Out of the frying pan...
john at starfire.mn.org
Sat Jan 15 21:57:43 PST 2005
On Sat, Jan 15, 2005 at 09:47:13PM -0800, Joshua Tinnin wrote:
> On Saturday 15 January 2005 07:23 pm, John <john at starfire.mn.org> wrote:
> > Oh, and figure out WHAT is going on with Konqueror. On some web
> > sites, it is just fine and dandy, but on other web sites, it just is
> > GLACIAL. I'm talking about MINUTES to render a page. The CPU isn't
> > busy, there's no IO going on - I have NO IDEA what it is waiting for.
> > It's so bad, it stretches credibility. Then, as I said, on other
> > web sites, it's just fine. Sometimes is stops with 94% loaded and
> > just waits a couple minutes - sometimes it pauses with like "12 out
> > of 19 image loaded," and sometimes it pauses just as soon as it
> > resolves the new URL and connects to the server. VERY odd.
> Well, it just told you what's happening. It's waiting to load some
> images and the page won't render until it happens. IIRC, this happens
> because of image tags without size parameters, though I'm not entirely
Thanks for your response, Joshua!
Well, your answer is very reasonable given the information I
supplied, but it is not what's happening. I can have my Windoze
work-owned laptop next to it on the table, and it will load up
these pages in a snap. Konqueror isn't getting any data - it sits
there with nothing happening - no data coming across the network.
> sure about that, but the upshot is that the browser doesn't know what
> the whole page will look like until an image downloads, as there are
> often page elements which depend on the placement of other elements to
> determine their own placement. However, AFAIK this is also considered a
> bug, because Konqueror doesn't handle this issue gracefully, so (again
> AFAIR) this is something that the KDE project is working to correct. I
> seem to remember something about this waiting until KDE version 4,
> however. I don't speak for them, so apologies if this isn't entirely
> correct.
> > So - now back to where things were before my fatal load of Win 98.
> > 1) Figure out Sound FreeBSD
> > 2) Figure out browers and Plugins for FreeBSD
> > 3) Try to get some of apm/acpi working
> > 4) Figure out WHY the system won't recognize (not even IDENTIFY)
> > a CD in my laptop multi-bay
> Have you tried mount -t cd9660 /dev/acd0 /cdrom
Oh, yeah - it's not in dmesgs. 4.x used to at least have an atapi-slave
ID timeout, but this doesn't even do that - the kernel just pauses
and goes on without any message.
It's pretty bizarre - 4.x would boot and actually INSTALL from the
CD, but when you booted from the hard drive, I'd get the ID timeout
message. 5.x boots from the CD, but then can't even install from it.
I boot the CD, then eject it, bring it to another system, and
NFS mount it to complete the installation. Kludgy, but it works.
OK when I'm at home with the other systems, but not much good
when I'm traveling with the laptop... ;)
> You've probably been through that, but can't hurt to mention it.
I appreciate thoroughness.
> BTW, most of this stuff is covered extensively in the handbook, but
> unfortunately I've never had much luck with ACPI, mostly due to my
> hardware.
Yup - I was just making a little "to do" list, in case anyone had
any caveats to yell out. I've already heard from the folks on
the ACPI list - I have some "to do's" to try.
> > Those were all issues before my switch to 5.3.
> >
> > I have a functional laptop again! YAY!
> >
> > Thanks to all, especially you, Andrew, typing with your poor
> > wrists!
> It sounds like so far so good. I know the feeling.
> - jt
John Lind
john at starfire.MN.ORG
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