svn bdb checkout?
Greg Larkin
glarkin at
Wed Jan 16 20:24:12 UTC 2013
Hash: SHA1
On 1/16/13 3:07 PM, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> Hello.
> 2013/01/16 13:51:42 -0600 "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr"
> <jnagyjr1978 at> => To Peter Vereshagin : JANJ> On 01/16/13
> 13:35, Peter Vereshagin wrote: JANJ> > 2013/01/16 13:19:19 -0600
> "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr" <jnagyjr1978 at> => To Peter
> Vereshagin : JANJ> > JANJ> On 01/16/13 12:58, Peter Vereshagin
> wrote: JANJ> > JANJ> > Hello. JANJ> > JANJ> > JANJ> > JANJ> > By
> far the 'portsnap' has a lag from svn. I think firefox-18.0,1
> update was JANJ> > JANJ> > late at 4 days at the least, for
> instance. JANJ> > JANJ> > JANJ> > JANJ> > Thus I'd like to move to
> svn for base and ports. JANJ> > JANJ> <snip> JANJ> > JANJ> JANJ> >
> JANJ> Have you read the handbook? JANJ> > JANJ> JANJ> > JANJ>
> JANJ> > & ... JANJ> > JANJ> > ? JANJ> > JANJ> > | grep -i bdb | wc
> -l JANJ> > JANJ> > 0 JANJ> > JANJ> > Over again: How could I 'svn
> checkout' the sources without those '.svn' JANJ> > subdirectories
> in the each and every repo's subdirectories? JANJ> > JANJ> > Thank
> you. JANJ> JANJ> As far as I know, you don't. It is part of how
> svn works. Those folders JANJ> tell svn that they are controlled
> by svn.
> This is for the case of the svn's 'fsfs' backend.
> There is the different backend, the 'bdb' one that keeps data not
> in the '.svn' subdirectories but in the 'bdb' format and it's the
> repository(-ies) -wide single database with its single file system
> location.
The fsfs and bdb backends refer only to the server side of the
Subversion repository. Each one represents a different way of storing
the repository data on the server side and doesn't have any bearing on
the .svn directory inside of a client-side working copy.
Also note that in earlier versions of the Subversion client, .svn
directories were created at all levels of the working copy. Since
1.7, there is one .svn directory per working copy, but that doesn't
have anything to do with the backend repository format.
> JANJ> Deleting the .svn folder removes subversion control of that
> folder[0].. JANJ> You can learn more, it seems, here[1].
> No, I do not want to delete the '.svn' directories but I want them
> to not to be created at all, like it was created with 'svnadmin
> create --fs-type bdb' but as a resuit of a checkout.
Reiterating - bdb (or fsfs) on the server side has nothing to do with
the presence or absence of the .svn directory in a working copy on the
client side.
> There was someone here arguing about 'fossil' that (s)he updates
> from the freebsd repositories into the 'bdb'- backend'ed svn
> repo, I'd like to know a way to 'svn checkout' like this at first.
> Thank you.
Please see my message from a similar thread a few months ago for a
possible solution:
In short, "svn export" is the way to pull source code out of a
Subversion repository with the .svn directory. However, that command
cannot be used repeatedly to update the same directory tree, but the
svn-export wrapper script mentioned in the thread above aims to do
that. I still have not researched that tool to see if it works as
advertised or not.
If anyone wants to create a port for svn-export and send it my way for
review, I would be happy to do that. Otherwise, I expect to have a
look myself within the next few months.
- --
Greg Larkin - The Power To Serve - Ready. Set. Code. - Follow you, follow me
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