FreeBSD Artwork - obi_chuck opening computer casing

Ruben Schade newsgroups at
Mon Nov 10 03:44:37 UTC 2014

On 05/11/14 18:36, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> Hello,
> I am one of those who have used FreeBSD for like 17 years and obviously a
> lot has changed and some things are not easy to find.
> I remember there used to be quite a number of FreeBSD Artwork images
> somewhere. One of those was that of the FreeBSD obi chuck opening a
> computer casing. I have found some of these images here -
>, but cannot seem to find
> this one where a computer casing is being opened.
> Anyone remembers it and knows where I can find it?
> Thanks in advance

Hi Odhiambo,

The official art sources on the official FreeBSD site are below (need to 
drill down from the About tab):

They don't have that image though, but I do remember the one you're 
talking about. I'll reply back if I find it among my masses of images.


Ruben Schade
VM chap in s/Singapore/Sydney/

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