svn bdb checkout?

Peter Vereshagin peter at
Wed Jan 16 20:08:58 UTC 2013


2013/01/16 13:51:42 -0600 "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr" <jnagyjr1978 at> => To Peter Vereshagin :
JANJ> On 01/16/13 13:35, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
JANJ> > 2013/01/16 13:19:19 -0600 "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr" <jnagyjr1978 at> => To Peter Vereshagin :
JANJ> > JANJ> On 01/16/13 12:58, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
JANJ> > JANJ> > Hello.
JANJ> > JANJ> > 
JANJ> > JANJ> > By far the 'portsnap' has a lag from svn. I think firefox-18.0,1 update was
JANJ> > JANJ> > late at 4 days at the least, for instance.
JANJ> > JANJ> > 
JANJ> > JANJ> > Thus I'd like to move to svn for base and ports.
JANJ> > JANJ> <snip>
JANJ> > JANJ> Have you read the handbook?
JANJ> > 
JANJ> > & ...
JANJ> > 
JANJ> > ?
JANJ> > 
JANJ> > | grep -i bdb | wc -l 
JANJ> > 
JANJ> > 0
JANJ> > 
JANJ> > Over again: How could I 'svn checkout' the sources without those '.svn'
JANJ> > subdirectories in the each and every repo's subdirectories?
JANJ> > 
JANJ> > Thank you.
JANJ> As far as I know, you don't. It is part of how svn works. Those folders
JANJ> tell svn that they are controlled by svn.

This is for the case of the svn's 'fsfs' backend.

There is the different backend, the 'bdb' one that keeps data not in the
'.svn' subdirectories but in the 'bdb' format and it's the repository(-ies)
-wide single database with its single file system location.

JANJ> Deleting the .svn folder removes subversion control of that folder[0].
JANJ> You can learn more, it seems, here[1].

No, I do not want to delete the '.svn' directories but I want them to not to
be created at all, like it was created with 'svnadmin create --fs-type bdb'
but as a resuit of a checkout.

There was someone here arguing about 'fossil' that (s)he updates from the
freebsd  repositories into the 'bdb'- backend'ed  svn repo, I'd like to know
a way to 'svn checkout' like this at first.

Thank you.

Peter Vereshagin <peter at> ( pgp: 1754B9C1

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