xorg and xfree86

Duane Winner duanewinner at att.net
Thu Jan 6 07:54:24 PST 2005

Hi all,

I was wondering if anybody could provide me with a brief explanation of 
why FreeBSD has made Xorg the default X11 implementation over XFree86.

It doesn't really matter to me, I've tried it, it seems to work fine, 
and almost exactly the same.

The only problem I've run into so far is is that my old XF86Config file 
with the refresh rates for my external monitor connected to my laptop 
didn't quite take (kept going to 800x600). After some minor fiddling, I 
managed to get it working (I still need to do it again a few times so I 
make sure I understand fully what I'm doing).

I've read a bunch of docs, but can't seem to find an answer on why 
FreeBSD has moved to Xorg. Is it just a political/licensing issue? Like 
I said, it's not a big deal, but I manage the internal 'Howto' document 
for our organization, and since we're in the process of moving from 
5.2.1 to 5.3, it would be nice to have a little mention of why we're 
going to Xorg after my entire section for installing X is going to 
change from Xfree86 instructions.

Just curious.


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