mount error.

Ean Kingston ean at
Thu Mar 24 07:57:24 PST 2005

> 	People,
> 	Partitioning ad0s2 is fine.  But I get a mount error in
> 	the newfs section.  Specifically:
> 	"Error mounting /mntg/dev/ad0s2e on /mnt/usr : Invalid argument"

Gary, are you mounting it by hand? I wouldn't expect to see either the
'/mntg' or the '/mnt' parts.

> 	Anybody know what's causing this and how to get past this?

double check to make sure your /etc/fstab is configured correctly. Make
sure that the device (/dev/*) and the mount point (*/usr) actually exist
before the filesystem gets mounted.

Ean Kingston
    E-Mail: ean_AT_hedron_DOT_org
 PGP KeyID: 1024D/CBC5D6BB

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