersee at
Fri Jul 31 04:33:23 UTC 2015

Carmel NY writes:

> On Thu, 30 Jul 2015 18:37:12 -0500, Brandon J. Wandersee stated:
> Presently, I have gone back to using MiKTeX with TexStudio on a Windows
> machine. That "just works".

The official TeX Live installer for also "just works," installing
pre-compiled FreeBSD binaries to a self-contained location of your
choice. Been using it some time myself without a problem. There doesn't
seem to be much interest in maintaining a broad collection of TeX ports
in the FreeBSD ports tree. I can't say exactly why not, but if I had to
guess I'd say there may be two reasons:

1) The TeXLive packages already present in the ports tree are there
primarily because other ports depend on them

2) A perfectly good *official* way of installing, using and maintaining
TexLive has existed for a very long time, making a complete ports set

   		      :: Brandon Wandersee ::
                  :: brandon.wandersee at ::
'A common mistake that people make when trying to design something
completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete
                            			- Douglas Adams

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