xorg and xfree86

Kris Kennaway kris at obsecurity.org
Thu Jan 6 11:17:21 PST 2005

On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 10:54:13AM -0500, Duane Winner wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anybody could provide me with a brief explanation of 
> why FreeBSD has made Xorg the default X11 implementation over XFree86.
> It doesn't really matter to me, I've tried it, it seems to work fine, 
> and almost exactly the same.
> The only problem I've run into so far is is that my old XF86Config file 
> with the refresh rates for my external monitor connected to my laptop 
> didn't quite take (kept going to 800x600). After some minor fiddling, I 
> managed to get it working (I still need to do it again a few times so I 
> make sure I understand fully what I'm doing).
> I've read a bunch of docs, but can't seem to find an answer on why 
> FreeBSD has moved to Xorg. Is it just a political/licensing issue? Like 
> I said, it's not a big deal, but I manage the internal 'Howto' document 
> for our organization, and since we're in the process of moving from 
> 5.2.1 to 5.3, it would be nice to have a little mention of why we're 
> going to Xorg after my entire section for installing X is going to 
> change from Xfree86 instructions.

We took a look at the activity of both projects, and it looked like
xorg is more active and is going to be the de facto future standard

FreeBSD also has a closer integration with the xorg project because we
have a committer who works on both projects.

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